The mass shootings continue. FedEx worker goes postal and just murdered 5 FedEx employees in Indianapolis. More wounded at the hospital.

1  2021-04-16 by McFluff_TheCrimeCat


Our thoughts and prayers go out to those who are most affected by these tragic events - the manufacturers and sellers of semi-automatic firearms.

The world's greatest and most lucrative conspiracy: the firearms industry paying off all of these "school shooters" and "mass murderers" to continually and regularly spike gun and ammo sales. Guns to the moon!

shots fired

A successful product demo usually helps drive sales. Especially because all the guncels will rush out to stockpile thinking the gubmint is gonna come take their boomsticks away.

My only thoughts and prayers are that the ammo sexuals all finish each other off for the benefit of normal people everywhere.

Tactitard vs. Fudd civil war when?

Everyone hurry up and agenda post with your assumed race and motivation for the shooter before any real details come out.

Black gay jew

I'm betting on a fentayl American inspired by Parler and MTG 🀞🀞

Magic The Gathering is truly a stain on our society.



Race and motivation are the same thing

Probably work place stuff. I’ll never get why people who are pissed at their boss or whatever for getting fired go randomly kill people instead of the person who actual did something to them or the ceo if they’re going to kill anyone.

If you manage to get fired from a job at FedEx you probably are pretty damn stupid.




There is no probably to it.

/pol/ says whitoid shooting .223 according to police scanner

His co-workers probably bullied him for getting scammed into buying a .223 AR πŸ˜‚

Called it. See below.

Race is Sam

Motive is Hyde

Gay train muzzie

He literally went postal race has nothing to do with it and the motivation won't be anything political

^ This comment was typed by pallid, bony incel hands

You know deep inside that this kind of act could have only been done by yt pipo

Shut up zoomer

Silence cracker

America is back!

Postal 5 graphics are cool

These things are boring until you find out the shooter

I think it's funny that there are so many being reported on suddenly.

Specifically the race and gender of the shooter. Given that the person was successful (thus ruling out w*men) and killed more people than he injured (thus ruling out b*acks) we are almost sure it is either a wh*te or mu*lim m*n. My money is on yt.

I know that's the part everyone is interested in.

I was just saying that I find the sheer number being reported on/happening suddenly funny even without the white guy everyone is desperately waiting for.

The media needs something to latch onto now that they can't lean on Trump for most of their content. They're also probably trying to pave the way for another go at gun control legislation.

Well, you're probably in luck with this one.

Everyone says that every time.

Thing is, when it's a white guy, we generally know that before the shooting is even over.

Some other dude in this thread said pol said it was a whiteoid as expected.

That other post is also me ya dip

Expecting a dramatard to ever read usernames...

Update: 8 dead now. Plus several (number not clear) wounded.

RIP Amazon proxy slaves

I re-read that title 3 times without realizing what was making me laugh, but I got it in the end. Ah, the ability to enjoy legitimately unspeakable levels of suffering, all thanks to a pun.

it's not a pun. going postal was named after mailworkers shooting their coworkers

That makes it even better

Might be the most low iq shit I've read all year

Now all logistic warehouse workers will think twice before trying to form a union.

Going postal is back baby.

It's now privatized.

Normally when I ship through FedEx I expect bullet holes in the package not the employees.

Goes postal

I've waited all my life to use that term and you stole it

The important question here: which race was the shooter?

Another example of FedEx taking over a service role traditionally fulfilled by the USPS. Good to see deregulation paying such dividends.
