Ben Shapiro fails to mention his sister's bodacious rack even once while reacting to Oprah's interview with Meghan Markle.

1  2021-03-12 by busslordlowkeybussin


Imagine being a conservative and knowing Ben Shapiro is the "intellectual elite" of your political party.

Guy is so incoherent and engages in so much fallacious reasoning he's like on equal footing with a discord right-winger.

Ben is way smarter than he appears on his show. The thing is he has to pander to his audience of 80 IQ rural rslurs and suburbancels so he has to dumb down all of his talking points to appeal to them. That isn’t to say his positions have actual merit, unless you are a multi-millionaire they don’t, but he isn’t stupid.

This isn't really what I mean. I'm talking about the blatant dishonesty he engages in.

I caught on to this when he tried to cite the 3rd reich trilogy to prove "communist violence" caused nazism, and cherry picked a specific page from the book while ignoring the fact the book refuted that claim and even argued against it.

That's not dumbing down a talking point, it's just callled being a dishonest person.

Another example of what I mean (and this is something all conservatives engage in, not just him) is trying to claim only the explicit counts. Dog-whistle, implication, subtext - these things don't exist in the conservative lexicon.

Steve King is a good example of this - he was an open white nationalist for many years. He never specifically said he was a white nationalist, but it was obvious to anyone that looked at his language and the things he said.

Ben Shapiro spent years shilling for him and trying to accuse the left of being crazy for calling King a racist.

Only after King outright said "Yes, I am a white nationalist" did Shapiro admit it and admit he was wrong.

But he knew he was wrong the entire time. There's no way he didn't know King was a white nationalist.

Only once King made it literally impossible to spin the things he was saying did Shapiro stop calling people crazy for stating objective reality.


The guy with trump derangement syndrome? No way,old sewer gangbang is an ethonostate advocate.

He is smart book learning, and he can apply himself, but he sucks dick at reading a situation. I think he came off really well initally because dunking on college kids is easy game. You've got a mike they don't and he has wit. Plus a lot of these issues today had lot of resistance, also from the MSM. A lot of biased coverage too. Look at Peterson, guy is fucking scam. Dunks on some dumpy reporter who couldn't stand up tohim, becomes a legend. Also Joe Rogan boosted both these guy's.

I don't dislike him cause of his political leanings, I dislike Shapiro because he's an attention-seeking asshole. A long time ago, he went on to Piers Morgan's show just to say that he doesn't think a basketball player coming out as gay was brave. The player doing that and being praised for it hurt no one at all and it was such a harmless thing to start an argument over but Shapiro did it anyway because he knew that simply being the contrarian to say the guy wasn't brave would get him attention.

Nothing wrong with being conservative on tax, law and order. In fact Identifying as one or the other is stupid. Definitely something wrong with being a trump tard.

This is where we agree, and I think this is the problem with conservatism is it has attracted people like this. That hurts the party and you have to shun them. The undesirables in society are hateful fucks like that.

I really like the example use and the way you frame it too. I am hopeful that more people have this compassion.

Crazy that on a drama sub we have convos like this.

Being gay isn't brave though,when you have the entire soros cabal behind you.

Did you win a round of fortnite today? You seem particularly jazzed up. Congrats.

Cuz he is speaking to Americans. You can trick Americans into everything.

They believe that Obama was a commie Kenyan and Trump a undercover agent for the Russians.

I heard american say stupid shit like "calories in and calories out" doesn't work just because some fucking yellow journalist said so.

To be clear here, the Trump campaign had ties to the Russian government and Trump's son literally met with Russian intelligence, in Trump tower, after being promised dirt on Clinton.

I don't know why people keep pretending these things didn't happen or weren't proven by multiple bipartisan investigations.

I doubt Trump was working for anyone, he's just a useful idiot, but suspecting his campaign after learning these facts is not unreasonable.

Just like Obama had ties to Kenyan. Doesn't fuck mean he is a foreigner.

Trump son meet with Russian lobbyist is not the same as Trump being Russian agent. You can't say just "ties" as one it does determine what the relationship between Trump and Russia.

In fact you talking with me ties you together with Swedish intelligence service ? Because i have friend that works there. See the relationship between you and Swedish intelligence service is non-existed yet you have ties there now.

You need describe the relationship between entities to get anything meaningful out of it.

Is this a joke lol?

Few things.

Just like Obama had ties to Kenyan. Doesn't fuck mean he is a foreigner.

Nobody claimed Trump was a foreigner. This is one of the most absurd claims I've ever seen anyone make. And trying to claim heritage is somehow comparable to ties to a foreign intelligence is insane.

Trump son meet with Russian lobbyist is not the same as Trump being Russian agent. You can't say just "ties" as one it does determine what the relationship between Trump and Russia.

No, he quite literally met with a woman with deep ties to Russian intelligence, after being told the Russian government was offering dirt on Clinton:


In fact you talking with me ties you together with Swedish intelligence service ? Because i have friend that works there. See the relationship between you and Swedish intelligence service is non-existed yet you have ties there now.

Did Swedish intelligence contact you and offer you dirt on your political rival? Do you unironically not know what the word "ties" even means?


Investigators ultimately had an incomplete picture of what happened due to communications that were encrypted, deleted, or not saved and due to testimony that was false, incomplete, or declined.[7][8][9] However, the report states that Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election was illegal and occurred "in sweeping and systematic fashion"[10][11][12] but was welcomed by the Trump campaign as it expected to benefit from such efforts.[13][14][15] It also identifies links between Trump campaign officials and individuals with ties to the Russian government,[16] about which several persons connected to the campaign made false statements and obstructed investigations.[4] Mueller later stated that his investigation's conclusion on Russian interference "deserves the attention of every American".

