"foid" is a slur and is now banned from our subreddit.

1  2021-03-15 by pewkiemuffinboo


have a good day.


By Allah, even the eunuchs of MensLib are less castrated than we’ve become 😭

It's not by choice here though.

I give it a month before "Britbong" is banned.

used by incels

Well, yeah, therein lies the joke. Hate that I had to explain parody to get unbanned from this site.

Thanks for asking, Pewkie.

I've said it multiple times: the website is run by 60 IQ pink hairs and Indian call centers.

It's completely dead for anyone that doesn't want to normie post about cats and spam upvote black families to the front page of pics.

Wtf is it with Redditor’s obsession with black people doing things? Its bordered on fetishization for a while now.

Like, wow they are people who live lives as well. Isn’t it amazing how they are capable of doing things, just like us?! Creeps me out.

lol this is so true.

Reddit: omg look at this pic of a black person getting married OMG WOW

I maintain that wokies are the most racist out of everyone because they immediately bring up race and act as if black people are too weak and stupid to do anything that white people do and need their help.

Well gee whiz, let's see if ol' Uncle Ted had anything to say about this:

Many leftists have an intense identification with the problems of groups that have an image of being weak (women), defeated (American Indians), repellent (homosexuals) or otherwise inferior. The leftists themselves feel that these groups are inferior. They would never admit to themselves that they have such feelings, but it is precisely because they do see these groups as inferior that they identify with their problems. (We do not mean to suggest that women, Indians, etc. ARE inferior; we are only making a point about leftist psychology.)

Feminists are desperately anxious to prove that women are as strong and as capable as men. Clearly they are nagged by a fear that women may NOT be as strong and as capable as men.

Thanks, Ted! Very cool!

It’s as if Teddy was inspired by Nietzsche and copied some of his work. But in a much lazier less creative way.

Everything is just a lazy rip off of big N



Yeah, I think it's pretty evident by the constant need to "empower" or "celebrate" them as if they are these poor dumb people with no power to do anything unless the wokie helps them. Instead of treating black people (or any minority) as a person and just hating or loving them for what they do and who they are, it's always "oh this poor black person must be struggling to make money and needs my help so that they can do something with their lives." They always immediately think women, black people, etc need their help because we're too desperate and dumb to do things without some handicap.

God I wish I were a bloid during the grift boom. It would be like investing in Apple stock in the 80s.

I actually was offered a certificate of sorts to identify as a female owned business and I declined because that’s the dumbest fucking thing I heard because one phone call tells you I’m an f slur along with my LinkedIn pic and I’m not advertising I’m some wokie loser like pronouns in a twatter profile. Like I don’t need to try to pass 😂

But why not take their money? I get pride and whatnot, but part of me thinks that taking woke money would feel even better than pride.

I still take their money. I just didn’t get a badge that said I was a female owned business.

Better wômanx than I would be. Virtue and work ethic sucks ass. I hate myself for adhering to those ideals.

It isn't anything that deep. It's basically "there never was a coward where the shamrock grows."

Which is the point made in this post:


This is not surprising. Ethnic differences have proven quite tractable in the face of shared strategic aims. Even the Nazis, not known for their ethnic tolerance, were able to get all buddy-buddy with the Japanese when they had a common cause.

Research suggests Blue Tribe / Red Tribe prejudice to be much stronger than better-known types of prejudice like racism. Once the Blue Tribe was able to enlist the blacks and gays and Muslims in their ranks, they became allies of convenience who deserve to be rehabilitated with mildly condescending paeans to their virtue. “There never was a coward where the shamrock grows.”

Spending your entire life insulting the other tribe and talking about how terrible they are makes you look, well, tribalistic. It is definitely not high class. So when members of the Blue Tribe decide to dedicate their entire life to yelling about how terrible the Red Tribe is, they make sure that instead of saying “the Red Tribe”, they say “America”, or “white people”, or “straight white men”. That way it’s humble self-criticism. They are so interested in justice that they are willing to critique their own beloved side, much as it pains them to do so. We know they are not exaggerating, because one might exaggerate the flaws of an enemy, but that anyone would exaggerate their own flaws fails the criterion of embarrassment.

Bear with me because I'm going to refute your comment point by point.

It isn't anything that deep.

What is "depth" in this context? Define your terms.

It's basically "there never was a coward where the shamrock grows."

What is a "shamrock" in this context? Again, define your terms.

Which is the point made in this post:

And which post would that be?


