Third try! All faces, names, usernames replaced by tasteful yellow pixels, link removed. R*ddit p*werj*nnie admits to giving ch*ldren dr*gs, developing dr*ma breaking on r*ghtoid t*bloid site.

1  2021-03-29 by carpathianflorist_


I just saw a really interesting 👀 comment chain on a certain Announcement about a certain site's disgraced moderator.

She won’t deny it. It’s her own words. I’ll go under oath and face libel if they will.

Challenge accepted.

Oh hey, you're that nonce i see baiting kids to come to your weird sex commune? Lol

My sex commune is doing just fine, thank you very much, we had a pretty big orgy two weeks ago.

Have you considered not grooming fucking children you disgusting piece of shit?

I dunno, have you?

Stop fucking kids, you absolute garbage human.

You have an unhealthy obsession with kid fucking

This is incredible

What an absolutely nuclear no u

That one will hold up in court

Probably just saving the Dyson sphere-tier no u for the judge.

That isn't a good thing to say if you are accused of fucking kids, even if it is sarcastic

The platonic drama whore, ever willing to fan the flames, no matter the cost to their reputation or basic decorum in general.

If you even remotely care about your online reputation, you unironically deserve to have your life ruined.

As an aside, has anyone else noticed the word "nonce" being used much more frequently lately?

we must purge ourselves of pernicious britbong influence

I have and frequently in lefty subs 🤔

I've been seeing it pop up on gossip sites...the plot thickens 🤔🤔🤔

Not really. Notice how burgers themselves say things like "it was a shit film" nowadays. You're just not used to cultural influence going both ways, but it does, especially now that British TV is widely-available to normie audiences.

yeah i'm just wondering why non-brits are using nonce all of a sudden. What's next- pronouncing 'nachos' with a hard 'a'??

yeah i'm just wondering why non-brits are using nonce all of a sudden.

Same thing as with using "shit" as an adjective (as opposed to standard burger "shitty"). It's just kind of cooler. If I had to guess what's next - I'd wager a more widespread use of "cretin" (due to bans on rword).

I've heard it used as a British insult before, always assumed it was a generic hooligan pejorative, but recently learned that it has a real meaning.

I wonder if it has to do with the uptick in popularity of British pedo hunt videos on youtube last year. If you search "nonce sting" on youtube, you'll get hundreds of results, many of which are ambush compilations with titles like "10 filthiest nonces you've ever seen." It's a super weird phenomenon, they got a little bit of traction on the various voyeurism subs, but it's pretty immediately obvious that they're often just picking on clinical r-slurs who might not have even done anything.

I think you've unironically cracked the case

Thankfully for the prosecution they didn't use an /s

Or even mention Minecraft! 😭😭😭

Their newest victim is recent cringeanarchy moderator justcool393. This boy has autism and crossdressed at the encouragement of reddit power mods and administrators:


What are "programmer socks" and how do they qualify one as an autistic crossdresser? I'm imagining those trendy patterned socks J. Crew sells for $10/pair but with mechanical keyboards instead of anchors, some sort of animal, or USA flags

Why is there a trail of piss leading from the H in "Hormone" to the Gab button?

Also, rofl at "Assistant Editor" being poorly covered up and the general lazy usage of MSPaint.

please stop doxxing the author

It took you three tries for that

I don’t really wanna brag but yeah.

Tbf if any of us could color in between the lines as a kid then we wouldn't be lurking around in r drama.

I like crayons.

I'm sure you do but they still aren't meant to be eaten.


i saw this posted somewhere else and was going to post it here but the jannies here dont like when you make trains look bad. so they will delete it.

How is this making trains look bad? She’s saving lives, and is quite open about it. If anyone looks bad here it’s the rightoids for shitting on her for it smh

Exactly. imagine how many young lifes shes is saving right now.

The scientific consensus is that HRT saves train lives, but considering that she's associated with pedos its not a good look and she should stop.

Presumably, the scientific consensus is that HRT saves lives when properly administered as part of a treatment plan overseen by an actual doctor.

