[drama][celebrities!] Marilyn Manson dropped the n-bomb on film, and journalists are hard at work trying to find it!

21  2021-02-10 by snallygaster


Nothing is more pressing for journos than sussing out every instance of white people saying the nword so they can rile people up and get clicks. Truly the most noble of occupations.

in this case, the first person to find the footage is going to make a good deal of money since Manson is currently a hot topic.

I FOUND IT https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RHJK4PAMCiA

One of you little trustfundlets should shop it to the networks for petty cash

Look at the OP pic. The footage they're looking for is...different

I’m just here for the comments, ma’am. Maybe the headline if I’m looking for heavy reading

Love Patti Smith

BRB, doing a quick ctrl+f on Huckleberry Finn...

I know woke twatter and reddit like to find their next target, but is this guy even cancellable? By cancellable, does he do anything that makes money other than live off of royalties and such? Most of the time they get sponsors to cancel but I don't see what they will take from this guy.

They'll take his tweenage groupies away.

Well there goes his love life.

Another interesting point: isn't being canceled by the left for saying the nslur these days the equivalent of being canceled by the right for peeing on the cross back when Manson started? Well, maybe not quite yet, because we don't have edgy people doing that on purpose yet, but maybe it's up to grandpa Marilyn to start this trend!

The real punk ethos now is going to church, marrying young, spawning an above-replacement level number of kids who'll grow up to hate you, and dying in your fifties of cirrhosis, diabetes, and/or heart attack.

we don't have edgy people doing that on purpose yet

wrong CatboyKami and that bunch

but is this guy even cancellable?

Kind of. His buddies who egged him on and companies who provided him with on-demand groupies and prostitutes will distance themselves, but the edgelords who are into his music won't give a shit lmao

He’s actually currently getting cancelled by his old GFs about weird sex/dom shit but yeah I haven’t heard much real recently and he’s laying pretty low rn

I heard about the metoo stuff. This dude doesn't seem to do appearances or perform anymore (maybe I'm wrong) so I was wondering if he has anything to cancel. Usually, the woke mob go for sponsors and getting these people fired, but he seems to be reclusive and doesn't get much attention anyway.

Who knows. I thought he was focused on writing books and doing art shit but by the looks of his wiki that’s about 10 year old news. Also don’t you find it weird that these women are trying to metoo him and all they are saying is everything that everyone already assumed he does anyway? Like none of this shit is shocking lol

is this guy even cancellable?

Columbine was the last time he really faced scrutiny because journos then were as retarded as they are now

Satanism is okay

Racism is not

Manson could have turned this into a blasphemy joke or something, I'm sure.

Being a child of the 90's its wild to see things come full circle

I called my High Magus today and made it very clear - if Manson isn't expelled by Walpurgisnacht, the Church of Satan can kiss my donations goodbye.

Took me back, when Manson made music and could actually shock.

when Manson made music

What alternative universe is this?

I like his old stuff. They had some pretty good lyrics and some good catchy beats that you can headbang too.

Manson used to be da belle of da ball for lefties. Back when he went on O'Reilly factor years ago and made some pretty good points. And now both those guys turn out to be male feminists. Bill sure, but Manson!?

Imagine being a groupie and spreading your legs for this guy.


Someday the CIA will release footage gathered by satellite+hidden terrestrial mirror arrays of me singing along to Biggy Smalls in my room circa 2005 and my life will be ruined.