A fighter, an anti-masker, a 𝔇𝔯𝔲𝔪𝔭𝔣 supporter, a Q Anonoid, a Pizzagater, and a Strong Independent Woman™ walk into a Mos Eisley cantina...The Mouse says: "You're fired, Gina!"

1  2021-02-11 by JanetYellensFuckboy


Despite her tremendous actress-ing prowace earned from being a member of the fairer sex who beat the fuck outta people, it turns out that posting this might not have been a good move for her Hollywood career. Oops.

Hot take: after an unbelievably large portfolio of problematic things which somehow wielded such little fun drama, I think this isn't a big loss for dramanauts. Her successor can do better. I thus humbly suggest to Das Maus that Azealia Banks be the next diversity token 💪woman💪 in their franchise.

Disclaimer: I couldn't find any of her past bigoted and/or insane posts. Aren't modern journalists just wonderful at doing their jobs of compiling primary sources? If any of y'all can dig it up, you're cooler than me. Until then, I'm going to do the reasonable thing and trust the Internet mob, becuase something makes me beleive that a girl who chose a profession of getting injured and injuring others is a bit on the irrational side.


Now watch as Redditors et al. pivot from "I fucking love this woman ex-Stormtrooper-without-a-helmet character!" to 😡😡😡.


Imagine being even slightly controversial as an actor or actress. Just say the line, monkey, and secure the bag.

No one capable of achieving anything is content just doing what they're told.

And thank God for that. If it wasn't for people doing dumb shit like this, I'd have nothing to read about when I'm hung over.

In my first draft of this, there were a lot of wisecracks about Disney's colorful history with Jews. Coincidentally, I just learned that Bob Iger coordinated there was a campaign to squash "disinformation" about Walt being an antisemite.

lmao unironically making drafts and revising a drama post

We can't all do it off the cuff like Snally

Effort posters have always been the lifeblood of this sub.

she updated her Twitter bio in apparent mocking of pronouns to say “beep/bop/boop.”

this foit is pretty awesome

meh, she backtracked almost immediately on that front.

I thus humbly suggest to Das Maus that 👑Azealia Banks👑

This might actually motivate me to watch starshit. Probably not tho

Snally, I longpost to be like you 🤩

A C lister tweeted herself out of an A list gig. Way to stay true to yourself kween

Here's the /tv/ thread about it in case you want a dosage of highly vaccinated. You can probably guess what they are talking about ((( ))), nuanced and fair-handed as always.

404, but I can basically picture it anyway. Channers are pretty shit as dramacows nowadays - they seem to believe that just spamming gamer words is a perfectly acceptable substitute for wit...

Is there an archive site which also keeps updating live threads?

easily round up thousands

“Ok, so maybe it did happen. But.. 6 million?”

The jews did this.

This is glorious

Where's snappy when we need his wisdom?


What a dumb broad. Everyone knows you can only start saying dumb shit or touch children after you've established yourself, not this soon!

It also sucks overall. IDC about starshit, but she can actually fight and could've had a good career in action movies. Good luck even getting into Scott Adkins movies now.


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This is gonna leave the f-slur ambiguous.