Did that cop just shoot an unarmed black girl or did he save a different black girl from being stabbed? The subreddit named after Genoa's most famous sailor has a calm and level-headed discussion.

0  2021-04-21 by PUBLIQclopAccountant

If you can't follow my clues, read a history book focusing on the final decade of the 15th century. If it starts discussing Martin Luther and its consequences, you've gone too far.


83% of those killed by the Columbus PD are Black, despite Black people making up ~28% of the city population.

The DoJ has statistics explaining the reason for this.

lol, brave man

Feels like you could've played up anti-Italian discrimination a bit more, in the context of BIPoC

Italians are the most privileged Papists. You can think of them as the white people of Catholics.

Doubtful. Really doubtful. Are French people a joke to you?

The Quebeçois have their own nation. What more can they want?

I'm not just talking about Quebeçois, French in general have a bit more of a pull in the world than Italians do. Objectively. And literally always have since the fall of Rome.

Not to mention Austrians and other South Germans...

What I'm saying is that you're really wrong about Italians being the top Papists. They just aren't - they're middling at best.

Why would so many be so cucked as to fall into the political sphere of stinky Frenchmen?

You would know if you read history books instead of watching porn of cartoon ponies.

Joke's on you: I studied history academically before I got addicted to horse porn.

We are atheist, commie scum.

The one from yesterday before the body cam was released? There were some spicy takes in that thread that really show you the depths of how damaging social media has been to normies.

Both threads, really.

Youre right about that. I remember one smoothbrain wanted to know why they couldn't use nets to take her down instead of using deadly force 😂 Like what kind of scooby doo ass solution is that? Plenty of others were apparently unaware that a knife, when directed forcefully at humans in a stabbing motion, can cause grave bodily harm or death.

Scooby-Doo k9 unit

I just came from an FWR thread where people were complaining that some rightoid suggested that cops shouldn't even bother responding to crime in bl*ck neighborhoods by saying that it's a travesty that they already don't... Makes for some nice contrast alongside the earlier tweets from the uberw*ke galaxy brain saying that cops shouldn't get involved in knife fights between teenagers 'cause it's like totes normz.

It's like they see hypocrisy as an aspirational virtue. "Why don't you respond to crime in our neighborhoods??? Wait, no, not like that!"

Thanks for the drama but now I have a craving for Genoa salami.

The subreddit named after Genoa's most famous sailor

I don't see anything on arrrr Cabot?

Based and Northwest Passage pilled

im not a professional shitty quality neo-worldstar video critic but it looks a lot like he shot someone mid-stabbing of a bystander

The white supremacist is a tricky creature. Sometimes they save young black women from attackers, but it's all a ruse. He was only upset it wasn't him moments away from driving a knife into her body.

Shit's getting real in Colombia.