Ah I see you've decided to post the link separately instead of embedding it in the text referring to it. I can only assume this is some kind of stalling tactic. It won't work.

This is not surprising.

For this to be a meaningful point, we would have to know the author's identity and typical threshold for surprise. This would require doxxing, which I'm sure you know is highly frowned upon on reddit. I expected better from you, pizza, I really did.

Ethnic differences have proven quite tractable in the face of shared strategic aims. Even the Nazis,

Godwin's fallacy.

not known for their ethnic tolerance,

Surely you have surveyed every man, woman, and child on earth to determine which traits the Nazis were "known for". Oh, you haven't? Quelle surprise.

were able to get all buddy-buddy with the Japanese when they had a common cause.

I have no issue admitting that the only way I can achieve orgasm is by having a Japanese woman give me an enema, but I fail to see how that in any way adds to your point. Also ad hominem fallacy.

Research suggests Blue Tribe / Red Tribe prejudice to be much stronger than better-known types of prejudice like racism. Once the Blue Tribe was able to enlist the blacks and gays and Muslims in their ranks, they became allies of convenience who deserve to be rehabilitated with mildly condescending paeans to their virtue. “There never was a coward where the shamrock grows.”

I disagree with this paragraph in its entirety and categorically refuse to read it.

Spending your entire life insulting the other tribe and talking about how terrible they are makes you look, well, tribalistic. It is definitely not high class. So when members of the Blue Tribe decide to dedicate their entire life to yelling about how terrible the Red Tribe is, they make sure that instead of saying “the Red Tribe”, they say “America”, or “white people”, or “straight white men”. That way it’s humble self-criticism. They are so interested in justice that they are willing to critique their own beloved side, much as it pains them to do so. We know they are not exaggerating, because one might exaggerate the flaws of an enemy, but that anyone would

Again, you can't reasonably expect me to refute a paragraph which I have not read.

exaggerate their own flaws fails the criterion of embarrassment.

Fragment. I do believe a basic command of grammar and syntax is a requirement for engaging in a debate, wouldn't you agree? Now are you satisfied with your trouncing or will you come back to daddy for more like a good little ass slave?


Thank you, that was quite enjoyable.

My mom did crack when she was pregnant 😠



👏🏿 This 👏🏿 was 👏🏿 beautiful 👏🏿

True King shit


Look! A black father doing something that we expect literally every father to do, heckin hole sum!

There's a name for that; the soft bigotry of low expectations.

welcome to 2002

This is insulting indian call centers. I respect them much more.

Kindly do the needful

But I thought kysposting was verboten

😭😭😭😭 God I miss it.

i learn magic for she

and spam upvote black families to the front page of pics.

I thought I was the only one who noticed. That shit is absolutely admin-manipulated.

Umm ironic racism is still racism sweaty.

Thanks for coming to my Ted Talk.

F-slur Fragility

It’s over.



It’s time to nuke this place. Might as well go out with a bang.

It was time to nuke this place when we lost pinging. Why are any of us still here

The real cope was within argh drama all along



When I first got into this sub, it was just months before they took away pinging

My entire experience with this community has been watching it slowly deteriorate like an Alzheimer's patient

This experience has done more convince me of the benefits of the Old Yeller treatement than any story about a terminal cancer patient ever will

We're waiting to be put out of our misery once and for all.

Can we first establish and promote migrate to a dot win-like site first? Embarrassingly, I might miss being able to keep in touch with fellow Internet Retirement Home residents. 😭

Can we first establish and promote migrate to a dot win-like site first? Embarrassingly, I might miss being able to keep in touch with fellow Internet Retirement Home residents. 😭

F*ck .win, it's time for an onion.

I think ruqqus is where everyone will go

Ruqqus is riddled with MDEfugees...no thanks.

That's almost a plus though. There are enough people here dedicated to the cause to yeet them from +drama, and they take everything sooper cereally so they're easy to bait.

MDEfugees and rightoids yelling into the abyss of an echo chamber isn’t very entertaining though. They need someone to have a different opinion than them to spazoid out at to produce any worthwhile cope or seethe

But what I'm saying is that that could be you, and me, and any of the other no-life regulars who are going to miss this community more than they're willing to admit.


Lol just wait until this sub gets banned and we flood in and make them suck our assholes with jelly.

I think so too but it won't happen unless this place gets officially nuked, which I think will eventually happen unless the paid jannies just keep it alive like that toy you had as a kid that broken and useless but you don't throw it away just because it's been around for so long.