Did Swedish intelligence contact you and offer you dirt on your political rival? Do you unironically not know what the word "ties" even means?

Does matter you got ties now biatch. Nobody gotta prove that something happen

No, he quite literally met with a woman with deep ties to Russian intelligence, after being told the Russian government was offering dirt on Clinton:

Yes and? Receiving information is not the same as being Russian agent. How does this mean Trump over his sons actions?

Investigators ultimately had an incomplete picture of what happened due to communications that were encrypted, deleted, or not saved and due to testimony that was false, incomplete, or declined.[7][8][9] However, the report states that Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election was illegal and occurred "in sweeping and systematic fashion"[10][11][12] but was welcomed by the Trump campaign as it expected to benefit from such efforts.[13][14][15] It also identifies links between Trump campaign officials and individuals with ties to the Russian government,[16] about which several persons connected to the campaign made false statements and obstructed investigations.[4] Mueller later stated that his investigation's conclusion on Russian interference "deserves the attention of every American".

Copy pasting still. Lets review the text

Investigators don't know what occurred. But Russians did something illegal, Trump Jr liked it, Then we have "ties" that does not describe the relationship, People lying,

Great case you have there buddy. Maybe could prove it in a court of law , oh wait the fact none of the people got convicted anything related to being a Russian agent. Most people that got convicted was for lying to FBI.

That is why Russians that were directly involved with election interference had their charges dismissed with prejudice when they defend themselves?

Does matter you got ties now biatch. Nobody gotta prove that something happen

That's not how this works idiot. There's a difference between irrelevant ties and relevant ties.

Yes and? Receiving information is not the same as being Russian agent. How does this mean Trump over his sons actions?

The claim wasn't that he was a Russian agent. It was that he colluded with the Russian government to influence the US election.

Also, there's no way Trump himself wasn't aware of the meeting.

Great case you have there buddy. Maybe could prove it in a court of law , oh wait the fact none of the people got convicted anything related to being a Russian agent. Most people that got convicted was for lying to FBI.

How do you prove something when the suspect obstructs justice, deletes all of the evidence, and is protected by a cult?

At the very least Trump should be in jail for rampant obstruction of justice.

That's not how this works idiot. There's a difference between irrelevant ties and relevant ties.

It exactly how it works. Nobody gotta prove a shit if it's relevant ties. You saying got ties there buddy. That is why the term "ties" rather a direct description of the tie.

The claim wasn't that he was a Russian agent. It was that he colluded with the Russian government to influence the US election.

Which would make him a Russian Agent wouldn't it?

How do you prove something when the suspect obstructs justice, deletes all of the evidence, and is protected by a cult?

At the very least Trump should be in jail for rampant obstruction of justice.

So at least agree nothing is proven and yet accusation are thrown without evidence.

It exactly how it works. Nobody gotta prove a shit if it's relevant ties. You saying got ties there buddy. That is why the term "ties" rather a direct description of the tie.

I don't know how to word this in a way you can comprehend. There's a difference between irrelevant ties and relevant ties.

Which would make him a Russian Agent wouldn't it?


So at least agree nothing is proven and yet accusation are thrown without evidence.

There was tons of evidence, actually. Guy literally hired manafort as campaign manager. A man that worked for the Russian government in Ukraine for over 10 years.

I don't know how to word this in a way you can comprehend. There's a difference between irrelevant ties and relevant ties.

Who says it needs to be proven? the accusations against trump that is tossed ,the ties are not proven they are simply stated as being relevant.


Works with the Russian intelligence but somehow not a agent for the Russian. Okey why?

There was tons of evidence, actually.

A ton but zero conviction . I guess "i can't prove but" didn't work so well in court

Yeah we should ignore the evidence of our own eyes because conservatives decided a sitting president cannot be indicted or convicted of any crimes.

Works with the Russian intelligence but somehow not a agent for the Russian. Okey why?

What exactly do you think the term agent means?

Yeah we should ignore the evidence of our own eyes because conservatives decided a sitting president cannot be indicted or convicted of any crimes.

Guess what? His not the president anymore. Hit him with the charges.

What exactly do you think the term agent means?

A person that works with the Russian intelligence services.

Guess what? His not the president anymore. Hit him with the charges.

Turns out that not only do conservatives believe a sitting president can't be charged with crimes, they've also decided a president that is out of office cannot be charged with crimes.

Very well designed system.

A person that works with the Russian intelligence services.

Working with does not = working for. For the record, I doubt he was working for or with them.

He was just a useful idiot playing to their cause because he thought it'd help him.

the people around him on the other hand absolutely worked for the Russian government to some extent.

Paul Manafort absolutely was working for the Russian government.

Well fucking said. This jamoke doesn't even talk about policy. When you think about this guy; Peterson; Crowder; and the plethora shit bags on the far right none of them do. They don't have an understanding of the world and the needs of the nation. Let's go back to this thing, wtf does this have to do with conservative policy?

Asides from that Abagail Shapiro is kind hot. Glad she doesn't take after her (little? age not height) brother. Or at least hides it very well.

As someone who watched the whole interview I don’t have enough space left in my head for Ben Shapiro’s rslurred commentary: my own is surely enough.

Most probably he didnt want to embarrass Meghan.

What about his wife's profession?

Those milkers are fuckin WILD. Google her and look at them sweater puppets! Then look at her "husband" so you can know what it's like to be "literally shaking right now". He makes Ben look like the next 007. Fuck me though if I wouldn't want to be him for a day.

The skininess-to-tit size ratio is insane.

So he reduced himself to reaction videos? I thought Benji Sharpie coudln't get lower than he already had.

The only intelligent conservative personality at this point is that sexy lady on Firing Line.

15 minute video? You think our dopamine fried out brains can handle that?

how do people listen to this nasally slappy the dummy looking shit head


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