Probably the worst thing I've ever been sent by someone wanting to become an approvedcel. If I had to see this stupid shit so do you.

1  2021-04-18 by pewkiemuffinboo


Let the unapproved in. We need more people.

biological uterus-possessor wanting to let 'fugees in

Color me shocked.

You think I'm a girl?


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Fuck off we’re full

Not even close. We could double the number of approvedcels and it would still be very cozy.

We have half the usual crew of agendaposters doing the eyes emoji on every other post they come across. We don't need any more people to make that a habit.


Oh yeah mum's the word it'll be our little secret unless you have 12 braincells and look for 5 minutes. I've already started seeing the posts get removed so obviously the "got-hit-with-the-stupid-stick" crew aren't as much of sneaky secret agents as they think they are doing it.

Still better than a lawlzpost


I can't decide if it is a t-slur with a boob job or an old-cel with a boob-job.

It's Heidi Klum. She goes all out on Halloween every year.


Yeah, and you'll be pleased to know it's not her actual face.

Because of all the surgeries

You still read those?

No, I don't. I think other mods do.

This was sent to me via PM so I thought it was a normal mail.

Everyone reading this, mods will always respond by personally DMing their accounts.

Congratulations on joining the mod team hodor

I was a mod a long time ago

And now you're in charge of receiving aprovedcell pms

I actually do get pms out of the blue from people asking to approve them here

You should make irrational demands and post what you come up with.

If I remember the next time sure

I got one a couple hours ago and told him to send a dick pic to the mod mail and he would be approved

The sneak changed his flair

Did you approve them at least?

Lol no.

Approve him smh

Thank god

Senpai! I feed on all everyone's misery and r-slur takes on various subjects - PLEASE LET THEMMM INNNNNNNN!!!!!! PLZZZZZZ!!!!!

Love you!! <3<3<3