Matt Gaetz needs to πŸ‘ read πŸ‘ another πŸ‘ book πŸ‘

1  2021-04-02 by WarBoyPrimo


with the amount of swinger communities in florida like the villages that spread stds like the common cold, i definitely would not be surprised if there were some high scorers in this that got more than they bargained for

Who was the snitch? Leave your guess in the comments below!

Tomi Lahren.

Blair White

Sam Hyde

Jeez, rightoids commit legal suicide, and all the while they can't prove shit about Hunter Biden other than that he's a Chad.

The Hunter Biden controversy was truly wild. Some people were just using it as a political gotcha which is fair enough, but some people seemed to believe the craziest shit. I couldn't believe reading conspiracy that week and seeing all the people talking about the horrifying photos and videos they had seen of child abuse, mutilation, rape, etc... These mother fuckers were literally admitting to viewing CP, but would never actually say where they saw these files. It was always shit like "Oh, you have to do your own research" or "I don't recommend looking for it. It's too gruesome."

I feel like I am taking crazy pills. Does DC exist in some alternate reality where Matt Gaetz is considered attractive? I have no idea how this guy is fuckin so much.

Daddy issues

He’s doing the work guys, he’s buzzworded completely over the last few months and buzzworded completely, buzzwording as he buzzwords the buzzwords he’s been buzzworded since realizing that he buzzworded completely. He is taking this time to buzzword until he can buzzword doing the work. Buzzword