An unedited pic of a Cardassian (not the cute or the famous one) is leaked onto the internet. Accounts are getting deleted and suspended across Twitter, Reddit, etc for "copyright violation"

1  2021-04-06 by HodorTheDoorHolder__


SRD: Wow she looks great

The top comment

Why are SRDines so fucking pathetic? Her entire existence and brand is "you don't look as good as me" and using tech to promote unrealistic body standards. The first thing they do is say she looks great and wish her good mental health lmao.




Notice how without the airbrushing in professional pics she will use her leg to hide her penis bulge.


still would tbh

oh of course

still would but have had better

So average lol

Just looks like a foid of her age, I don't get why it is even filtered. If you didn't tell me who that was I'd have had no idea.


STFU about Star Trek.

They're Armenian Americans

Anyway, found this on SRD. Some user discovered that the auto removal bot can't detect if the photo is cut-in-half, flipped, etc. which is why I can post the imgur link. Check the SRD thread for more drama/info.

Hodor, I just wanna say you the best man. I hope you're having an awesome day.

thx bby

Edit: you too of course

Where's plain simple Garak or Gul Dukat.

These fucking thots don't deserve to be mentioned in the same breath as those two chads.

What about that female who wants to bunny boil o'brien.

You've lost me, but honestly I think they should have stuck with Miles being totally racist against Cardassians. They walked in back the very episode of Next Generation it debuted on.

I wonder if he had already been cast for DS9 at that point?

There's a Cardassian bitch who wants o'brien's dick. They didn't really walk it back though he just apologizes and say he doesn't hate them he hates what he made into. He still thinks they a horrible race until the end of DS9.

If Kim and Chloe can effectively keep those Bajorans under heel like they deserve I'm on board.

These websites have a bot that auto remove and suspend a celebrities picture?

lmao imagine writing whiteknighting code for a kardashian.

When will these numales of the west be gone?

You pay my rate and I’ll write you anything you want.

There's a cute one?

The little one is the hottest, this one is the largest and best breeding stock

Which one is this?

Yeah news from yesterday, but I didn’t know Reddit was getting copyright violations now lol. Also anyone else find it weird that it’s a pic of Khloe but it’s been all Kims accounts/PR doing the messaging?

Reddit was getting copyright violations

I remember seeing some drama over some guy sperging that someone reposted his OC meme on reddit so he filed a copyright claim and reddit actually took down the meme πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

Memes are serious bussiness, bro. 😀

Yeh they're flexing their social media power. Khloe doesn't have enough to scrub the internet but Kim does. I bet the mother is the one who is really pulling the strings. She is the smart one of the clan.

she's also an olympian so all around a top-notch gal

Lmao the XX mother not the XY one but I see what you did there 😏.

oh shit I got trolled.

Seriously? Edit: Well played.

200 iq quip. Well played

It's def Kim Jung-un Jenner doing the threats. Kim doesn't care about her ugly sister.

The "matriarch"

It's likely a marketing scam in itself, like her leaked birthday photos or sex tape.

It would only be a matter of time before someone weaponized the Streisand effect.

And what did we see in not even 24 hours you had that, you had caitlyn jenner talking about running for gov, and you had articles of kim being a billionaire.

Not that surprising. They sell their body, that's the main product. Can't have other people selling it too

there are four out of ten


A couple months ago I was watching some of Kimmel's celebrities read mean tweets videos. Someone I didn't recognize but was hot as hell came on to read her mean tweet or whatever.

Turns out it was Kim and I have no idea what she looks like.

Proudest moment of my life.

She does have a nice pair of plus 2's

The only content worth watching is that fight between Kim and Kourtney other than that I've seen nothing not even the sex tape.

Kinda feel bad for her. She's been the 'ugly one' for years, finally went under the knife and started properly editting her photos to look decent and now everyone will remember her for this instead.