When administered in an apartment with zero medical oversight by a r*ddit mod that's totally not just grooming kids, I think we don't have sufficient data to draw a scientific conclusion yet.

The way I see it, what she's doing makes more kids jump straight out of the egg trainswagon than any amount of right*id summer camps ever could.

Think about it: HRT usually causes some pretty gnarly rejection symptoms even when administered by professional doctors. Most cases of misdiagnosed gender dysphoria are caught during HRT because that's when most patients decide to go detrains.

If professionally administered hormone therapy is so gnarly it does that, imagine what it must be like to have it administered on you back alley doctor style by an unpaid janitorial demon.

When I was a kid, the big scary Democrat was the one using coat-hangers on 14 year-olds' pregnancies.

Now they don't even want the risk of conception🤔


>scientific consensus

ur missing “G-d wills it so”

Yes i know, conservatives are fuelled by emotional arguments.

The irony of the "facts don't care about your feelings" lulw




Got his ass


I haven't seen this person's profile, but if she is giving 'shots' that is incredibly unsafe. Unless I am missing something here.

she's just injecting them with estrogen not shooting them with a gun so it's fine

Ban all estrogen bump stock.

I see. I still thank that is inappropriate, because it is in an unprofessional setting. She could seriously injure someone and at the same time AFAIK she is not a medical health professional. These kids are also vulnerable and she is not in a position to help.

Did you get a COVID vaccine recently or something?

Is there any (real) evidence that pube-blockers actually save lives? I know the practice is still pretty new, but surely they've been tracking the kids who did get it.

I feel like 1/3 of the agenda posts here make trains look bad lol.

Well they are almost all autist which leads to constant self-owns.

The tramsphobes on this subreddit, yes. They are self-critting autists.

We're not united by -phobia. Quite the opposite: we are -philes of drama

Shut the fuck up you cheese fucker. We aren’t train$phobic. Why the fuck would we be scared of them, or give a shit what they do to themselves in their own time. The real issue that creates drama is how stupid that side of the lgbtq community acts as a whole. Talking about calling everything -phobic even if it’s a mild inconvenience that even straight people face.

We just laugh at the r3t@rdation facing 90%+ of the community. If they didn’t act so stupid and logically inconsistent and embarrass themselves trying to fight on social issues that don’t need fighting, while totally missing the bigger picture we wouldn’t care.

They produce drama. This is the drama sub. It’s the flavor of the month right now on social media so obviously shits gonna be filtered here.

Holy fuck. Our goddess is literally Trappy. I miss her so much because she could eloquently comment on this shit from a normal person perspective with 🚂 life experience. We ain’t -phobic. We just like seeing the drama they create. You take your fucking psyop out of this sub you American Horror Story shill.

Can we create, like, an OnlyFans for Trappy, but instead of demanding she post nudes, it's just commenting here again? 😭

I know she seemed to want to just get away from any social media. But god damn I would pay a patreon fee of $20-$30 a month if she posted 2-4 half hour videos a month just recapping internet drama and commenting on it. I really do miss her so much. The most based fucking user on this site. And she had wokie immunity to go off on the r-slur-ation which most of us do not have

Cope and seethe




If that’s what it takes to keep this place from getting yalled based on propaganda, yes


Blame it on Space Daddy's hyperloop.


I saw it too and thought how funny another one only this one is grooming and shooting them up with hormones.

I wonder if this custodial employee is the one who neutered our sub.

I commented on one try last night that was shut down pretty quick, surprised this one lasted this far.

Also not particularly sure how posting 'X said Y' is doxxxing but whatever

I have that user tagged with "went through r[slash]CA with a flamethrower" and have no idea why. That's piquing my curiosity almost as much.

Doin a little t-rolling

You can add links to your tags, you know...

Can't on mobile

CA? Probably cringe anarchy. Maybe a former jannie? Would he pretty funny.

I hope to god it’s Cringe Anarchy.

Because if it’s the other CA sub that shall not ever be fucking named in public to normies then we’d have a problem.

Reddit is a danger to children

Well, this was always true.

