In a baffling and tough to listen to answer, AOC responds to a question about reparations with some questions of her own; who is black and what is racism? Twitter promptly lets her know who is black.

1  2021-04-28 by busslordlowkeybussin


Incoherent babbling to attempt to cover up a complete lack of understanding or respect for the unique racism that black people have faced in this country since its inception.

El oh el. "Unique racism," as if every other group just experience "generic racism."

First, AOC made commies seethe; now she's making the Blacks seethe. This lady's shaping up all right.

"Unique racism,"


unique racism

The birth of BIPOC

Goddamn she's dumb

She is as good at speaking off the cuff as Pelosi is at 9am after her first bottle of Chardonnay.

I'm reminded of that Miss north carolina r-slur talking about us U S Americans and the Iraq, such as.

It's so weird. She went into diametrically opposite directions on three issues in two minutes. Amazing!

i've heard miss america give better answers

This reminds me of being really nervous for a job interview and they ask you a question you're not prepared for lmao

She doesn't want to say, "polling says if I'm for reparations, my popularity will go down and I will have a harder election race. So I'm going to put off saying I'm for reparations until the idea is more popular."

That's basically what this is to a T.

on the one hand, this reparations stuff is going to be great for dramacoin.

on the other hand, I'm already grabbing my ankles when it comes to taxes and I really truly cannot stand the idea of paying more than I already do (a fucking absurd amount, for a middle class guy)

I'm torn

Middle class is totally meaningless in burger context. What sort of order of magnitude of middle class are you referring to? Substitute teacher or corporate lawyer?

This is 2 years old. Reparations are dead.

You know now that I think about it despite all the memes and tweets and foot pics, I’ve never actually heard her talk before

Lol same. It was surreal. Like hearing a meme talk.

She legit sounded exactly how I thought she would.

I prefer the lebron 20 seconds of silence. It's a more honest stupidity.

There's enough fry in those two voices to cook an egg.

Well of course, because she isn't