lmao admins straight up say its ok to bully huwite menn on their platform

1  2021-04-06 by Corporal-Hicks


Men are trash.

Friendly reminder that mercilessly bullying cishet white males has been official /r/drama policy way, way before it was cool with the admins.

dude anglos lmao

Is this cultural appropriation?!

stfu anglo

Let's agree not to say such hurtful things :(

the queens on your money, stfu / cope anglo

Imagine being so desperate for a royal family you opt for XXXL red t-shirts.

posted in politicalhumor

Kiwis posting their L's

I just took the first pic from Google. Don't expect me to put real effort into you degenerates.


First time Aussie shitposting makes any sense.

He's actually far more loathsome: half rate Aussie aka 🥝

Yeah, for a lot of us bullying was the only attention we got in high school, so it's needed in order that we continue to feel noticed and valued, if only as a target of opprobrium and social scorn.

I hate this site so much, but every other site is such dogshit to use.

If the jannies here wanted to earn their salary, they'd set up and host an independent arrDrama Reddit clone. We've had some great success with the arrCumtown offshoot site in the past nine months, albeit with just under 20k users compared to the 120,000+ that sub here.

tf is cumtown

bunch of try-hard comedians on a podcast 🤮

I’d rather off myself

I can assure you that they in fact don't try at all, and haven't in years.

The sub/site itself doesn't even really give a shit about the podcast anymore lol, it's just a nice padded room to shitpost and plan false-flags in.

it's just a nice padded room to shitpost and plan false-flags in.

I can smell the autism from here.

my dick is cumtown

leftie "comedians"

“leftie” comedian”s”




Cumtown is honestly the only podcast I can listen to these days. I’m glad I made an account on the forum before sign ups became restricted.

Reddit alternatives suck because none of us like it when the HOA comes over with paint swatches to ensure our shutters are the exact regulation shade of taupe and we're okay with that one person with their car on blocks out on the lawn, but when you form a neighborhood dedicated entirely to hating HOAs suddenly it's ALL cars on blocks and broken pink plastic tricycles and your flabby juggalo neighbor walking around shirtless drinking a Faygo and yelling into his cellphone at 4 am because his dealer shorted him a gram.

What I'm saying is someone should do it because Faygo is great and it couldn't possibly be worse than this

Oddly specific. Is this your story?

The cumtown site isn't as great as the subreddit use to be

we do okay

the arrCumtown offshoot site

hell yeah dude

It's not just the site, it's the country. This is what American soldiers are being taught.

At this point if you're a white guy you either have to hate yourself or hate the US.

Or join the folks at stupidpol where you can be both!

On a related matter, are you excited for this year's wildfires as I am? California had one of it's most dry winters on record so it will probably be another doozy. 👀

do those ever go out? i never hear about that part and then i hear about more record setting fires. i'm surprised there's anything left to burn

You know that's what I thought of too in the past. Cuz like legit eventually there isn't gunna be any trees left in that state to burn.

Go figure, shit’s been oversold, and there’s plenty of forest.

Look, if we can't give Cali back to poseidon directly, at least we can offer it up as a burnt sacrifice.

The location is too nice. Instead, we should just exile all California whitoids to that garbage island in the ocean.

If we promise to replace them with Mexicans (superior to California whitoids in every way), they'll likely take the exile without any argument. And the ones that do resist will be cancelled/eaten alive by the other California whitoids.

Then we import all the Selma Hyak looking Mexican girls and the top guys in the Cartel and tax their drug empires to fund building a wall to keep Canadians out.


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We have secure the existence of white children, ain't that right buddy

Listen baby, we're having a lot of fun right now aren't we? Let's not ruin the present by worrying too much about the future.

Let's compromise. You stop talking about making white children all the time, and I'll continue not stop wearing condoms.

You know what I love about you buddy, it's not often you see someone so vigilantly and constantly care about the struggles of the white man. You're always here to inform the dramatard about the pain and suffering the white man faces.

