MTG is right. If you're going to live in a capitalist society then buy your own goddamn baby body parts.

1  2021-04-18 by busslordlowkeybussin


For context, she's referencing a bill to help leukemia patients, which only two (2) members of Congress voted against

Further context, the "body parts" are blood and bone marrow donations

Why do pic posts get removed by autojannie.

Image posting is dumb

ur dumb

I am actually the smartest poster on arrrrg drama with an ASVAB of 65 (thats like crayon eating IQ).


If you're eating crayons then you're already too intelligent for errrrr drama.

I think for posts like this imageposting is easier. With real drama you're right, it's not ideal.

Idk I was glad to see that mtg has a facebook