Journalist for the Guardian get fired for tweeting: “Did you know that the US Congress is not actually allowed to authorize any new spending unless a portion of it is directed toward buying weapons for Israel? It’s the law.”

1  2021-02-12 by fameda


Fake news on top of fake news. He wasn't let go or fired from what I can tell. The last image is more of a sternly worded letter.

Guess he forgets who butters his bread in the heat of a gamer moment.

The problem is that 1) you possess a sheep mentality and are unable to think or exercise logic of your own free will, and in fact are not even capable of thought outside the societal norms you've been indoctrinated with, 2) science has not yet caught up with the subtle levels of energy of which the occult and other metaphysical phenomenon occur, and 3) even if you were capable of free thought and science were able to measure these phenomenon, you are not intelligent enough to comprehend any of it.

I mean, I could try explaining it to you. But is it worth my time? You are already of the mindset that jerking off to tranny porn is completely harmless so long as the men have makeup on. It seems their agenda has done permanent damage to your mind and you are beyond reach.


  1. Journalist for the Guardian get fir... -,*

  2. full article is very long. -,*

  3. deleting the tweet and trying his h... -,*

  4. was let go. -,*

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It's amazing to me that there are still so many people that don't understand what things you're never ever allowed to talk about.

When lefties and /pol/ join forces

Maybe if what he said was even remotely true

Many such cases!

On the one hand: fuck The Guardian and fuck the IDF.

On the other hand: Nathan Robinson is not a journalist. He is the demonic man pestilence sent to this plane of existence to torment me.

NjR is peggin u, isn't he?

Something something “pain in my ass”

What did the IDF do wrong here? They don't own the Guardian newspaper.

What did the IDF do wrong

Not one goddamn thing

At least he dresses like a clown so you don't have to guess his occupation.

Oh my god, I just learned of this morons existence last month, it ruined my day. He really is the worst.

Where is the lie?

The lie was that congress needs a law to do this. In reality they do it for absolutely no reason whatsoever.

The actual truth is that we subsidize Isreal with caveats, mainly that they must spend it on American firms. This advances multiple interests, including:

  1. Arming a strong ally in a part of the world surrounded by antagonistic foreign powers, who also let us use local bases, and it creates uniform standard synergies

  2. Bolsters our economy and increases competition through national firms' innovation, which in turn produced military equipment which other countries buy

  3. Makes them reliant upon American military

It's a lot more than giving Evil Bibi a fat payday to dunk on Palatinian children out of Judeo-Christian nationalism or whatever. It's a strategic investment in maintaining hegemony. But can't let (((facts))) get in the way of a juicy narrative for laymen that prints money, now can we?

I write this as someone who's relatively dovish, too

Mossadposting is pretty tired these days

Well then, dude Amerifats and Joos lmao

giving Evil Bibi a fat payday to dunk on Palatinian children out of Judeo-Christian nationalism

Can it be a little bit of this please?

Imagine not wanting a foothold in the one country you can trust in the garbage dump that is the Middle East.

Also Israel has a right to exist for the sole reason that it causes anti-imperialist pussies to twist and turn trying not to be labeled anti-Semitic

imagine trusting israel lol

nice ship you got there

That’s what I’m tonkin about

They get the second tier shit now because they kept shopping it to Chyna tho

I mean you can trust Israel to look out for itself, which is the greatest form of trust possible in the anarchy of international affairs.

Compare to, say, Germany, who desperately tries to look like the good guy while having no balls to back their convictions, so they flip flop like a trout on a dock. One day they'll act really concerned about America droning people, the next day they'll build a pipeline straight to Russia.

the one country you can trust in the garbage dump of the Middle East

Lmao you mean the one that has been caught spying on the US multiple times, sold US military tech to the Chinese, destroyed a US military vessel...

spying on the US multiple times, sold US military tech to the Chinese, destroyed a US military vessel...

Okay but we've all been there once or twice. Still better than literally anything 2000miles to the east.

Saudi Arabia was a major pillar of American global hegemony. Far more so than Israel, which doesn't actually provide anything to America. Israel has only ever been a liability.

Your suggestion that everything in the Middle East is shit only suggests that we shouldn't fuck around there at all. Of course, that will never happen, because every dollar of Israeli lobby money is dedicated to keeping America fucking around in the Middle East.

