Tensions continue to simmer between blacks and asians, this time involving Yang riding a bike then being told to take a hike.

1  2021-04-14 by busslordlowkeybussin


Can you imagine being forced to spend time with the type of person who goes to political rallies and yells shit in a megaphone

Can you imagine listening to and obeying the orders of a person with a megaphone who yells for you to take a hike while you're campaigning for office? Yang looks real weak here.

Same thing happened to Bernie, and I think played a significant role in his image

Angry black women and making progressive candidates look weak seems like it's becoming a running gag.

Should have posted the Twitter thread, lots of juicy race war drama


Great find 👌 Your find, your post homie.

Nah, this post is already at the front of rdama, no need to double up

Nah, this post is already at the front of rdama, no need to double up


Neolib vs commie/anarchist business owner. Just thought you'd enjoy.

Damn why they gotta be so mean, he's just riding his bike

progs are mad because he is handily leading the mayoral elections despite holding the controversial opinion "maybe we should have police around, given all that crime and stuff"

it's a deep cut because if progs can't win in the densest city in America, where can they win

Yang’s UBI hardon makes him a progressive icon in his own right.

that's the funniest thing -- the narcissism of small differences

"maybe we should have police around, given all that crime and stuff"

He's a realist trying to preach to emotional AOC-style progressives. Seeing how much they hate him is amusing.

Make that 1900% increase to 19000% increase, NY, so my Chinese social groups can seethe even more.

I feel sorry for Yang. Seems like a genuinely good dude. Weaknesses are being too mild mannered. Also all that effort for nothing.

Andrew Yang was confronted and then ordered to leave by protesters who chanted "we do not want you here" and "shame, shame shame."

How about "Protesters confronted and then ordered Andrew Yang to leave..."

Down with passive sentences!

I can't believe those white supremacists did this to Yang.

White Boy Summer is going to be a dark time. 😨

No one cares about the subject when it is the object that matters.
