Without comment I present the insanity that is the official Twitter account of the US Consumer Product Safety Commission.

173  2021-02-25 by pewkiemuffinboo


Seniors are 16% of the population, but they account for 77% of the deaths from clothing fires

Almost had a yikes moment there.

The video that goes with it is really good.

From the beginning where she's cooking in all kinds of loose clothing to try to hide her fatness. Followed up by the waddle out to give dumbass advice to her elderly father instead of offering to help. Finally dad tells her curtains can catch fire and she is in awe of his knowledge. The parents look at each other for the 10000th time acknowledging their daughter is dumb as shit.

If there is one area in which I approve of hiring modeling thots, it's fed agency commercials. Think about it: if some Gisele Bündchen-ass looking bitch was carrying this, wouldn't you take it more seriously than some fatass Hispanic babushka? Forget Smokey the Bear; if some Taylor Swift clone was telling you "HEY, DON'T START FUCKING FOREST FIRES, MORON." wouldn't you shut up and listen? Not to mention the FDA...oh my God, we could pull any random girl from The Den in Hollywood to say that [t-word] fats won't make you look like her, it would double borderline anerexia in our dear Burgerstan. And it would be beautiful.

No, I would not listen to women.

This is the correct answer.

If they hired Nick Offerman to tell me the same things I would be a changed man within the hour

Even with his Nick Cage voice?

Or any man younger than me.


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Probably the most sane federal Twitter account tbh

I respect them more than the troops. Protecting the safety of US citizens shitposting on Twitter compared to the usual forever wars is a nice change of pace.

We need to subsidize more shitposting

They already do, It's called disability checks!

Those subsidize furry porn commissions more tho

Shitposting is literally the game of presidents and billionaires

This is an amazing find.

I love the recall notice for the fucking Urban Outfitter wooden candle holder that catches on fire 😂

A federal employee (likely college educated) is being paid to make memes.

These are some "Hello, Fellow Kids" tier memes that were clearly generated by a normie trying to mimic the interwebs. Yet somehow instead of being cringeworthy they're absolutely hilarious.

If my job was telling r slurs how not to burn themselves when they’re cooking I might go slowly insane too.

This is amazing. I've always wondered what the chain of command is for federal government Twitter accounts. Apparently there is none at the CPSC, and they're now my second-favorite federal agency for it

Social media management in the public sector is a lot more of an afterthought compared to private sector.

You'd be surprised how many agencies leave their entire SM presence up to low-level customer service offices. A 'puter in the back office with the password to the agency FB on a sticky note isn't uncommon.

NSA # 💯 🤔

This is really wholesome and you can't change my mind.

Why do they retweet themselves so damn much

To be fair, their original tweets are better than like 99% of Twitter.

Oh definitely, I love the tweets, just annoying to scroll through them.

If you tweeted them this, there's a strong chance they'd listen. Because they're doing jack shit with their career otherwise

If you follow them you can turn off retweets

Just a guess and I follow them. Tweets from their account usually have low actual engagement compared to a lot of stuff so if you don’t have your account feed set on new you may not see them especially people with high follow counts. Retweeting themselves brings up the chance it’ll show on followers timelines.

Damn that’s tight inshallah

I wonder how long would it takes for every official accounts in this world to embrace the meme economy.