Keep fighting the good fight buddy, this one's for you: white lives matter!

Well, yeah, of course. I'm a white man.

If you don't consider your own issues, only possibly beaten out by the issues of loved ones, the most important than you're a sucker.

That's right buddy, I'll pop another one for you: white lives matter!

Btw, don't you think it's weird that white people can't say the n word? They're restricting your freedom of speech! White people are losing their rights and no one is talking about it.

White Live Matter!

Mine certainly does. But generally speaking, most lives don't matter regardless of color.

white people cant say the n word

As someone that sang along to a lot of rap in the early 2000s, I'm pretty certain we can say it.

If you're having pronunciation problems, you might not be hitting the r hard enough.

No one is talking about it

Isn't this a conversation about you being mad that I'm talking about it?

As someone that sang along to a lot of rap in the early 2000s, I'm pretty certain we can say it.

So say it

These are business hours bb. If you want me to say words for you, you'll need to pay me just like everyone else.

You don't do it for free 😳 do you reign supreme of the jannies? A supremacist perhaps?

I'm genuinely curious because we've done this twice I'm having trouble telling if you're memeing or not based on other posts of yours.

Am I supposed to start falling all over myself to distance myself when you allude to the 14 words or say something like White Lives Matter? Or are you parodying a John Oliver type?

Why would I be memeing. The struggle of the white man is real

Lmao I guess I was giving you too much credit.

Hulk Hogan brotha

But generally speaking, most lives don't matter regardless of color.


I'm a white man male

FTFY. Insert "f***in white male" song: bitchute.com/video/SfC4lcE06xLW


Let's compromise. You stop talking about making white children all the time, and I'll continue not stop wearing condoms.


White women line up for my cumtown.

This is what American soldiers are being taught.

Surely they don't just swallow it wholesale though? Unless the rumours are true that Biden's getting rid of any MAGA-flavoured soldiers.

It doesn't really matter if they're all buying it, the fact that they're being taught it is enough. You can't ask for a more explicit statement that the US government is against you.


No u

Love you, bb 😘

The wh*te brain in action

I dunno, not being a fragile white redditor is pretty easy.

Being self-loathing is probably easy, but it's a pathetic way to go through life.

Self loathing is not required to jettison the fragility.

Self-loathing is required to tolerate abuse or disadvantage.

Apologizing for the way you were born and sins you never committed is pathetic; allowing yourself to be treated badly because of those things is mental illness or the successful indoctrination of a very weak mind.

What abuse or disadvantage? Who is making you apologize?

The mongs who are featured on fwr, etc are complete rslurs, fully deserving of mockery.

Did you miss the stories about the extremely controversial new "white males are evil, failing to support BLM makes you an extremist" military training? I'm not exaggerating look it up.

And of course the rest of the federal government is also receiving critical race theory trainings. You know, white males bad class. Classes where apologizing for privilege and historical oppression are often required.

And that's without even getting into all the stuff in the COVID bill that explicitly excluded white men (black farmer money etc), several new small government initiatives giving hand outs or free medical care to non-whites only (Oakland), and of course the age old issue of affirmative action.

It is what it is, but the American government has made its position clear. Hating white guys is official policy.

One of the many reasons I'm team China.

Maybe fragility is going to be terminal in your case.

You can call it fragility all you want, but that doesn't change that it's the only sensible position.

If you've been tricked into advocating against your own interests, you deserve what you get.

Why does following along with the guidelines established by the objectively correct counterculturalists of the 60s and 70s instill hatred in you?

The only objectively correct people in the 60s and 70s were the dudes who wore "The end is Near" signs and shouted at commuters.


On a genuine level I disagree with that entirely, since literally everything the hippies stood for was absolutely and inarguably correct, and its only unfortunate that middle america rejected the truth wholesale. But that was a clever retort.

