Arr Funny has a post about a pitty with a cinder block in it's mouth. Post get's brigaded with Pibble FACTS.

1  2021-03-15 by __TIE_Guy

Sort by controversial.


To all saying pitbulls are monsters who don’t deserve to live: imagine someone saying that about YOU without knowing anything about you. I work at an animal shelter, and we see a LOT of pitbull mixes. They are rarely ever violent, always sweethearts, and want nothing more than to find a good home with someone who loves them. I have never and will never be afraid of them just because they are pitbulls. I have seen plenty of terrifying dogs and only one was a pitbull mix, the rest were mixes of various other breeds. So before you blindly mislabel an innocent creature, maybe think about the people who raised the “bad” dogs you are thinking of. Direct your negative energy toward eradicating dog fighting rings, towards people who abuse their animals, or towards people who train their pitbulls (or other breeds) to be killer dogs. Those PEOPLE are the problem, not the dogs, and you aren’t helping by enforcing the horrible stigma behind this beautiful breed. They are lovely creatures, just like all dogs, and deserve the same chance at life that every other living thing does. I don’t care if this gets downvoted to hell— as an animal lover and pet parent, I will never sit by and let people slander innocent animals.

Edit: I’m not saying you have to love pitbulls, and I’m certainly not saying you have to want to own one. Everyone has a preference in what breed they want to have. I don’t care about that. Imagine if someone called your dog a “killer dog” and told you they didn’t deserve to live. How would you feel?

Edit 2: Downvote all you like, pitbull haters. Please never get a pet and don’t talk to me. You sicken me.

Bonus: I clicked on their profile. Guess which other subs they post in

Female dating strategy? XY Chromosomes? Tell me please.

Arr "teenagers" is one

No one is saying they don't deserve to live, they are saying they should not be domesticated or kept as pets.

Is there an animal that screams white trash more than pibbles?

Boa's? No hate against snakes, but why get one that eats babies or little kids.

Pibbles genuinely do scare the shit out of me

Like no joke, I can’t be around one without being on edge. And I know my fear is totally justified

They can also smell your fear. Maybe that is why they attack kids. Like kids are innocent and just see them as dogs.