the swedes are back to their viking roots

47  2021-03-04 by Galatians_416


"the swedes" aka an Afghan immigrant

Yikes sweatie, the article doesn't mention his place of origin so there is no way to know.

Vikings were actually BIPoC arabs, sweaty.

i only read headlines

Nah, when there's a mysterious attack and nobody mentions who the perpetrators are, you know for sure it was those filthy Buddhist terrorists.

Lemme axe you something

he probably used an axe with a large head, like a felling axe. big mistake. historical war axes had very small heads, relying on the force of the swing to do most of the damage

Nothing disappointed me more when it came to learning about pre-gunpowder warfare than finding out that the heaviest weapons commonly used were like 15-20 lbs max. That and how Warhammers and other pole-arms didn’t have giant heads to them like how they are usually portrayed.

I thought murder was legal in rural Sweden so long as it was done with an axe? They should have at least let him complete raping and pillaging before locking him up.

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  1. the swedes are back to their viking... -,*

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