The platonic hippie in popular imagination as described by deBoer here:

You know who weren’t cops? All the radicals and queers and artists and dreamers that were there while I grew up, my mom and dad’s old friends from New York and the wider bohemian world, the actors and the drag queens and the dilettantes and the ex junkies and the current junkies, the kind of queer people who wouldn’t get caught dead getting married, the people who actually made the “old New York” of the myth into what it was. They were smart and they were funny and they were tougher than I can imagine and they were possessed of an existential commitment to the idea that life is complicated and so we shouldn’t be quick to judge. They were tolerant, in the true sense, even while they were tireless advocates for actual justice. They knew that genuinely progressive, left-wing people had to embody a rejection of the old moralisms. They weren’t religious but they embraced Christian forgiveness more than any people I’ve ever known. They were the kind to say to newcomers at AA meetings, “I don’t care who you are or what you’ve done, you’re welcome here.” Most of them are dead now, from AIDs or cancer or drugs or just living life. I miss them so fucking much. I miss when we were the cool ones, the implacable ones, the ones too principled to judge.

May have been cool and right but those people probably didn't really exist in any real number and were much more outnumbered by morons who wanted to justify smoking weed and not working as some kind revolutionary act. And I fail to see how that shit is even connected to the platonic ideal of hippies, I've never read anything to indicate that hippies were like totally down with hating on whitoids. Not exactly free love.

When I refer to 'hippies' I'm talking about the New Social Movements as a whole, since it works as a good catch-all term. That includes the New Left, Black Power, etc.

Identity politics as an issue comes from those groups. Groups like the White Panthers (and to a degree the Black Panthers), and activist thinkers like Tom Hayden and Abbie Hoffman, were essentially the OGs in the desire to 'tear down' what they saw as an inherently white supremacist system that was the United States. Hell, the Weather Underground essentially came up with what was a proto-concept of 'white privilege.' So that's where the connection lays. Not the platonic ideal of the hippies, persay, but why the perception of them as pinkos exists at all; because large swaths of countercultures' leadership was pinkos. Of course racial issues weren't their only, or even biggest, concern, but it was a part of the ideolgoy.

You're totally right about how the movement was largely used by slackers to justify getting high rather than charging in for social progress, though.

Then I take issue with both the idea that everything they stood for being correct, communism obviously didn't work out like they thought it would easiest critique, and the idea that banning abuse against everyone but white people even follows from civil rights era thoughts. You can definitely draw an evolutionary line from those thoughts but there has been plenty of mutations between Malcom X and fucking Spez.

theirs was an odd form of communism. The reason they call it the 'New Left' was because it was different from the 'old left' based in Marxist principles of believing Labour was the vanguard of revolution. Rather, most of them were students who wanted a form of progressivism that was more based on social issues. Generally they rejected Marxism as it came from the Soviet Union (which was believed to be a system as oppressive as capitalism), but embraced things like Vietnam's communist anticolonial struggles, seeing it as an ally against American imperialism. Like I said, its an odd amalgamation, but in general their ideology was rejecting just about everything that came before the 60s, capitalism and practical implementations of communism alike, while still attempting to claim the labels of leftism. much alike to what leftist students attempt to practice today (contemporary socialism often derives directly from the lasting legacy of counterculture and the new left). Whether their own ideology had real-world practicality to it is a different conversation, but generally I think their ideals are pretty agreeable on paper.

But what I'm trying to say is that something banning abuse against everyone but white people does generally follow from the basic principles outlined by civil rights era thought, or more specifically black power thought. Affirmative Action, which came from the minds of 60s and 70s thinkers, is essentially the same thing on a macro level. You're absolutely right that there's been plenty of mutation inbetween, but you wouldn't have what we have now without the social upheaval of the 60s.

but you wouldn't have what we have now without the social upheaval of the 60s.

This is a just so story, everything we have now is the culmination of all that came before it. You could say this same thing about every successful historical movement.

And I'm further confused because this whole thing started with this comment by you

Why does following along with the guidelines established by the objectively correct counterculturalists of the 60s and 70s instill hatred in you?

So the thing being critiqued is a mutation that came after the 60s and 70s counter cultural movement, in what way can I be said to be angered at the counterculteralist's guidelines if my critique is aimed at a clause not present in them?

