Ch*po Chat's founding admin gets MeToo'd for grooming and stalking a 16-year-old girl

4  2021-02-20 by fujiste


The copium levels are getting off the charts in that thread.

Drama posting as a whole rots your brain, the sub is easily one of the most transphobic subreddits filled with Enlightened centrists and alt-light trolls, the mod team is a bunch of weirdo nominally left succdems who post on Stupidpol about how they're the bastion of left thought.

One of them made a post about how they used to be a SJW but alienated all their friends and family and now decries idpol, when in reality they're probably just insufferable to be around


  1. Ch*po Chat's founding admin gets Me... -,*

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All Chapos Are Groomers

Chapo is probably the only place in history that got more woke after getting yeeted off reddit. Incredible, actually.

Reading their modlog is always good for a laugh.

"TransComrade69 Banned zizekwasright

reason: please i'm begging you to tongue fuck my asshole, you pathetic piece of shit"

Got some mixed vibes from that reasoning lmao

no it's not

is too!

Not really.

Yahaaah! Yes really!

Banned gaygestapo reason: Fed posting


Who could have predicted this?

I told him I call the cops on him and he called me a cop fucker

Chapos hate police because they don't want to get arrested when abducting children.

Makes sense.

Well considering a ton the people who were arrested and those 2 that got rittenhoused that were calling to abolish the police during the summer of the unheard had long records for domestic abuse and kiddy copulation I'm starting to see a pattern.

Plus cops are killing black people and getting away with it and that's only okay when Chapos do it.

It’s Hakim Bey’s Temporary Autonomous Zones all over again but with worse music

Chapoids trying to take the stereotype away from us lolbertarians

He got angry and called me a reactionary and a cop fucker


It seems the communist utopia that will be ChapoLand will have a lot of child rapists in it.

Well, yeah.

In communist utopia children no exist. Everyone citizen with equal say. There no need foolish laws to stop young comrades being educated in pleasures of flesh.

Chapos and lolberts working together to free all kids of their virginity.

Friendly reminder that agr of consent laws exist because of capitalism, or so I heard from Vaush

Not allowing sex with kids is white supremacist level shit. Fuckin fascist capitalists.

He thinks that in communist utopia kids will be smarter and thus able to give informed consent at an earlier age. From this we can extrapolate that he thinks child prodigies in current society are smart enough for that, and that he is always on the prowl for smart kids to fuck.

There’s a long stupidpol thread created about it by someone who brags about being a chapo wrecker, so yeah, either way it goes, there’ll probably be a few wreckers coming around to stir the pot. I’ll just wait for TC69’s judgement on this.

*ahem* Sweetie that was me, and I created the arrDrama thread, not the stupidpol one. I just also happened to mention being a wrecker in the stupidpol thread. Get 👏🏿 your 👏🏿 facts 👏🏿 right 👏🏿

Yeah, stupidpol thread was me. And, unfortunately, I can't brag about being a chapo wrecker 😢

They can't even get their false-flag conspiracies right 😹

They're desperately grasping at straws to say the girl is lying. There goes believe all women. They only support me too as long as it's not one of their own child rapists.

Well, to be fair to the lunatics in question - they did go through the song-and-dance of "believe all women" in theory. The chapocel gigajanny got demodded from everything, and TránsComrade69, their crack investigator, is on the case 😂

Well that's good. That comrade sounded like one of those guys who screams about Trump all day so he can't attract anyone but teenagers who think he's intelligent because they're just too naive and dumb to see that he's a total child rapist loser. Only a 16 year old would believe that his therapist told him to track her down to make amends. She's actually pretty lucky the grandma was there.

agr of consent laws

Some of the greatest heroes of breadtube and the like, such as Foucault and Ginsberg, openly campaigned agaist such laws. I think Sartre dis too, but I'm not sure I'm not mixing him with another beatnik.

"Finally, my fat gender-fluid comrades! We have defeated capitalism! Now to build our utopia."

Two seconds later genocide of women occurs because 99% of the MTF's saw complaints of sexual harrassment.

Leftoids embracing Libertarianism is further proof of Horseshoe Law

Leftoids were the original libertarians, look up anarchism age of consent on google.

Leftists literally were the original libertarians. Libertarian socialism predates what we now consider libertarianism by decades.

Anarchists 🤝 Sargon

It depends on the child doesn't it?


I love meme ideologies 😊

Chapo and grooming and sexualizing minors

Tale old as time.

Male feminists strike again...

No way his therapist told him to go make amends with a 15 year old he’d beat off in front of. What a manipulative piece of shit.

This whole thread is problematic sweaty 🥺

I know it was stupid, but I was so scared he’d cause a scene in front of my parents when they got back from Wholefoods

Another rich kid falling for Communism. Why am I not surprised?

B E R I A ' D

Rapist! Treason!

Either way this turns out those people are massive PoS

Look, on the plus side, it saves us writing up the re-education camp lists.

Anime and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race.

Der ewige männliche Feminist hat es schon wiedergetan.





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