Not a cult btw.

69  2021-02-26 by Zero5urvivers


Party of Christian values

Literal Golden Idol

Next election cycle they will be sacrificing children to Moloch to own the libs.

You joke, but the Old Testament was woke. I don't know that it STARTED restorative justice, but it definitely had a totally cool way to deal with crime.

Wergild is the wokest form of justice to ever exist.

No surprise. The type of person who needs to be told not to worship a golden statue is the types of person who would worship a golden statue.

Aaron was the dumb hot one.

Not even the pope can keep the concept of "Christian values" straight at this point, so that ship has kind of sailed.

Being a conservative grifter must be so fun/easy. Keefe has a booth there and he's literally never produced anything of value and been caught making fake videos 8+ times now.

New class in business school, MKTG 301: "You don't need a business or the stock market lol just grift on social media. Class dismissed."

I think that statue is supposed to be an object of worship, but I am having doubts, due to the low production quality and the boxer.

We're talking about CPAC here. There are people there bragging about trying to overturn an election they lost.

It's not really the cream of the crop. Conservatives don't have anyone intelligent left. Years of anti-education propaganda and proud ignorance have rotted away the entire intellectual base of western conservatism.

when Don Jr and Ben Shapiro are your intellectual vanguard, you know you're in trouble.

There’s a few left, I think. David Frum? I think National Review has a couple. I dare say the Dem party has the remaining “intellectual” conservatives because Trump made it too embarrassing to be a Republican.

when Don Jr and Ben Shapiro are your intellectual vanguard, you know you're in trouble.

Really shows how far the conservative have fallen, if they have to look up to Sharpie Benji.