Well because the point you're taking issue with is one that is not a mutated clause. There have been many mutations from the 60s, as I was trying to say, but that wasn't one of them. Believing that whites are inherently privileged and therefore attacks on them takes on a different context, one which doesn't need to be addressed in anywhere near the same capacity as attacks on racialized peoples, was a belief already held by groups like SDS and their offshoots like the White Panthers.

Your first point is a fair critique though. You're right, everything does lead into everything. I just think that, on a macro level, you can see more influence on modern thought from the 60s than in comparrison to pre-60s thought on 60s thought. But it was a silly thing to say.

Well because the point you're taking issue with is one that is not a mutated clause. There have been many mutations from the 60s, as I was trying to say, but that wasn't one of them. Believing that whites are inherently privileged and therefore attacks on them takes on a different context, one which doesn't need to be addressed in anywhere near the same capacity as attacks on racialized peoples, was a belief already held by groups like SDS and their offshoots like the White Panthers.

You can definitely trace privilege theory back to that time period but I can't actually imagine a panther organization endorsing the idea that an ideal anti-hate speech policy would have a carved out exception for white people and men. They very likely would endorse the idea that hate speech is more damaging to minorities but I doubt they'd take an "actually some race based hatred is good" stance, and if they did then fuck them and I go back to disagreeing with their guidelines being "objectively correct".

hey very likely would endorse the idea that hate speech is more damaging to minorities but I doubt they'd take an "actually some race based hatred is good" stance

Fair enough. Perhaps I've been misrepresenting their ideals and taking them to (il)logical extremes for the sake of heating up the discussion. My bad on that.

But I can't say I didn't have fun killing an hour on this at least. You're always a good conversationalist, hence why I engaged with my nonsense to begin with. But anyway you have a good one.

You too man, back to work.

"based on identity or vulnerability"


White people aren't real. Change my mind internet loser.

What's the deal with white people? They're not white and they're not people

The white is immune to verbal and physical attacks

Well when you put it like that it sounds like white men are the ultimate chads.

you know its weird, like old school internet users were expected to be able to handle abuse. An internet bully is one power button away from being out of your life. So to assume that, like, yeah, huwite men can take the abuse, its, like, yeah, shouldnt everybody be able to as well?

Reddit believes only straight white men are capable of shrugging off internet abuse I guess

There's only one sub I can think of about a race's fragility.

You shouldn't refer to black people Twitter that way. The admins don't like that.

That's why I didn't and really did not 😐

It is pretty easy. Just drop the gamer word and you'll never have to talk to a redditor again.


gamer word



fuck necromancers

Imagine even caring about internet abuse. Just turn off the screen if you can't take it.

The truth is only poor people with low positions in life can't handle abuse.

Nonsense. Tolerating slights is what battered wives and the homeless do. The prosperous demand respect.

The soft bigotry of low expectations

Call him a cracker, a honkey, a frosty...

"based on identity or vulnerability"



Everyone say hello to the new me.

While I have every right to continue as this ""username"", it is now my dead name.

My real name is actually Daisy and my pronouns are DayShe and Her.

**Any mentions of my ""old"" dead name will be promptly reported to the admins as a capitol offense against a vulnerable individual.

Thank you in advance for your required respect.

subs in question literally mock white people's vulnerabilities

lol I can't wait for this place to die.

also, a non-approved-cel has shown me that drama's favorite paragraph posting super jannie has appeared in stupidpol to defend this and is being thoroughly mocked.

You had me expecting a Lardbinn appearance. 😾

i can never tell if lardbinn of tito are the favorite here

Where!? Did it get deleted?

Holy shit I'd pay to read xer take

Some say AEO is Shartdjinn's alt.

I hope he's an approved user here.


Is that TiTs? Cuz TiTs there too


Who? I’m clearly OOTL.

