HuffPost Canada unionizes, all operations apart from keeping up the archive ended 2 weeks later.

1  2021-03-11 by mugiamagi


torn between my love for unions and my hate for internet “journalists”

Very conflicted here. Then again the fact that this is a canadian makes it much easier to think about. Imagine being canadian unironically.

Nah, fuck Buzzfeed infinitely more. Just look at this smugboi.

This is the first time I have looked at a person and thought that they deserved to be cucked.

Imagine having this as a thought. Like just looking at random dudes and being like cuck, uncuckable, ect. Some sort of radar. Cuckdar.

He’d probably like it though.

He is the elder brother of comedienne, actress and writer Chelsea Peretti.

Guess that explains why she's annoying.

Peretti co-founded The Huffington Post along with Kenneth Lerer, Andrew Breitbart and Arianna Huffington in 2005.

WTF I had no idea. HuffPo AND VICE (Gavin McInnes)?

It should really tell you all you need to know about journalism: they're all just filling a niche and pandering to a particular audience at any given time. Take it all with a grain of salt.

Lol I didn’t even have to scroll down to “early life”

Is this the power of ultra instinct?

"Jamie, bring up early life"

gawker was far far worse.

It seems like these people try to look like a pol stereotype.

But unionized journos. Imagine how unbearable that would be.

Yeah they might strike and not write anything for a few weeks. I’m shaking at the thought of that.

Wouldn't that be so terrible

I think it would be better. They get uphold standards and say no or advocate for stories.

That's already supposed to happen with professional journalism standards and ethics, but it doesn't. I think it would just make them harder to fire.

What protection do the offer from your employer if it's suppose to happen.

I don't understand your question. What protection do unions offer or the professional journalism standards and ethics?

What protections do there association for standards and ethics offer from their employer

None. That was my point. I don't think it would actually benefit the quality of the journalism or the product that we end up receiving, just make journalists harder to fire, which considering how many shitty journalists there are, probably wouldn't be a benefit to the rest of us.

I would disagree than.

I like unions in theory, but living in Oregon every time I see a story about a union it generally seems like they're trying to make me hate unions.

private unions protect their workers from private interests

by analogy, what do public unions do?

when you figure that out, you'll get why everyone hates public unions

Because most people tend to only hear about unions whenever they fuck up. When they do their job properly there isn’t much of a story there.

It's like a company's IT department. Properly funded, staffed, trained, and equipped? "Why do we pay you so much? Nothing's gone wrong."


Staff were provided a Zoom link with the password “spring is here.”

I want to know which absolute whiteboi chad made the decision to make a nice happy cheerful password just to say "yeah, nah, have fun with your union."

'spring is here' is a reference to spring cleaning, aka cleaning house, aka you are fired.

lol even better. That's great.

If you're going to attempt to unionize, your craft must produce some value to have any leverage to negotiate with. And here we are.

your craft must produce some value

Even shitty online blogs pretending to be news sites make ad money.

to have any leverage to negotiate with

Had it not been for the recent acquisition by Buzzfeed they probably would have had the leverage they needed. Too little too late I guess.

If they produced any value, they wouldn't have been acquired by buzzfeed

And if they produced any value, their employer would be gagging to negotiate with them and keep them around, union or not. And we're back at your original point. Funny how something so logical seems so hard for so many to grasp.

Your original comment is what often goes unsaid or unrecognized about unions: you are only as accepted or useful as your members are valuable. Anything less and there's no impetus with work with you or anyone you represent. It's a pretty obvious lesson on ROI and supply and demand that people seem unwilling to understand...

How did this union even function? If 23 people is 30% of your union don't you have 0 collective bargaining power?

Its Canada, so once they get past 25% membership the company is probably stripped from its former owners and given to the union. Or something.

I really enjoy the people encouraging the people laid of to continue on in a dying industry.

What else are they going to do? Use their above-average verbal intelligence to learn another language that allows for the arbitrary control of computers and other electronics?

That's one option. They could also use their above average grasp of the English language to go teach it to others who do not speak that language in places unfortunate enough to not be America. Otherwise known as a sexpat.

More realistically, they'll probably try to get administrative or PR jobs at whatever left-wing political causes they've been giving handies to for the last X years, simply converting one form of activism into another. Most of the journos probably have connections and clout to go along with their college degrees.

I was going to say "Rake those ___ Leafs" but then I realized that there is no slur for "blue checkmarked journos". The title IS the slur.