How do people actually think hunger is a problem in America? I see articles saying that obesity is a massive problem in the HOMELESS population and then other articles saying 1 in 8 Americans are going hungry. So I'm like who?? Who are these people??

6  2021-03-13 by MasterLawlz

I'm being 100% dead serious here. Who the fuck are food drives for? Which people in this country are going hungry? I'm not even trying to be mean here or anything, I just genuinely feel like I'm taking crazy pills when I see both articles at the same time.

When I think of hunger, I think of someone who is underweight and starving. The kind of shit you read about in history books where people literally died from lack of access to food. When was the last time anyone in America actually starved to death? Missing a meal or having to ration out portions more doesn't mean you're going hungry. If homeless people, as in people with literally no resources of any kind, can still not only feed themselves but actually consume so many calories that they become 30 lbs or more overweight then I don't see how any journalist can actually think that hunger is an actual problem in the slightest.

The Washington Post even wrote an article about how people in Houston are going hungry. Houston?? Do you know how fat people are in Houston?? Texas is honestly one of the worst-case scenarios for this topic because there's no good public transportation and everything is so spread out so when people do go out, they drive everywhere. You have to go out of your way to get any physical activity at all.


user reports:
1: oh so lawlz thinks he can dunk on the fatties just because he lost a few pounds?

Masterlawlz's tapeworm is the best thing that happened to him. It's also his best friend.

Not to mention that it allows him to use royal "we", which opportunity he severely underutilizes for some reason!





Wow, a good lawlz post for once!

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I’m glad

It’s a secret problem for a lot of families. Have some compassion, Lawlz.

Okay but how? In what way? If people living on the streets are fat then how can normal Americans be starving?

People living on the street don't have to care for children.

Okay but poor kids are more likely to be fat than kids in rich families

So again I ask, who exactly is going without food so consistently that they actuality become emaciated because of it? If your BMI is in the healthy to overweight range then by definition you aren’t going hungry

A friend of mine said she wouldn’t know where her next meal was coming from when she was growing up. She was a healthy weight, but they were not sure when and how they would get fed.

Are you sure she just didnt know when her parents bought groceries?

Basically junkies with kids spend their money on smack and are too lazy to use their food stamps, so their kids don't have any SpaghettiOs and have to eat glue. It is pretty hilarious how many sheltered bleeding hearts don't understand that we have safety nets and even homeless people can get food and medical care. These are the same dumbfucks who give homeless people money so they ruin every downtown area and intersection, not realizing that they've probably paid for at least one lethal dose of fent. Do they happen to notice that like 50% of homeless people are fat as shit? I knew a homeless guy and he had food stamps, government benefits for being crazy, and soup kitchens. He was just usually too lazy to take advantage.

Yeah, homeless people are pretty awful to be around. Most 95% get $200 at least in food stamps, and then trade it away for booze, meth, and heroine. I used to have compassion until I started dealing with them for work, and realized that 90% of homeless are either too crazy to take care of themselves and are a danger to everyone around them, or would rather do drugs or drink booze all day and not have any real responsibility.

Yeah the people who have compassion for them are the ones who have zero interaction with them besides handing them more fent money from the windows of their SUVs. They should be forced to clean up homeless diarrhea slurry on the streets of San Francisco until they get poopilled.

Tbh I give homeless people money in the hopes that they'll OD.

Beighst 😎

Be sure to deduct it from your taxes as charity

not realizing that they've probably paid for at least one lethal dose of fent.

I believe in giving back to the community

The poverty hunger thing in America is completely made up. In fact, the poorer you are in America, the fatter you are on average.

Eating crap causes not only weight retention but also nutrient deficiencies that exasperate weight issues

Eating chicken and broccoli or some other vegetable every day is cheaper, just as fast and more nutritious than junk food

Not that you're wrong but spoilage and access are still huge issues for a lot of poor people.

Food deserts are a myth. You can put as many suoermarkets as you want in poor areas and trashy poor people will still eat taquitos from 7-11.

Literally not true. But whatever

Lol no, it is. Food deserts are stupid shit that sociologists make up and college professors teach after not leaving campus for several decades. Poor people love McDonald's and Popeye's, honey. They do not want to make steamed asparagus and salmon. Truth hurts.

Most everyone likes that shit. It's scientifically designed to do so. The issue is when it's the only easily available source for long periods. I mean I live above a bodega but it's a higher end one that has fruit/veggies and cut raw meat that's fresh. Not everyone is as lucky as I.


Oh, that explains it, you're a New Yorker. Most poor Americans don't live in conditions comparable to the conditions suffered by the poor in your hellhole city.

I don't live in ny... Completely different state

No it doesn't. Basic CICO still applies for shit food.

I can eat trash food everyday and still lose weight. What causes the increase in weight is over-consumption of calories which can both be done in bad and good foods.

You have no idea what you're talking about lmao. CICO is as rslurred as saying "fuel is fuel" and then putting propane into an internal combustion engine. The history and science of why CICO as weight management is so overwhelming b yet idiots still tout it letting everyone else know who is an idiot.

