The Not Fucking Around Coalition: Finally bringing diversity to the burger militia LARP scene

1  2021-04-02 by JimieWhales


Dressed from mask to shoes in black, he was four hours late to our meeting, and remorseless. “My time is scarce,”

Even the militant basketballs are on BPT 😂 this dudes time is so “scarce” because he spends it all on being late lmao all kidding aside though could you imagine being four fucking hours late for, like, anything?? Wheres the line in the sand you draw for when you just say “yeah we’ll just do this some other time”

making some dweeb from The Atlantic wait around for four hours and order your food for you (which you then don't eat, because fuck Atlantic-boy and his expense account) is a Chad move.

journos deserve all the negging and more

not respecting a journalists time


homosexuals reproduce by raping kids


  1. The Not Fucking Around Coalition: F... -,*

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The NFAC leader’s real name is John Fitzgerald Johnson. He is a former soldier, a failed political candidate, a hip-hop DJ, a rambling egotist, and a prolific self-promoter. His life sometimes seems like a long disinformation campaign about itself.

Can we mod this guy? He's like a better, more heavily-armed version of Tariq.

Plus, if we have a crazy Black Nationalist jannie on staff, that's extra insurance that the chadmins can't ban us without showing themselves to be racists and/or maybe getting shot.

I love seeing diversity in the Boogalarp movement.

Remember when reddit celebrated these guys for like two days before realizing that they were worshipping black nazis? Good times

Fucking soylords all praising their trigger discipline. I 'member.

Finally bringing diversity

You need to read up on your american extremism history. Since at least the 20th century pretty much every new religious or extremist movement in the US has had some sort of afrocentric parallel. We are all the same on the inside 🥰️🙏

Where's your flair?

dunno where it went.

Seriously. People acting like Black people are finally rising up or something really grinds my gear. I was so sure that the Civil Rights Movement must have been a must-have thing for history text books, now I am not so sure.

Don't get me wrong, there are a ton of issues with activism today, but I don't see how acts to raise people who've historically been extremely discriminated against out of their shitty circumstances could possibly be controversial unless you have a trashy 'fuck you i've got mine' mentality or just don't want them to succeed. Even from a purely rational perspective, efforts that help marginalized groups (if done right) benefit everybody by creating more healthy and industrious people who don't end up doing crime/cycling through the justice system or on welfare. Ideally support should be for everybody who's poor and be available as soon as a poor mother gets knocked up, but it's not so at least this is a step in the right direction.

I support all forms of activism, out of principle of freedom and drama.

oops, i didn't check which thread this was yesterday and thought you were talking about the virginia scholarships, not the crazy LARPers. lol!