Reddit is going to have to do some coontown style house cleaning with the fuckers of children before the IPO. It will be interesting to see how they do this without also getting cancelled.

There is a 100% chance that ArrrDrama will get j*nnied before any locomotive subs.

I think Ann or Snally nabbed Drama on Ruqqus. Just sayin'

Ruqqus pros:

• pinging

• brigading

• rules = none


• is ruqqus

I would suggest avoiding the place except as an absolute last resort.

The problem is ruqqus is populated solely by people who can't say what they want on reddit. This means its like 1% fun dramanauts and 99% annoying TDfugees.

So it's a self perpetuating cycle where the people who would make ruqqus good don't go there because it's not good. If it just got a bit of a push...

On the other hand, think about how much fun it would be to brigade +wakeupwhitepeople with interracial gay porn. We could have the first subruqqus to get y'alled, but with their inferior user tracking we'd just pop back up like so many fugee cockroaches

That was already done, but to other guilds subruqquses, the one I remember that was overtaken and is still gay porn is +WhiteVictimsofBlackCrime. Also they wouldn't be y'alled since gay porn is allowed on the site.

Sounds pretty based tbh

You wouldn't even need to have a folder saved, just post stuff from /gif/.


would rather interact with my family

I unsubscribed when wadmalga turned it into an whinepost board.

Oh that's me.

It's dead as fuck.

The head mod says wadmalga,and that 393 guy is on the list too. Looks like it's back o 4chan when this place gets yalled.

Maybe it was Saidit

Contingency plans must be initiated. Mods?

The best thing for drama coin before the IPO is them b&ing all pron subs.

Just imagine all the coomer and only fans thot c*pe.

Clean up reddit!

Not like that!!

The real clean up is that of huwhite n's like the people on this subreddit.

I would forgive every single one of Reddit's past and future misdeeds if they did that.

The best thing for drama coin before the IPO is them b&ing all pron subs.

Facebookification complete

Your overestimating how much they care about 🚂 grooming

As long as they’re not MDEfugees it’s just gonna be swept under the rug like that recent pēdø ultrajannie who shall not be named

AJAB obviously, but the mods here do a GREAT job of making sure we don't get in trouble with Anti-Evil [sic] Ops.

Drama Mods are my favorite.

Easily the least-worst ones on Reddit!

They definitely earn their $175k wages.

You're thinking of highly credentialed Nazi hunters. Our jannies earn a little less.

Spinning up Departments of Nancy Hunting is not an easy endeavour. Easily worth the $175k a year plus legal council....or ZERO dollars. Same, really.

Cunning way to say the best, babby boo

They will have a responsibility to protect their shareholders and not expose them to the liability of countless running forums with the purpose grooming children, providing them with drugs, and platforming the mentally ill.

I wonder what happens to the porn subs

More girl dick, obviously

Did you know if women take steroids their clit turns into a little penis. I read an article about a female body builder that it happened to.

Holy shit what the fuck how did we miss this

It’s been known about for years; the problem is that it was mainly showcased by the GC-sphere so it went largely ignored or covered up.


Reddit, Drama deserves to bully the degenerates you’ve created. Let us PING and link you fucks, these creatures deserve some bullying to learn their place or they’ll keep grooming children.

Why do they think doubling down would be a good strategy.

Not complaining, though, as this is good drama.

It's a good strategy if your strategy is to maximize drama.

How do they keep getting away with it?

The pipeline that reinforces the fact that 🚂 are indeed groomers is out in the open now and somehow this is okay to reddit major.

And the copacetics here will defend this. 😏

This, but unironically.


  1. Third try! All faces, names, userna... -,*

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Inject me snappy! 😍😍😍


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Carp made a post that isn't locomotive pornography???

FanGirl? When did you transition sweaty?

When uberjannies yall'ed my account I realized I'd always been a woman on the inside.

I always knew 🤗




Trains and grooming kids, name a more iconic duo.

Hair brushes and story time with that black dude?

I'm pretty sure the SRD threads about this from years ago still exist.

literally 5 years old info about jannie being a freak (how unexpected!)


Based, time to eliminate the moids for good