Flamboyant makeup guy is outed for the second time as a pedo, makes long video about how he only wants to fuck older dudes and fans give him the πŸ†πŸ’¦πŸ‘¦πŸΌ pass

1  2021-04-02 by DeficientRat


Video if you want to listen to this shit

I don't.



lol that birdnest hair

Get some twinks on ya dick if you got rid of that ol yee yee ass haircut

Libertarians span the entire political spectrum!

I am thoroughly trouncing you. I've seen your mo and I spanked you at your own game. I found your flaw and exploited it quite nicely, my slaughtered braised goose.


  1. Flamboyant makeup guy is outed for ... - archive.org, archive.today*

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I’d nail the fuck out of James Charles.



Based and bΓΌssypilled

said he would take time away from posting on social media to "educate" himself about these issues.

What's he going to educate himself on? The law?

'Educate' is now just an anti-cancel buzzword to try and get people to leave you alone.

Sorry I said the n word when I was 13. I'll educate myself now because I had no idea it was wrong.

What word?



Cool it with the homophobia


A full timeline of his antics.


Oddly enough, a lot of his troubles can be traced back to a weekend at Coachella in 2019.

How can I blame this on massive brain and bussy damage from drugpartying πŸ€”

  • Jamea Charles

Wtf happened to H3? Last I checked he had a boring podcast. Now he's a balding blondie that reees at Gay Charles all day

They were always r-slurred. You just matured out of it while they didn't.


dude wtf lmao they used to look like normal people on a normal set. What is all this? It looks like something on nick jr

hehe bbcworld

A sodomite sodomized a youth. Now the sodomee has become the saddomite and is continuing the sodomizing cycle.

Homosexuals reproduce by r*ping kids

- book of Snappy 3:14

The Catholic Church is still hiring. He can go diddle kids with Milo.

You should all be ashamed of yourselves for already knowing so much about this guy.

I really find it funny they kept throwing shit until it finally stuck


that guy is gay?

I send him a snapshot of my moderate cock and he didn’t respond, so as someone speaking from a position of victim hood, he needs to be cancelled