"America is back" DDD bombs the fuck out of brown people in sandy areas to much applause, but some in his administration had a different tone when DDR was in office.

171  2021-02-26 by SlimjobDopamine


I don't even know what bombing Syria has to do with BLM but if they don't say "black lives matter" they are part of the problem.

Silence is violence.

Lotta Syrian Nationals suddenly getting awfully quiet right now... 🤔🤔🤔

Sounds like they got just what they deserved.

I never saw anyone from Syria make an official Instagram post on it, so they are obviously racist fucks.

Bombing Arabs is a right of passage for all new Presidents, kind of like a hazing ritual.

Yes. All the Arabs Saudi Arabia hates. Was surprised he called out MBS. Wonder if MBS is getting removed?



No, the US can't remove any Sauds. What they can do, though, is withdraw military training and logistical/intelligence support over time to let the many sharks circling the country move in ever closer.


This. So much this.


Great take on the event.

Trust The Plan

Patriots closing in

Cold take: In the 21st century, "endless war" is as meaningless a concept as "endless policing."

joe has to get his neolib street cred back after all that antifa trojan horse talk

You are not a true American government if you dont get to bomb some third world country.

That video was pretty badass.

I fuckin love Biden now!

We've always been at war with Eurasia

I guess my dream of a Shia-minus-Azerbaijan-aligned USA really will never come to fruition 😞

Umm... Why "minus Azerbaijan"?

They have fallen into the Pan Turkic alliance.

The eternal roach

Because the Soviets taught them not to fuck women and give their goats equal rights.

Fair point. That is pretty cringe 😡

idk just not a fan tbh

Step d@d is just as bad as old d@d.

Maybe mommy is bad at picking...

Iranian backed muhlitia got what they deserved

72 gussies? No thanx fam!

The weirdest part about all of this is how many stupidpol posters and internet Trumpers seemingly thought we had ever stopped bombing Syria, or Trump hadn't been amping up drone strikes and bombing campaigns in the middle east his entire term.

In terms of American bombings, this is about the most unshocking in recent history. You fire rockets at US forces, you're probably going to get bombed.

🍕=🦅? 🤔

Not really, I always maintain America is a garbage country with not one redeeming quality.

But at the same time, the 'Trump dove" narrative was just so absurdly stupid and false I don't know how it ever managed to take root on the internet, in any community.

And I also don't see how the response to rocket attacks can be anything other than retaliation. I suspect had Biden not fired back, they'd be calling him weak and accusing him of "not defending American soldiers" or whatever.

Perhaps because he didn't start any wars (first one since like... Carter, I think?) and actually (mostly) fucked off from Syria? That would be my guess, idk...

I mean even this is a weird argument. He tried his hardest to start wars, he assassinated an Iranian general that was so high up the list even some of the most prolific Warhawks in America called him crazy.

He did his best to sabotage nuclear talks with Iran, pull out of deals, and put us on the path to war with Iran.

This included openly threatening to bomb their cultural sites as well.

He did all of this while ramping up US involvement in every war we're involved in, hiding civilian casualty reports, and removing most rules put in place specifically to avoid killing civilians.

Trump was, by no definition of the term a "dove" and constantly declaring he "didn't start any new wars" as if there's anyone else to even go to war with at this point is weird.

The only country left is Iran, and he tried his hardest.

Honestly I was very skeptical of what he did to soleimani but that went about as well as it possibly could have

He retaliated and all Iran did was piss and shit themselves and down an airliner

Honestly, 180 innocent people dying is "going well."



Pick one.

I think DDD is applying the same logic to his missile supply as he does to his boners; use it before you lose it.


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