Proving that the man cannot tell a lie, Paul Piece is fired from ESPN for showing us how literally every athelete likes to live large; with weed and strippers.

1  2021-04-06 by busslordlowkeybussin


Tariq always trying to market his new movie

In all seriousness that ain't right. Race plays a role here too. This guy is just having a good time nothing disrespectful. For comparison Leonardo Dikiddio runs through 18-19 year old's and the media stay's mum.

It doesn't help that he's married. Maybe it was also the family friendly angle too?

I dunno man. I'm old school. Generally what you do is your business as long as its not fucked up like our boy Dikiddio Diddler. Even here I would give him a pass. Not sure if its his place or party but lets just assume it is. Imagine your homie invites you over for some poker and possibly some poke her lol. Anyway whats wrong with that? Even here what he is playing cards and getting massage, not like him and dude are double dicking someone. People have done worse buss and still work for the mouse. I still say it ain't right.

What differentiates "exotic" strippers from normal strippers?


that guy sounds like he has some kind of mental disability are we 100% he knew where he was

Only one take I needed to click on.

Literally why was he fired?

Pretty sure it was cause of Rachel Nichols getting name dropped/trending during the stripper livestream

Womxn, ruining everything since the dawn of civilisation. Smh.

Because ESPN is owned by the Mouse