The sun never sets on the drama empire

1  2021-03-09 by Galatians_416

  • BanVideoGames 125k subscribers
  • LoveForLandlords 37.2k
  • LoveForAnimesexuals 3.9k
  • LoveForScalpers 3.8k
  • MelvinCapitalLove 1.5k
  • banime 1.0k
  • LoveForAmazon 745
  • LoveForDronePilots 560
  • LoveForMcConnell 484
  • nestledidnothingwrong 442
  • LoveForSuperStraights 256
  • LoveForJoeManchin 183
  • LoveForFBI 155
  • LoveForKarens 136
  • LoveForJesus 123
  • LoveForParents 64
  • LoveForLockdowns 57
  • LoveForKyrstenSinema 25
  • LoveForBillionaires - banned
  • LoveForLawEnforcement - banned
  • LoveForBankers - banked

Blaire White did a video on the Superstraight stuff. I got a chuckle out of her defending it. She nailed it though in her assessment and I generally cringe at some of her takes. She is right when she says only insecure people get mad at this stuff. People who are confident in who they are dgaf. I suppose this explains why reddit Ts are raging. Reddit seems to be filled with insecure people who like to self diagnose themselves with tons of mental illness as if it's a badge of honor. They are so bad about it that they get mad at the same demographic who is very confident and just enjoys life.

Great idea collecting everything in one post so the madmins can just stamp everything out in once go.


2 relevant subs one sub on the cusp of getting yalled a collection of dead and banned subs

Some empire.

Which one is on the cusp of getting yalled?

The third one, I assume. We were kind of expecting it to happen already on Saturday morning...

SuperStraight for not yalling the frentards.

Nah we have been putting overtime 🧼🧹

repeating for visibility:

make autojannie force everyone to say "twomen are women." It'll troll the TERFs, rightoids, and trains at the same time; and it might save the sub from death

you're a reddit quisling, i hope you know that

What’s that mean?

Well, who was right?

The original frentards on /pol/ were the ones who came up with the superstrait meme in the first place. I don’t get this idea that somehow it was only just normal bait to make the t-slurs mad and not blatant agendaposting.

No, they weren't. Look at the fucking dates... I kind of expect SRDines saying this shit, but seeing that point made on 🏴‍☠️drama is rather annoying.

SRDines are saying this shit and telling them otherwise gets your comment removed.

I know, I actually had an argument with a particularly thick SRDine over there, and surprisingly even got upvoted all the way. Then they just nuked the whole thread for unclear reasons (there was absolutely no rule-breaking shit there - just historical explanations).

Looks like the whole post is nuked now. I wonder why.

They seem to just nuke any mentions of SuperStraight or offshoots. I tried asking BroboxylicAcid for their motive on here, but he's refusing to share any info (other than it's all TITS and phedre)

Sounds like they're trying to avoid admin troubles.

Meh. I don't see how showing that sub to SRDines can lead to any admin troubles ¯\_(ツ)_/¯.

Enlighten me on the history then. Because everything I have seen about this points to it being yet another “Its ok to be white”-esque psyop.

Zoomer on Chinese spyware made a tag. It was brewing for a few days among zoomers there and on twatter, which is also when someone made the sub on reddit (which was utterly dead for a while). Someone found the tag here on 🏴‍☠️drama and posted it, which led me to find the sub when it had 10 subscribers and just started getting first arguments, using the normally useless reddit search function, roughly at the same time as frentards did. Then our beautiful community got the ball rolling, which you can tell by just looking at the modlists on any "super" sub of your choice.

Channers jumped on it late and rather clumsily.

I haven't had this much fun with reddit since they took pinging away. Part of me feels bad because most of the time it feels like I'm bullying inexperienced 15 year olds, but then I remember these kids haven't ever faced bullying so it's time for me to introduce them to this rite of passage.

Fair enough. I’ll still maintain that frencels hijacked the fuck out of it.

They tried, back when it was barely moderated - there were pictures of white families, SS shit, and a bunch of posts in the "embrace tradition" vein. Once The Best Fucking Modteam in History™ got there - their shit basically stopped.

Rightoid patrol is an essential function of any bait sub mod team, and they’ve done rather well


That’s slander.

it's from tik tok. 4chan is dead as a meme source nowadays.

Still better than Brittards 😳

Do you have some insider info? What makes you think the sub in question getting y'alled? It's moderated by the most reliable and responsible team on reddit now!

And all of them have one joke. They really do capture the essence of drama



Not bad, considering it was accomplished without the Maxim gun.

No love for MuhammadFanClub?


This post is pure COPIUM

I created LoveForNeeraTanden a week or two ago as well

based i added it

Are you secretly working for the hippo sub? 😏

the what

Angry Hippo Swarm. You know, people typically making lists like that and attributing them to Deux or something.

absolutely not, im a loyal dramautist


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Sometimes ghosts come in pairs

We'll see about that.