In light of Tariq's potential fall from grace, Steve Harvey steps up and starts offering sage advice to the drama community. Twitterinos left in shambles as uncle Steve explains why he isn't friends with women.

1  2021-04-27 by busslordlowkeybussin


Most of my friends are men, not because I see women as sex objects, so much as in my day to day life of homo-separatism I sometimes forget women exist.

I speak Arabic to God, Russian to men, English to my horse, and I don't speak to women.

I only use hand gestures to women ✋👉 (shut up and get out)


All male camping trip at your lake when?

100 to 120 dramatards

We already have that at least once a year. We call it the Special Olympics.

This is a standard pool party tho

Even the doctors can't diagnose the autisms we have

show me the lie

The lie is the one women tell themselves thinking they serve some other purpose.

unironically I agree

the only attractive women I ever hang out with are my buddies' wives/GF's, or my wife's friends. me being around a good lookin woman with no spousal supervision is just asking for trouble

men who don't understand this are simply unfuckable. they don't worry about these situations because no good looking woman is giving them the time of day, regardless of the context.

edit: holy shit owned lol

Yeah women jump at my feet too, but i respect myself too much to engage with such "people"

Mike Pence is years ahead of the rest of us.

They hate Steve and Tariq because they tell the truth.

Women are annoying, I do not see why anybody would want to hang out with them unless you're trying to fuck them. I make it a point to refer to all of my wife's girlfriends as "her friends," never using the term "our" evem though sometimes I am forced to spend time with them.

The only exception is butch lesbians, the only female that I could call a friend is a butch lesbian. She likes bbq, beer and pussy just like I do.

She's almost as fat as you, too

Hawkeyes momma so fat she tries to eat the hole in a donut

She so fat she gave herself diabetes 2, 3 and 4

My wife or the butch?

The only exception is butch lesbians

Gotta respect lesbians for their domestic violence rates

When you have double the number of victims in a relationship, that happens.

he just described the business model for twitch and onlyfans

95% of male-female friendships is just women using men and men letting them to get in her pants. In terms of being true and reciprocal friends, they rarely like the same things I like, and when they do, they rarely have the skills to keep up with the rest of my buddies. There is the rare woman that can keep up, but she's the farting, burping kind that always tries to out man the rest of the guys. I see no reason to surround myself with people like that.

So not 99.99%?

No, gay best friends exist.


Males can not be friends with women they think are attractive end of discussion.

even females understand this. Just go hang out with girls and let dudes be dudes. who tf cares about this shit? Oh right, twatter.

Absolute true, but the truth is not popular in this age whiteknighting, beta orbiters, to whom simping is second nature.

Incorrect. Beta orbiters hang around women in hopes of banging them. Alpha are friends with whoever they want because they don't care. Your post is also written with a beta writing style, so there's no use trying to hide it.

Male taxonomy is such a fascinating subject

Whiteknighting and beta orbiting is the parasocial equivalent of what mr. Harvey is describing here.

Truth is relative

If you tried a little harder, you could have fit one more buzzword in.

For all of you fellow f-slurs, this is like the nice attractive straight guy you're 'friends' with in hopes that he discovers he's gay/bi. Big Steve is telling the truth, if you're friends with someone you find really attractive there is a 99% chance you'll go for it if they start to show interest, there's literally no reason not too. Where he's wrong is that you're still friends even if that's true, it's more of a warning to what might happen if you become friends with someone like that.

F-slurs and m-slurs really are made for each other. Our respective r-slurredness truly compliments the other's.

He will slide in that crack the moment he gets the opportunity


Of all the words of we write and sing, the saddest are these: Pizzashill was right about this very thing.


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This is unironically sadder than the tweet

Imagine thinking that friendship exists.

Do men really think this lowly of themselves?

Friends with another guy = no problems in current or future relationships.

Friends with a girl = a friendship that is a major stressor or thorn in either or both people's current or future relationships. Is that fair? Maybe not, but it's true

You prefer bussy. That's gay.

This is just beta male thinking, it's no surprise that drama endorses it. If you meet a woman you want to fuck and you don't hit on her within the first minute of interaction, you're a beta. I have many female friends, and it has never been an issue because with each one I decided in the first 5 seconds of seeing her that our relationship would be platonic.

I have many female friends, and it has never been an issue because with each one I decided in the first 5 seconds of seeing her that our relationship would be platonic.

y'all watching real housewives' together and drinking champagne? you said platonic maybe you meant homonic

Yes. I love nature shows and alcohol.

Having drinks after work with your work buddies isn't the same thing. Those people aren't your friends. They're coworkers. They talk about you behind your back in a private group chat. They are spreading lies about you to get you fired. They are trying to take away your livelihood. Get them before they get you.

What makes you think I work?

Sounds like a shit place to work. That or I'm still not jaded enough yet.

The only reason you would continue hanging out with these women is that you think that they can get you laid. So you're still using them for sex. Seriously, what other activities do you do with these women?

That's ridiculous. If I wanted to have sex, I would just have it. Why would I need to hover around my friends for years hoping for sex? That is nonsensical.

Do you really want me to describe friendship activities to you? Are you so unfamiliar with the concept? Drinking together, going out to bars, playing games together, watching TV / movies / sports, talking about different stuff, the occasional party.

Drinking together, going out to bars, and the occasional parties are all activities that if you surround yourself with pretty women, other new pretty women will feel much more comfortable talking to you and flirting. So you are using these women for sex, just not sex with them.

So? 99% of r/drama does the same thing with their male friends to attract fresh bussy and nobody cares. I'm not usually trying to get laid when I'm out with my friends anyway, I'm not sex starved enough to think about it 24/7.

I'm not saying it's a bad thing. I've done it. I also thought we were truly friends because I didn't want to fuck them. But after I grew out of the going out phase I realized that I really didn't get anything out of those friendships except more opportunities to run into new pretty women. My guy buddies have much more in common with me, don't need me to open jars or kill mice, and they'll help me move if I need it.

Lmao what a bunch of losers.

Just because y'all can't find decent, non-annoying women doesn't mean the rest of us can't.

Who thought simps would out themselves so easily too

This is my favourite post so far. Internal rdrama drama aka drama² always tickles my taint.

Why don't we have a version of SubredditDramaDrama?

Oh right because we don't enjoy sniffing our own taints.

This sub should at least be able to admit that with all of the soymen that are around these days, it's not surprising that some women are easier to be bros with

There is a reason all civilisation with the less amount of womxn rights had gay sex, fella.

His argument makes no sense, since then bisexuals could have no friends. Straight people ignore the existance of non-straights in their weird theories every time.

Tbf Steve Harvey is now best known for being a game show host so can't expect much from him. Allegedly he's a massive douchebag behind the scenes too.

bisexuals could have no friends

good. shifty bastards

Hahaha, you were so butthurt you reported all my posts to the moderators too.

You win this one, I'm not allowed to make fun of you anymore. Enjoy living your internet life every day, goodbye.


  1. In light of Tariq's potential fall ... -,*

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