πŸ‘ΆπŸ‘€ Witness the denial and bitterness of the denizens of a mayo alt-right thot's sub, as they come to terms with her choosing a husband of colour and bearing his half mayo/caramel child.

1  2021-04-22 by __TIE_Guy

Follow the comment history.



This would unironically be the most entertaining genre of porn.

i used to live it, man

then she cheated on me with an older mayo

now i hate all crakkkas

First off just want to say that sucks man. Curious though would you mind sharing more details man. What did you use to live? You can DM too, but we all family here (Except the rightoids)

Is rob schneider the new whiteness line?

As a manlet 🀒, Rob Schneider's race is irrelevant

She looks like she's had a stroke 😜

She's always been dumpy, but now way more haggard. Never understood the appeal but I am probably biased. Bizarre fucking women, but a great cow for drama. After her great replacement video, which she took down she ghosted for about year. Once an internet thot alway's an internet thot. Prior to she had been working with the atlantic. Peep this


The story is good, well done, a bit drama in there too, just a smudge between Lauren and Brittany Pettibone. Still.

Also check out the pic, like it's so played up on her part that it is cringe. She gets this is her moment to get that sweet sweet internet attention.

Anyway After this I suspect her paypigs revolted, so what does she do? Response which ironically she deleted here


Full of the typical BS expected of her mediocre manipulative ass.

Then there was her meltdown over wikipedia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Talk:Lauren_Southern

This led to this. https://www.breitbart.com/the-media/2020/12/21/lauren-southern-sends-defamation-complaint-to-wikipedia-over-long-running-smear-campaign/

Regarding her err, him, I still think the Youtube video ending in /watch?v=aQrnH20sVHk is one of the most hilarious and simultaneously disturbing videos I've ever seen.

It's too late she's introduced her genes into the gene pool.

Imagine being that desperate for attention. Here "Hello my enlightened centrists video" was pretty funny, just because she is such a cunt. I think that was her first video upon her return.