Saudi Arabia is a complete clown-car of a country, dude.

every dollar of Israeli lobby money is dedicated to keeping America fucking around in the Middle East.

And the money going to Saudi Arabia isn't?

That money is paying for the petrodollar

But I think you're confused. I was talking about the money that goes to American politicians on behalf of Israel, not the money that goes to Israel.

The Saudis have a massive lobby in the US. US aid to Saudi Arabia has a similar angle as aid to Israel, too, in terms of military hardware purchases.

Also, the "petrodollar" exists because of the USD, not the other way around.

No, it exists because Saudi Arabia decided that was going to be the currency accepted.

Oh, Saudi Arabia decided? Rofl. Are you referring to the FDR meeting?

I'm referring to their continuing influence as a founding member of OPEC...

Yeah, they're not powerless by any means, but the petrodollar itself is entirely reliant on SWIFT, which forms the core of the entire global financial system. The US began building this system at the end of WW2 alongside the Marshall Plan.

This is why Iran is so pissed off about those US financial sanctions and the freezing of their financial assets. It basically locks them out of the global economy, for the most part.

Bruh. At least the Israelis know how to win wars. The rest of the so-called US allies in the Middle East are useful solely for them letting the US use their land for military bases.

How does Israel killing their neighbors benefit me?

It doesn't. Neither does paying for tinpot dictators favorable to petrochemical interests. They can't even bomb a Yemani mud hut properly. Let them all earn their own fate among themselves.

I couldn't agree more, so why did you bring it up?

Far more so than Israel, which doesn't actually provide anything to America.

Do you not remember how Israel turned the Egyptoids, the strongest Soviet-aligned country in the region, into an American vassal?

What did I get out of that again?

An American-led liberal world order.

Again, what did I get out of that?

Idk about you but that seems to be an objective of America.

That doesn't answer my question

Far more so than Israel, which doesn't actually provide anything to America.

Your question shifts the goalposts just a smidge.

Oh , cool. I posted that yesterday.

Instead we'll go back and I'll point out that Israel pissing off its neighbors doesn't actually further American global hegemony. Instead, it's existence only served as a catalyst for hastening the end of American global hegemony.

Resources and political capital expended on the Middle East for the purpose of preserving Israel occurred simultaneously with the growth of regional powers elsewhere.

Yeah bro Islamists and Arab Socialists hate America and the Western world in general cause of Israel . They'd love us otherwise.

They probably wouldn't think about America at all, given that we wouldn't be bombing them or fucking around in their part of the world at all without Israel.

Yeah America only has allies and interests in the Middle East because of Israel. In fact the only reason the Cold War happened was Israel.

During the Cold War those people you were claiming would hate America regardless were very useful to America.

For example Egypt after Israel defeated them multiple times and they decided maybe it's better to ally with America instead of the Soviets.

Was mostly talking about Afghanistan, actually. Too bad about how that turned out, thanks to our pals Israel.

And here I was thinking the most powerful country in the Arab world was more important than some goat rapists in the mountains who only sided with us because the Soviets invaded them. Silly me.

the most powerful country in the Arab world

It's only that because of the things we give it. Any country given what's been given to Israel would claim that title.

I'm talking about Egypt and it was the most powerful country in the Arab world because of it's massive population and armaments from the Soviets. Not to mention Israel was winning wars against the combined Arab world way before it had American support.

Way before it had American support

Israel has never existed without western support.

R-slur moment. Israel originally was supported by the commies and fought with weapons shipped from Czechoslovakia. Serious American aid started after Israel was already winning it's last major war.

In May 1946, Truman announced his approval of a recommendation to admit 100,000 displaced persons into Palestine and in October publicly declared his support for the creation of a Jewish state.

Lmao the US and more significantly The Brits were involved before Israel even came into existence.

Yeah those kind words really contributed to the wars Israel fought and really are comparable to a superpower directly arming and training Israel's enemies.

Given that those words, along with the actions taken by the US and Brits before and after the creation of Israel, were completely necessary to create the state of Israel... Yeah.

Israel has never existed independently of western powers. They created it, and when they're gone it will be too.

The world powers unanimously agreed to create it, Western and not. America did nothing to actually create it other than agree it should exist. Again, the primary ally of Israel at creation was the Soviet Union. American support in any significant form other than words began during the Yom Kippur war and aid actually arrived when Israel was already destroying Egyptian and Syrian armies.

