Why are you like this.

1  2021-03-30 by Llamayoda



Glad to see each quadrant of the political compass is represented. aredrama maintains radical centrism as always.

I remember the days when arr dramaā€™s top overlap was AFwithNJF šŸ˜”āœŠ

Are we part of the 109 subs?

Who are the neolibs? Show yourselves, I need to dunk on "y'all" and that sub banned me for quoting Lenin šŸ˜”šŸ˜”šŸ˜”

That sub actually banned me for being a real neolib and dunking on them on a post here lol.

I'm a neocentrist. Meaning I'm too awrasgg9nvAhVLqp4KHgjha1EQAUohsdfAnjsdoEdfCAEQkhjfxgvBAsfajkl;akljm leaning to be considered a real centrist.

libertarian is great its the one place where you will still find open magas and its pretty easy to get the sub to shit on them and watch them have a tantrum post about how the sub has no 'real libertarians'.

Meh, you can do that in stupidpol, too šŸ˜

Yeah but you know what they say, they're easily startled, but they always come back, and in greater numbers.

Nice to see the dumbest political sub on reddit is popular.

Still mad about beeing banned after sperging out multiple times? šŸ¤”šŸ˜‚

Show yourself you Poortuguese scum.

Could be Spaniards dunking on the only country they are allowed to...

Iberians OUT


I did not consent to Far North Africans in my inbox šŸ™…šŸ™…šŸ™…


Itā€™s over for portugalcels

They can't even speak spanglish like an american

Bruh i think they speak Brazilian.

I think that that website stopped collecting data years ago and somehow became completely senile by now. It says that srdines' biggest overlap is with Ohio, LMAO.

It comes to more logical conclusions with smaller subs.

Chad Mount&Bladers rise up!

That sub is run by commies

How are people still playing that game? Is it mods? Is everyone just a Florist now?

Nobody plays Warband without mods, but I think most people are playing Bannerlord now, it's been in Early Access for like a year now

Huh. Is it...

Is it good?

Nah don't get it yet, it's exactly as broken and buggy as you'd expect a game that was made over 8 years by an inexperienced studio in a 2nd world country to be. It'll probably be good in a year or two when they release the modding tools and let the autists of America fix their game.

Tolkien is the boil on the ass of fantasy literature. His oeuvre is massive and contagiousā€”you can't ignore it, so don't even try. The best you can do is consciously try to lance the boil. And there's a lot to dislikeā€”his cod-Wagnerian pomposity, his boys-own-adventure glorying in war, his small-minded and reactionary love for hierarchical status-quos, his belief in absolute morality that blurs moral and political complexity. Tolkien's clichĆ©sā€”elves 'n' dwarfs 'n' magic ringsā€”have spread like viruses. He wrote that the function of fantasy was 'consolation', thereby making it an article of policy that a fantasy writer should mollycoddle the reader.

I thought you were snappy

Nice pasta, what's the source.

China Mieville, the full pasta:

When people dis fantasyā€”mainstream readers and SF readers alikeā€”they are almost always talking about one sub-genre of fantastic literature. They are talking aboutĀ Tolkien, and Tolkien's innumerable heirs. Call it 'epic', or 'high', or 'genre' fantasy, this is what fantasy has come to mean. Which is misleading as well as unfortunate.

Tolkien is the wen on the arse of fantasy literature. His oeuvre is massive and contagiousā€”you can't ignore it, so don't even try. The best you can do is consciously try to lance the boil. And there's a lot to dislikeā€”his cod-Wagnerian pomposity, his boys-own-adventure glorying in war, his small-minded and reactionary love for hierarchical status-quos, his belief in absolute morality that blurs moral and political complexity. Tolkien's clichĆ©sā€”elves 'n' dwarfs 'n' magic ringsā€”have spread like viruses. He wrote that the function of fantasy was 'consolation', thereby making it an article of policy that a fantasy writer should mollycoddle the reader.

That is a revolting idea, and one, thankfully, that plenty of fantasists have ignored. From the Surrealists through the pulpsā€”viaĀ Mervyn PeakeĀ andĀ Mikhael BulgakovĀ andĀ Stefan GrabińskiĀ andĀ Bruno SchulzĀ andĀ Michael MoorcockĀ andĀ M. John HarrisonĀ and I could go onā€”the best writers have used the fantastic aesthetic precisely to challenge, to alienate, to subvert and undermine expectations.

