Mr. Potato head is now non binary, this upsets certain groups

117  2021-02-25 by TheColdTurtle


Leftoids: ugh (thing) is really yikes and problematic, do better sweaty. Rightoids: this is the end of western civilization, race war now.

I unironically want a race war now just to satisfy my curiosity of who’d win.


I don't think the r-slurrs who actively call for shit like civil war and mass insurrection even take into account of how many countries would immediately swoop in to finish off the rest.

We're gonna build a wall and make reality pay for it.

I have many of them in my family, they either don’t think about it or just don’t care. Too many people take for granted the benefit they get from the US being the sole hegemonic superpower on earth and will likely not appreciate it until China starts swinging its dick around harder and harder over the next few decades.

That's... surprisingly accurate. Kind of happens when you've spent 75 years pissing everyone and their mother off.

Na theyd keep it to covert support of both sides

Actual invasion would unify everbody

You'd have to be off your nut to try to attack an America that is off the leash and fighting with itself. I can only begin to imagine the atrocities we'd commit against foreign invaders.

Nah. Totally depends on who they are coming to aid. Nobody would be dumb enough to try and fight america as a whole, because everybody realizes that is how you galvanize a population. Instead, they'd pick a side and find legions of burgers ready to go full interahamwe.

Everyone thinks of a race war as being between whites and blacks. I think 50% of whites wouldn't engage and there aren't enough blacks to effectively fight 150 million whites. Race war would probably end up being Mexicans vs Chinese.

Team composition is honestly the most fascinating thing about a hypothetical race war.

Who would asians join? Latinos? Would Jews voluntarily mark themselves in a false hope they won't get mistaken for whites? So many questions.

Asians would definitely join whites, but in the same way hitler allied with stalin. The moment the war was over, they would both start plotting the next one.

Depends how you define "win".

If "winning" is just a matter of surviving, the Jews are the obvious bet. Everyone and their mother has taken a shot at them, and they just won't go down.

If "winning" is ending up in charge when all is said and done, the Jews are the obvious bet. No matter how many times they get fucked over, a few generations later, they're back in business.

Race wars are dumb because we already know who wins, because it's the same group that won the last hundred times.

The Jews are unironically gods chosen people

When people talk about race war or civil war in the US I really wonder what they envision. I don't really know what a civil war would look like in this country, but I don't really think it would play out as simply as everyone seems to imply.

While everyone else is busy wiping each other out ndns will hide out on the rez living off their fat stores and take their country back

Hasbro saves production costs by making the Potato Head toys more interchangeable

decorates the change with woke language

AP fucking news covers this hogswill

i want to die


I love me some performative corporate wokeness.

What is Xir Potato Head's chromosomes, though? Only thing that matters is the sort of meat he's packing underneath that sour cream. We must peel back the truth.

There's only 12 of them mind you.

Now Potato Head

Now Non binary

I'm sure non binary folks are simply jumping for joy.

They are exactly as ret@rded as the people who made this decision expected them to be, did you read the replies? They be like "yaaaaaas xueen!"


I'm just going to point out we never had any real proof that Mr Potato was a naturally grown man. Just that he identified as one.

This makes sense since you could always easily change Mister Potato Head to Miss Potato Head by just a few quick changes to face and dress. Xe was always non-binary.

wouldn't that be pansgender?


Hasbro makes their toys in some chinese slave shop but sure let's all talk about making Mr. Potato Head sexless. Corporations have us figured out to a scary accurate degree.

This is eunich-erasure.

This shit and the outrage it’s caused is literally just a marketing scheme. They’re getting better and better at the tightrope of “any news is good news”.

Finally enbies have the representation they truly deserve: a spud.

So they're getting rid of Mrs. Potato Head? Wouldn't this count as female erasure? Bold move, Hasbro.