I'm willing to bet jannies are the least diverse user group on this site and are probably 95% mayo.

where that pic comparing the /pol/ meetup vs the reddit mod meetup

You the poster in that thread? Blank out the admin name and submit to SRC or WRD.

no, i stole it from stupidpol

I found it on conspiracy and was going to post it but you beat me to it. Good find

I remember the admins wanting to instate new rules that would protect "vulnerable groups" or something like that (which would mean men and white people, typically), but they supposedly roled it back. Did they go back on roling back that awful rule?

Of course they did, lol. This is the same company that background-checked and hired a pedophile furry literally a month ago, and actively ran damage control for them for weeks until enough bad PR got out to do something about it.

Good points. This kind of behaviour does make sense.

No, they made a rule where general mean behavior was banned. It was overturned because a couple gigajannies like takeittorcirclejerk got banned over it and cried to the admins.

So moderators are the lowest form of life, but some moderators can tell admins what to do, which would suggest that they're even lower on the food chain, but admins get paid for their work, which would put them above anyone dumb enough to do it for free, but they submit to mods, but they get paid– 😕⁉️

I mean doing literally nothing but sometimes appeasing unpaid spergs so they don't jump off a bridge is a pretty good gig I think.

Mayo men btfo

Online I identify as a mayo man just to allow people to bully me.

Imagine being a white male and taking offense to anything on the internet lmao

Imagine being a white male and taking offense to anything on the internet lmao

no need to mansplain huntie 🙅🏼‍♀️😤

All you give a fuck about is dick and you’ll take the opinion of whatever the dick is attached to has. No point in taking anything you say seriously. You’re a caricature of what FDS criticizes which I thought wasn’t even a real thing until I met you

quit stealing snappy’s material 👆

Snappy already has this one? It's from yesterday...

idk i don’t actually read them... i just saw a lot of words and passion and assumed it was dramapasta

You’re the right wing version of libtard fоіds, just blindly follow an ideology like an idiot which should be expected of women I guess, but in this case the benefits you get isn’t rights or higher up in the workplace it’s just dick which I look down upon a lot more since it’s hedonistic at its core

yesss daddy more dick talk 🤤

Sounding tubes are meant to be used medically, but some people figured out that they experience sexual pleasure from the act. The reason for this being that the sounding tube can reach very sensitive parts inside your penis that, if stimulated, can create some very intense orgasms.

Jannienacht and Adminnacht when?

Smash those funko pops! burn those magic cards! shoot their $4,000 RGB "g*ming" computers!!!

Yesterday, please.

At least the Mayocide can commence without any problems. Still waiting on Day of the Can though.

Mayos mad

"My best advice for you would be to concentrate on your own communities or other communities that are more inline with your style"

That's a genuinely good advice, though. If only everyone on reddit took it, especially certain mystery subreddits...

when was this?

I posted this to ahs and got banned instantly lol

Instantly meaning seconds or minutes?


The janny works tirelessly to scrub and clean and polish all the messes, including their own. Their dedication to this thankless task cannot be overstated!

tirelessly to scrub and clean

Obsession with cleanliness is a sign of autism. All the other signs of an ahs-tist are too, however

Based on vulnerability

I like how admins are essentially low key white supremacists.


And I wouldn't have it any other way.

On a serious note, I'm not sure what exactly do you expect from that exchange.

til not being white and male is a weakness. damn white males keep taking dubs

Funny thing is most of the people using those subs are most likely 90% white men. With other mental illnesses of course, but the point still stands.


down with white males

it just hilarious that they plainly say "oh white males can take it everybody else cant because their weak" lmao

Cope more whitey

"my best advice to you is to concentrate on your own communities"

anyone wanna bet how many hours an explicitly "white community" would last on this site?

arrr itsokaytobewhite is unmoderated...

It's not ok to be white.

Oh wow once again another reddit rule that is vaguely written and where its meaning is something different.

i feel like someone's forgotten that the pinko hippie counterculturalists rightfully won the culture war half a century ago.

This is the future they were fighting for. Imagine being against it


may0s BTFO