Front page of Wikipedia uses busted looking photoshopped Taylor Swift snap.

1  2021-03-15 by SandorClegane_AMA


She looks puffy. Probably fillers and didn't get them early enough before going out.

Could someone translate this for me? I don't speak female

lol fillers in your face make you look puffy on purpose because it removes wrinkles from eyes and other areas of the face. Generally, they settle but a lot of women do it constantly to remove wrinkles and fill out areas of the face that they think make them look hallow. Like the bottom of the eyes get more shallow as you age, so you can use fillers to puff them out.

🙏 Ty ty

On the real, it sucks that the societal standard forces women to cover up their natural selves. It's an arms race of pageantry akin to the Cold War. If nobody had the nukes that are mascara, the playing ground would be equally...equal. We mo*ds wouldn't notice the difference!

When I tell a girl she looks even more pretty without makeup, her response is reliably "Really!?" That's sad.

I'm an old xoomer beach bum girl from Florida, and I hate the caked on makeup look that is the trend now. I just want to go outside in the sun without my face melting off. I still wear makeup just very little of it. I want to wash my face within an hour with too much makeup on.

Plastic surgery always looks so surreal tbh

Do you see how sharp her chin looks? It's biologically impossible.

Photographer just smudged her face around crudely in photoshop.

There's something you can do now that will make your chin more pointy like that using fillers. I think she's just filler'd up in this pic.

cute rat