Sarcastic ageing child star releases statement about how they “stand with all survivors of abuse”, in Comic Sans font.

1  2021-02-12 by SandorClegane_AMA


Bryan Singer can fill a pool with underage boys and no one bats an eye. Joss Whedon does....whatever it is he did? And everyone loses their minds.

The lesson here is, if you're going to be a creepshow, DO NOT portray yourself as a male feminist. The word is out. If you want to indulge in that brand of abuse, you gotta transition.

The Bryan Singer shit genuinely makes me seethe. He’s just as bad as Harvey Weinstein but somehow he’s avoided consequences for everything he’s done.

There are entire photo albums of his pedo pool parties. Numerous lawsuits and accusations. But everyone that has worked with him has been too chickenshit to speak out. Elliot Page even made a post on facebook years ago saying how they regretted working with Brett Ratner and Woody Allen yet made no mention of Singer.

I don’t know who he has paid off or what contracts he’s made people sign but the guy is apparently bulletproof.

None of the people who spoke out about Weinstein had careers. I realize it's all glory and what is "right" for everyone, but it's also self preservation to keep your mouth shut. Not everyone wants to be a twatter warrior. A lot of people just don't want to be involved in drama and stay out of it. If you are a person that likes privacy and doesn't want to be in drama, Twatter can be awful even if they are on your side.

What choice does she have? This is the only way to say “I don’t wanna talk about it” without making anyone angry or making it look like she’s really taking a side.

She worked with the guy like 20 years ago, it would be kinda weird if someone called you up to make a statement about someone who was your boss decades ago. You really aren’t obligated to.

You know the rape is serious when the victim pulls out Comic Sans for the Instagram story.

This former employee of the accused is actually just noping out of the situation rather than dogpiling another accusation.

I don't even know what happened and don't know about this drama, but seeing Buffy old really weirds me out.

male feminist is a rapist

Every. Single. Time.