Reminder: SubredditDrama is not your personal army. Read the rules before posting here.

1  2021-04-08 by SandorClegane_AMA


How to get shot milliseconds after target acquisition.

Thanks for sharing your Call of Duty expertise.

Ew, no thanks gamer.

The qtpi little squigglies carved into the handguard tho

Is that a bad dragon handguard

If there isn't a market big enough to capitalize on that, then leftism is officially dead.

> handguard

Wow the average srdine femaleoid is quite homely.

What's SRS look like then?

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 .-.\ \    \ \       '..:/____|_____|_____|_____|_____|_____|_____\         / /    / /.-.
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           \_.-''          ``-..____                  ____..-''          ``-._/
            `-._                    ``--...____...--''                    _.-'
                `-.._                                                _..-'
                     `-..__              SRD = SRS             __..-'
                           ``-..____                  ____..-''
  • MJP

Hi, I was banned from SRD apparently for 'brigading' because I called a guy who wanted drama banned a 'LOLCow.'

I was already a reader and poster in both subreddits and I found his post in SRD, so I was not brigading.

Please unban.

Mods only replied with cow emojis when I queried it via modmail.

Your first mistake was to follow that sub in the first place. That right is reserved for lawlz and lawlz only.

                       /\     /\ 
   ______________     //\\___//\\
 /  U SRD/SRS    \   /           \
|  FAK U BROBO   | --|  0    0   |--
 \ ___________  |  --|  (_/\_)   |--
              \  \ --|    \/     |--    ____
               \__>  \           /     (___ \
                      \_________/          \ \
                        |       -----       | |
                        |  |  |    /  \     | |
                        |  |  |   /    \___/ /
                        |  |  | _ \    /___ /
                        \_/ \_/|_______\

I've never seen an upper look like BBC.

Hurrrrrrrrrrrr, trigger discipline!!!!!!!!!

Who would want SRDines as a personal army? I want men not some SRDines. All anyone would have to do is misgender them and the SRDines would fall apart crying about the literal torture they received at the hands of the enemy.

they're effective, they report your age old comments

No they only do that to transwomen who don't agree with their opinions.

Dead marble eyes.

Like a dolls eyes

Eyes can look gone like that when the eyelids are slightly shut.

Droopy eyelid syndrome I like to call it, or DES.

What a fucking pleb. Buy a God damn stamp you welfare queen.

Imagine subsidizing dogkillers

any idea what the muzzle device is

Hard to tell but looks shrike industries

God robojannie is a sperg. Flash suppressor and/or speculum


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Looks like a shitty a version of the VG6 Epsilon I own.

I give them a little credit for at least not buying a mosin nagant for triple it's value on Gunbroker.

Wow this is some PlebeianAR shit.


That reminds me I should get some windowed magpul mags

Maybe if they werent on HRT they could afford something nice like an elcan