Arkansas bans children from going onto trains

1  2021-03-30 by TheColdTurtle


Ngl cutting off "proper" medical options for kids who have parental consent and actual doctors sign off is just going to drive kids into doing sketchy drugs off of the internet in strangers apartments. Which is where you get your horror stories.

(Yes the cut off bit was intentional)

Your argument could be made for anything. “You can’t buy heroin from doctors anymore so now you have to go to a heroin dealer”...

Ok so maybe don’t do heroin because you saw it on a movie or are sad...

You realize doctors do in fact prescribe methadone right? Hospital heroin?

heroin bad


Makes sense about you

Have sex drugs

The ideal socialist utopia is one in which those who don't want to work just mainline heroin. The rest of us will pick up the slack until the useless ones drug themselves into oblivion.

No, everyone will mainline heroin and work. The Hegelian dialectic between the “work and no drugs” thesis and the “no work and drugs” antithesis combined into the synthesis that will bring about a utopia.

The synthesis of "work and no drugs" and "no work and drugs" just results in a bunch of useless junkies. Unfortunately, Hegelian dialectics doesn't work like math.

The obvious solution is just a little heroin, as a treat.

memes are my heroin

I thought the solution was tainted heroin.

Free heroin but every 1 in 1000 is a hot shot

Le brave new world xd

don’t do heroin because you saw it on a movie

Tbf there are some great heroin movies out there. Requiem for a Dream and Basketball Diaries are both stand outs.

The first Trainspotting movie.

Fuck yeh that was another good one.

Permanent Midnight, featuring ben stiller and alf

Naked Lunch

Drugstore Cowboy

Pulp Fiction

If you can’t kill people legally, people will kill people illegally”

Let them eat death.

unless your doctor actually prescribes you heroin, then you should be allowed to take it.

Why the hell are people still going to stupid doctors instead of self treating using indian pharma

Its arkansas, we all self medicate with meth here anyways.

I would guess that might work slightly better in ftm than mtf but probably not a good solution either way.

You guys better make some room. I'm going to retire in your beautiful state when I'm old.

You mean, like, a rain dance?

Steel reserve

So you're saying there's a business opportunity?

Maybe, but you do have the rslurred parents who find rslurred doctors for their rslurred kids.

Exactly, dependence on white coats > dependence on a reddit moderator for your life ruining drugs.

Maybe in a powerjannie's apartment 👀


But those threads are fun

They hit every talking point in the beginning of the bill. It's like I'm reading some rightoid's shitpost

(1) Arkansas has a compelling government interest in protecting the health and safety of its citizens, especially vulnerable children;

(2)(A) Only a small percentage of the American population experiences distress at identifying with their biological sex. (B) According to the American Psychiatric Association, “For natal adult males, prevalence ranges from 0.005% to 0.014%, and for natal females, from 0.002% to 0.003%.”;

(3) For the small percentage of children who are gender  nonconforming or experience distress at identifying with their biological sex, studies consistently demonstrate that the majority come to identify with  their biological sex in adolescence or adulthood, thereby rendering most  physiological interventions unnecessary;

(4) Furthermore, scientific studies show that individuals struggling with distress at identifying with their biological sex often have already experienced psychopathology, which indicates these individuals should be encouraged to seek mental health services to address comorbidities and underlying causes of their distress before undertaking any hormonal or surgical intervention;

(5) Even among people who have undergone inpatient gender reassignment procedures, suicide rates, psychiatric morbidities, and mortality rates remain markedly elevated above the background population

If they just cut the bullshit and just told the truth in their bill and said “trains are icky” as their justification I feel like everyone would save a whole lot of time dealing with justifications no rightoid actually cares about when it comes to the trains.

nooooo my grooming noooooo :( :( :(

(3) For the small percentage of children who are gender nonconforming or experience distress at identifying with their biological sex, studies consistently demonstrate that the majority come to identify with their biological sex in adolescence or adulthood, thereby rendering most physiological interventions unnecessary;

(4) Furthermore, scientific studies show that individuals struggling with distress at identifying with their biological sex often have already experienced psychopathology, which indicates these individuals should be encouraged to seek mental health services to address comorbidities and underlying causes of their distress before undertaking any hormonal or surgical intervention;

I really wish rightoids just stuck to these two.

Don’t tread on my titty skittles 😤🐍


Not saying this bill was a good idea but jfc twitter libs are acting like Arkansas legislators committed a war crime or something

Ironically these are the same people clamoring for more government control over healthcare as if the GOP won’t just ban abortions and hormones the second they step in power

It's amazing, every "educated" liberal and socialist I know holds these two beliefs:

  1. Republicans have a strong advantage in winning federal elections

  2. We should expand federal power

It's like these beliefs live in separare parts of their brain

Ironically these are the same people clamoring for more government control over healthcare as if the GOP won’t just ban abortions and hormones the second they step in power

These morons were clamoring for more government control over everything even while Trump was literally trying to tell Twitter what to do.

They're certifiably rarted.

It's almost like letting governments control our lives is a bad fucking idea regardless what r-slurred side you're agendaposting on....

Yep, I don't understand how small guberment rightoids can even defend this.


Except this isn't small gubermemts that Inflict suffer flip flop policies. If anything local governments are usually consistent (and slow)

Arkansas isn't exactly new York mad neither are going to flip colors an election cycle.

Small enough government it fits right between you and your doctor.

Sent them to platform 9-3/4.

*DaBaby voice*

Lesss gooo

It's funny because it shows the power of the culture wars. Rightoids are cumming and leftoids are seething at unprecedented levels. And while this culture fight goes on everyone conveniently forgets the state is nearly third world status.

Burgers (like myself) are so fucked.

Everyone talks about how when the British ran out of colonies, they became their own colony to cope, but no one seems to talk about how when Burgers ran out of third world countries to fuck up, they did exactly as the British did.

Why are rightoids trying to prevent libs from castrating their own children? Wtf happened to social darwinism?

That's pretty fucked up.