You should feel ashamed.

CICO is probably only thing people agree on. Long as your fatass is in a caloric deficit will lose BW and caloric surplus increases BW.

Fuel is fuel. It is what it is. Just because you can't toss a wood into a diesel engine doesn't mean the wood is not fuel.

You just proved my point. The problem with CICO is that the devil is in the details and the CO portion of the equation is heavily affected by the types of nutrients coming in that is hard to calculate from just using a spectrometer to calculate total caloric content.

Fats need far more energy to make "useful" than simple sugars... Hell simple sugars mostly get stored immediately as excess adipose cells instead of being used as energy. While we need simple sugars for brain function, excesses have shown very strongly to cause higher chances of obesity.

But you have take that into calculation doing CICO. Foods have different thermic effect of food. It is not insane math and doesn't have to be so precise either.

That is why there are diets that focus on macronutrients.

Exactly my point, as the difference of metabolic changes between different activity types. Food replacement (change from healthier from crap) alone helps weight control far more than restriction alone. That's why CICO as a base philosophy is critically flawed.

I'm a little more concerned about this than most people because I have to be in excellent physical condition to do my job well... But to me "eat better" is far more effective to start with in results and in a convincing ppl style than "eat less" first. If you eat better you'll probably eat less anyways...

That's why CICO as a base philosophy is critically flawed.

lulno. It's not a philosophy it simple generalization of a person caloric intake and caloric expenditure. Easy and fast way to check rough estimations.

There is reason why somebody doesn't attempt a 1 caloric deficit diet. Because the deviation values do not allow for such things.

That why people go higher values of CICO. That is why numbers are much higher like 500 caloric deficit or surplus.

It because being fat is more dangerous than having poor physical condition. If you are gonna be lazy and fat. Better just be lazy .

If you are gonna be lazy and fat. Better just be lazy .

Literally on my family's crest in latin.

But yeah I'm talking about practicality, with an eye on results. Hell if there was a campaign on "the donut diet" where you shop the super market around the edges and only sparsely so the interior aisles we'd see immediate results lol


the absolute state of r-slurs in here

when did this place turn into the comment section for 🏴‍☠️news

When jannies banned linking

Fat people are very hungry all the time, I don't understand why do you think that there's some contradiction here.

It’s called paradoxical obesity. They are extremely well nourished, but nutritionally deficient.

Yup. Homeless and poor people have shit diets so malnutrition-based conditions like scurvy (extreme example, there are others) can show up because of that. There still are people who are starving starving but the main one is that.

Really another shit effect of the emphasis on caloric intake, an insanely effective an ongoing pr campaign by the sugar industry

Ha, this looks like the opposite of rabbit starvation! Can the two be combined somehow?

I presume this is unrelated to the phenomenon where massively underfed / starving people in third world countries bloat up for some reason.

Yeah, I used to know why that happened but drawing a blank. Tbh I just made up the term to shitpost but it functions well enough to describe the phenomenon. Really the problem is both calorie density and type, as someone else mentioned with sugar.

This is the answer to your question and it's still to this day how they calculate "hunger" in America. But in reality it's just a gift for people to pull a salary from some hunger fighting NPO.




Thomas Sowell


Don’t you dare diss my economic daddy like that

Lol I'm such an ✡️tist that I actually got excited when they cut to Paul Krugman, it's like when they cut to Meryl Streep at the oscars

Citing Thomas for literally anything is evidence of disability.

I don't even know if this is true, but that guy is a giant moron and I wouldn't take him seriously on literally any topic.

He's historically illiterate and just very delusional. I'd guess years of being the token black conservative "intellectual" did it to him.

If there's a ghoul/dumb view out there you can be sure Thomas is repeating it.

From "the crusades were a response to Islam" to "Nazism was actually left-wing" he's perpetually wrong.


It's majorly children of either incompetent, drug addicted, or mentally ill parents. Also homeless, but mostly the drug addicted kind. Also minimum wage wageslaves who have to choose between rent & their car and food.

Lots of poor kids don't get lunches made by their parents (or parent, because in my experience it was almost always a single mom), but their parents also can't afford to buy them a school lunch every day.

I think malnourished is a better word to use than hungry, if a kid is skipping breakfast and lunch every day and eating McDonalds for dinner they're going to be extremely unhealthy even if they aren't fat or starving.

How incredibly stupid do you need to be not to understand that eating mcdonalds every day leads to malnutrition, you absolute retards

Now there's some thinkcrime if I ever saw it. Accept the status quo and don't ask questions or try to spot contradictions!

People on the streets don't have access to apples and carrots

If you're fat, you're not living in poverty.

The fat chick on 1000 lb Sisters even got the Shanghai Shingles and she didn't even die. lol

You can be fat and nutrient deficient when your main diet consists of government subsidized gunk and breaded mashed up recycled chicken guts.