I will still be on flyertalk and lipstickalley just send up a flare.

Wholly fuck I didn't know any other dramanauts used lipstick alley, though I guess I shouldn't be surprised. There was a great thread a few years ago where they discovered this place after Joan outed the pedos in 🏴‍☠️teenagers.

Their bad girls club subforum is ace.

Too late to go out with a bang

To the jannies; can we burn this beautiful place by shitposting all kinds of shit and then try to move everybody to ruqqus or something? 🥺

What about its male equivalent?

There are none. Men are the only humans

Men are the only humans

This was determined to be a lie.

Oh wow, we can't even use the suffix-slur.

it's over for dramanoids

Acktually it's ***Dramanix tyvm

Joids are truly the worst example of post-human husks. I was told that in the future parody and irony would be illegal and I didn't believe it. First they came for my r-slurs and I did not care because I was r-slurred.

The url would get auto-jannied, but look at the urban dictionary entry for the newest f-slur. Below is the definition

hemorrhoid with many folds Foids (Plural)

The paid jannies won't even let us discuss science anymore.


Just yeet pizza again. That problem won't be solved but by damn it'll entertain me for a solid half hour.

Would it though? He's b& from stupidpol and all the other subs he used to visit are dead, so where would he go to seethe?

Lmao sip got tired of him and gave him the boot finally? What was the last straw?

I don't know, I thought I remembered a thread a few months ago where they were talking about it but now I'm not so sure. I know that in general the users over there lack the patronizing fondness that we have for our special guy.

Lol that's pretty amazingly petty all around.

Holy fuck the admins are pathetic.

Yeah, I can only imagine them being in such a bussy-drought that they resort to attacking gussy. Wait that's like every day here nm.


Jfc I don’t need the admins to tip their fedoras and save me from words. What about all the super sketchy porn?

I think that it's a blessing in disguise actually. Using "fslur" is way more subversive in my opinion because it implies that it is in fact and a slur and is deserved while being maliciously compliant on a level of irony inaccessible to rslurred jslurs.

Yeah it's fun. I'm sure it'll get banned eventually too.

I don't think so, ahscells and srdines need it to refer to slurs, so it can only be banned conditional on the use-mention distinction which pajannies are unable to enforce. Guided by the beauty of our weapons :') ...

I'm sure there's enough creativity for the euphemism treadmill to last a decade or two.

The problem with f-slur is that it can also mean the other f-slur. How will people know which group I'm commenting nice things about?

Huh, and they both suck dicks for example, so it could be hard to disambiguate in contexts like that! Use wslur when in doubt.

they both suck dicks

But only fslurs are actually good at it

Just call them front holes

LOL, that's perfect. It's even eco-friendly!

Praise bussy.

fa-slur vs fo-slur






I’ve been there before. Not a bad way to bang out a few holes on the cheap.

I miss web 1.0, the era of internet that was not user friendly and couldn't be accessed by a palm-sized phone held by morons.

S Tr V F

Is M-slur banned too? I've always liked that one even more



call them feds


Your comment has been removed because it contained a bad word. The word was Oid. If you intend to use this word in a purely demonstrative manner, please use the first letter of the word followed by '-word' or '-slur'. Thank you for helping us keep /r/drama safe.

I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns.

First they came for the racial slurs and I did not speak out because I was not a racist.

Then they came for the homophobic slurs and I did not speak out because I was not a homophobe.

Then they came for the sexist slurs and I did not speak out because I was not an incel.

Then they came for the dramanauts and there was no one left to speak for me.

Is Floyd okay or is that a no no word too?


Your comment has been removed because it contained a bad word. The word was oid. If you intend to use this word in a purely demonstrative manner, please use the first letter of the word followed by '-word' or '-slur'. Thank you for helping us keep /r/drama safe.

I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns.

Are "rightoid" and "leftoid" b& too?

What about my favorite pizza restaurant franchise mascot, Noid?

Jannies, please. Don't ya'll ol' Noid. 🥺🥺🥺

Avoid the N*id


but... but... where not incels mod chan

It was a gateway slur to tr**ds. Thus, had to be banned before it awoke the sleeping giantess.

Why in the fuck does subredditdrama get to link threads and direct comments, and we can't?

There is fucking CP and mass political manipulation (from both sides) on this site but /r/drama is the problem.

ModSupport? More like MoidSupport.

Avoid the F*id

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Incels and their consequences have been a disaster for the human race