This isn't even Zac Efrons final form

1  2021-04-23 by WeWuzKANG5


Plastic surgery is so fucking freaky.

Zac Efron now looks like someone trying to look like Zac Efron.

He'd definitely come in third—at best—in a lookalike contest.


He's only 33, too, lol.

Looks like bloat from roids and muscle gain.

So roids+age+gain will do that,

This is pretty depressing. I genuinely think Efron in his prime was the most handsome dude on the face of the earth. Even by celebrity standards, the dude was insanely good-looking around ten-ish years ago when he was doing 17 Again and Hairspray.

He really didn't have to go down the Hollywood rabbit hole of being as beefy as possible and doing a bunch of other shit to alter his appearance.

It's hgh

Zac took the bog pill, someone give me a qrd

Shamelessly ctrl ved from here:

The video:

I'm putting together a team:

linking to 4chins expecting them to stay active

*sees username* Yeah that explains it.

whats an archive

It's not 2010 anymore grandpa

I traverse much of the internet, sorry my name offends you redditor.

Would an average-sized rowboat support you without capsizing?

I regularly kayak, canoes are more a child with parents thing...

Canoe is superior for beer+food, kayak is try harding.

Sure if your just following floating tubers or with a group just cruising a river a canoe is the supply boat, otherwise a backpack and kayak are all you need for roaming and camping.

unironic le username checks out reddtism

404'd T_T

Some threads are just too good, the jannys must be making overtime there making space for the natalie portman jailbait threads.

Zac is 100% gay. His bearding relationship with the waitress isn't fooling me.

Only 5 more years until he has completed the look.

So they can finally transfer to their new body, right?

Botchedsurgeries already having a funeral over this lol

more like boggedsurgeries

lmao, BSMR 4 lif

You can't ignore the call..

Lulz will be excited, Efron gearing up to play The Crimson Chin.

He's got the chad chin. Incels on suicide watch.

smdh what happened to twink efron? He never should have done baywatch

this was probably his prime:

That was back when he had a normal, slim/healthy physique. Like the kind you would see on an actual athlete

Came back to find Lawlz legit reminiscing on Efron's prime, how does SRD not like you?

He’s always been an actor that interested me. I think he’s actually really talented and could be doing more with his career than he is. There was a time post-high school musical where he took interesting roles that showed his talents.

He’s still doing well, I liked The Greatest Showman and that Ted Bundy movie. But he didn’t take off quite as much as I expected.

It truly is gonna be the White Boy Summer 😍 we've been hoping for!

hotlinking to 4chin

You should leave a note about it on your github.

jesus fuck, you people. I've now unsubscribed, which is a shame, because a lot of greentexts are genuinely funny, but this alt-right underbelly is just unbearable.


  1. This isn't even Zac Efrons final fo... -,*

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Awake 😳

Is his final form gigachad?

He bought the dip Dümp it