They created it, and when they're gone it will be too.

Unbelievable levels of cope lmao. Israel exists because it's surrounded by r-slus that couldn't defeat a tiny country with full material support, advisors and even occasional military action of the Soviet Union.

American support in any significant form other than words...

Simply not true. And again, you keep ignoring the fact that the seed that would become Israel required the British long before Israel ever existed.

You should be really brush up on the history of the nation you're such a big fan of. Hell, maybe reach out and get yourself some cash too. They pay people to do what you're doing for free.

Simply not true. And again, you keep ignoring the fact that the seed that would become Israel required the British long before Israel ever existed.

Ok and? That has nothing to do with Israel winning wars on it's own. The Brits did do a good thing by letting Jews immigrate to Palestine though. For the record they abstained on the vote creating Israel though.

You should be really brush up on the history of the nation you're such a big fan of.

If you unironically believe the average redditor story of how America is the reason Israel won its wars you're the one that needs to read up.

Hell, maybe reach out and get yourself some cash too. They pay people to do what you're doing for free.

I'd suggest the same to you but unfortunately I doubt Israel's enemies experiencing economic collapse can pay you much.

I'd suggest the same to you but

Oh I'd totally do it for Israel if they paid me. I could make pro-Israeli arguments just as easily, yours are just incorrect. Hit me with the deets if you know how I can join JIDF no meme.

Sorry but the JIDF higher quality argumentation than you seem capable of.

Wow rude

Sorry it's very exclusive.

Israel will pay for this snubbing 😡

They really haven't properly considered the impact of us agenda-posting on a bussy forum.

I have a side job as an instathot, my reach is long.

It truly never began for Israelcels.

Imagine not wanting a foothold in the one country you can trust in the garbage dump that is the Middle East.

The US has a significant amount of troops stationed in Bahrain, Kuwait, Jordan, Qatar, and the UAE. The US military presence in Israel is minuscule, other than a bunch of military equipment kept there.

This is not to say that Israel isn't one of our greatest allies, but to show that we have clearly cultivated relationships with other countries in the Middle East as well.

it causes anti-imperialist pussies to twist and turn trying not to be labeled anti-Semitic

Who’s twisting? We can drop you zionist there and let the people who want to leave out and then cut all funding for Israel and everyone who stays that’s not a child gets to be an enemy combatant. Done.

Technically the budget is a law, no?

Yeah but there's not a law compelling congress to send billions to Israel.

Sure there is, it's 18 U.S. Code § 1591

Personally I was appalled and depressed to see new funding for Israeli missiles being passed at the same time as pitifully small COVID relief.

Did you know that if that $500 million was sent to US citizens, it would more than double the check, increasing it by about $1500? Such a shame, isn't it.

Your math seems a bit sus. Billion, perhaps?

On the contrary, it's you who is drinking the Jüdischemathematik cool aid.

Journalist got fired. That's all I need to hear

Where does it say he got fired? The email just demands that he retract and apologize

Full article.

Take it up with the OP. I'm reading from the first line of the post.

One down, hundreds to go.

Guess someone needs to learn 👏 to 👏 code 👏!

I am good at putting out sharp, well-sourced, political commentary quickly, and needed little editing.

The Guardian is under no obligation to employ me as a columnist, even though I am a very good columnist.

Well dramatards is he very good?

He's an insufferable twat who dresses like a plantation owner and speaks with an affected Mid-Atlantic accent.

affected Mid-Atlantic accent

you're a r-slur for implying there's non-affected Mid-Atlantic accents

It came natural to Katharine Hepburn.

It's called acting, dear boy.

should have learned to code then.

I don’t read my replies on Twitter, because they’re always just full of nastiness and I don’t like getting in arguments. 

Lol. "I LIKE blasting thoughts with no feedback whatsoever because I'm that egotistical."

What a f🅰️g.

I'm too lazy to read all that, but I like the pink font.

Updooted, anyway.

Funny that this is what got him fired and not getting caught coaching Tara Reade's brother when she was still making the news.

I love how the article starts with GUBURNMENT CONSPIRACY but very quickly turns to bitching about being let go from his private company.


I don't really get why he's claiming the tweet was a joke. It wasn't.