Of course I'm not saying that any fan of Tolkien is no friend of mineā€”that would cut my social circle considerably. Nor would I claim that it's impossible to write a good fantasy book with elves and dwarfs in itā€”Michael Swanwick's superbĀ Iron Dragon's DaughterĀ gives the lie to that. But given that the pleasure of fantasy is supposed to be in its limitless creativity, why not try to come up with some different themes, as well as unconventional monsters? Why not use fantasy to challenge social and aesthetic lies?

Thankfully, the alternative tradition of fantasy has never died. And it's getting stronger.Ā Chris Wooding,Ā Michael Swanwick,Ā Mary Gentle,Ā Paul di Filippo,Ā Jeff VanderMeer, and many others, are all producing works based on fantasy's radicalism. Where traditional fantasy has been rural and bucolic, this is often urban, and frequently brutal. Characters are more than cardboard cutouts, and they're not defined by race or sex. Things are gritty and tricky, just as in real life. This is fantasy not as comfort-food, but as challenge.

The critic Gabe Chouinard has said that we're entering a new period, a renaissance in the creative radicalism of fantasy that hasn't been seen since the New Wave of the sixties and seventies, and in echo of which he has christened the Next Wave. I don't know if he's right, but I'm excited. This is a radical literature. It's the literature we most deserve.

I don't necessarily agree with it all, but it's great for bootyblasting.

Man that's a lot of words. What a loser.

Yeah the guy who wrote Dial H for Hero and some JLA issues really got Tolkien there.

This is amazing

China Mieville's super highbrow persona is not supported by the crappy prose in his books.

I know this is pasta, either repurposed for LOTR or some other arutists rant, but I've been reading LOTR recently and my god that book is great! Bought it Sunday, on Chapter 3 of Fellowship of the Ring. Last time I read it as a kid when the movies were coming out (on dvd? mid 2000s?), and I didn't understand half of what I was reading. But hey, I was reading near college level in 3rd grade XD!

Checkmate, illiterate-sells

I will bet my 5 BTCs that I bought in 2017 that I am more literate and educated on all matters of Western Civilization literature than Pizzashill. And this is a hill I am willing to die on. I bet I'm 5 years younger than him too, since he must be 30 (age wise, mentally, hes still 14 like all of us)

it's best if read aloud, slowly, to yourself

delicious spoken word

I always skip the the songs. I just can't enjoy poetry.

A line from The Name of Wind (great book) vibed for me

Lord but I dislike poetry. How can anyone remember words that aren't put to music?

i used to as well, but that's what singing yourself is for!

its richer than it sounds

If you're getting into Tolkien again, definitely check out The Silmarillion. It's much meatier book though.

And no this dude specifically went off on Tolkien. I don't think he has much of a point there, but he was right about copycats.

Silmarillion is sick. Seeing that war through like 3000 years of strugge is intense. Wish it was filmable, would make an insane trilogy.

bummunism based and bussy pilled

point proven dramatards are all closet nerds. Nothing to be ashamed of, it is ok to fanboy over a man who made up more languages than most people will ever come across in their life and fought in the trenches of Somme.

Way to go nerds. I'd be less disappointed if the overlap was r conservative and r sino. And why isn't analonlylifestyle on there. It should definitely be top 3.

L4AO when?

Soon brother. First comes homocracy then bussupremacy.

Is that real? I've never even been to any of those subs

Lord of the Rings fucks, thatā€™s why

Mount and Blade is the shit too

Drama R-slurs have good taste confirmed

arrr drama sits at the J line with deadeye, little pussies

It's the new meta bruh

I can proudly say I am a part of none of those.

Yo real talk DM me if you wanna get on some HOI4 multiplayer. Or hell even MOWAS 2.

I love hoi4 but never played MP, not sure if I'd be able to line up the schedules since a lot of g*mers do that shit at night and I have a life during the day and sleep at night.

Gamers smh


it used to be worse

Probably because it can only capture comments+posts and there's only certain people here who could do that for a while now.

Iā€™ll take been associated with gamer shit over SRDines every time

I've been enjoying the hicks takeover of stupidpol immensely, keep up the good work

Bros, why was Bannerlord shit?

More of you dweebs need to watch the NFL and become pay pigs for fantasy football leagues.

You've earned yourself a wikiposting.

Whatā€™s that?

You'll learn. Oh how you'll learn.

Iā€™m legally r slurred I canā€™t learn shit

Isn't tolkien just a ripoff of the ring of the nibelung?

Who else warships?