Twitter discusses what lives matter

1  2021-03-17 by Iowa_Hawkeye


I wish I had a time machine so I could go back and find the guy who invented plastics and just show him this.

I understood hardly any of that

What does "DNFI" stand for? I cannot tell if the things under it are bad or wrap around the horseshoe into being überwoke

Do not follow if

I feel like I’m pretty in tune with wokie shit from laughing at them, but I also understand maybe 10% of that drivel.

Remember early and often...

The industrial revolution and it consequences...

Etc and so forth.

I legitimately want to run for president and give these fucks the whole west cost and then tell them to fuck off and sanction their newfound utopia and watch them eat each other alive. It’d be worth the GDP hit.

It feels like the first time reading rrrdrama. Cope this bussy that.

Thoroughly unsurprised

Reject Modernity, Return To GeoCities

There's so many of them. How much could they really matter?

Ice-T said it best, "No Lives Matter"

Cube just bitin Judge Death

Dude thanks for the link. I am metal fan and I didnt even know about this group.

Lmfao at OG rappers going back to rock music because white people ruined hip hop.

Body Count is fucking ace. I recommend anyone reading this to go check out their old albums from the early 90s.


TLDR: >!Black? Yes, life matter. Not black? No.!<

Her tweet:y'all ratio is 1:1 lol

There must be a lot more Black Twitter versus Asian Twitter. How can we dig up more?

What do you mean blacks and Asians are notorious for getting along

I'm so sick of this petty shit, I just want to be a dinosaur 🦖

The consumption 🦖 will come soon brother


Btw new dinopost is up


How long until we see Asians donning red hats?

This is the most vapid fucking argument I’ve ever seen trying to take itself seriously.

hashtags are srs fucking busniss