Foucault, one of the fathers of postmodernism, is accused of a pedophilia. The sub for umm... "philosophers" y'alls the thread.

1  2021-04-03 by trosdetio

Who would've thought that a guy that openly campaigned for the abolition of the age of consent would be a pedo?


Seriously. If pornhub is suggesting cuck porn for you, it's because their algorithm has determined, scientifically, that you're a cuck. That's all.


  1. Foucault, one of the fathers of pos... -,*

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Who would've thought that a guy that openly campaigned to lower the age of consent would be a pedo?

not only that, he was fr*nch!

I did LSD because of Foucault.

At least your not one of the kids who did barbiturates because of him.

Better doing lsd because of Fouquette than with him in Tunis apparently 😌

Foucault was the ultimate centrist. Let's recap his career:

  • Extremely fucking gay, even for a Frenchman

  • Leftoid

  • Hated all other leftoids

  • Supported rightoid Vietnamese dissidents

  • Atheist

  • Admired Khomeini

Supported rightoid Vietnamese dissidents


Lmao brain damaged, radical centrist is my new favourite ideology. I won't vote for anyone with an IQ over 65.

I won't vote for anyone with an IQ over 65.

American democracy in action.

  • Leftoid

  • Hated all other leftoids

Why repeat yourself?


• Hated all other leftoids

• Supported rightoid Vietnamese dissidents

Sounds like a standard horseshoe leftoid to me fam

frenchman does french things


They believed that the penal system was replacing the punishment of criminal acts by the creation of the figure of the individual dangerous to society (regardless of any actual crime), and predicted that a "society of dangers" would come. They also have defined the idea of legal consent as a contractual notion and a "trap", since "no one makes a contract before making love"

This makes a lot of sense, if only people didn't want to fuck kids.

You know what, if Heidigger can be a high-ranking Nazi party member and still studied in every university worth attending I don't see why you can't molest a couple kids too

which sub for philosophers?

Probably the bad one

hasn't it been well-established that he's a pedo for ages? can't find the thread tho

I read about it 1-2 years ago already, but now I think he's been officially cancelledTM

good, just wish it had happened sooner 😭