What happens when the EU sets up a website for citizens to submit ther ideas?

1  2021-04-28 by cumsocket

Reposted from rrrr For_Slavs.

Encourage people into eating less meat

I think it would be great that every inhabitant gets a meat card. Ypu take the card to the store, restaurant etc. Everyone is allowed to eat expl. 300 gr. A week. When you pass the 300 gr's you re not allowed to eat anymore meat for the rest of the week


We need a common european language

Inside the EU there are tens of different languages spoken, this fragmentation affects the ability of european citizens to understand each other, talk to each other, and results in a decrease in working mobility, makes it harder to create a European culture, a European identity, and leads to a fragmentation in narratives and prejudices within the Union, that can, ultimately, end up in more Nations leaving the Union for a short term nationalist desire. [...] We cannot be a real Democracy (as European Union) as long as we (the EU citizens) are unable to speak fluently to each other and understand each other. Thank you for your attention. Long Life to Our beloved European Union.


Impose an IQ or arithmetic-logic test to immigrants

We can see countries such as Canada choosing their immigrants according to their skills whereas we do not choose the people we let in. As a result, immigration has become the major concern for most of western countries. The rise of far-right parties and dangerous ideologies are linked to these unskilled, non-integrated and sometimes ill-intentioned people.



We need a common european language

Definitely a frog coping that English is the lingua franca

Read the last two sentences again and try to tell me that's not a Kraut. It's way too autistic to be coming from anyone else.

it actually sounds like a random troll, no way someone meant that unironically

Do Krauts loathe Bongs?

Gott Strafe England

Who doesn't?

An italian, surprisingly.

All the Euro "federalist" need to fuck off, I will not under any circumstance give up my ability to insult foreigners in a language they don't understand.

Doesn’t mean you wouldn’t be able to insult them in a language they dont understand, it just means that now you have the option of doing it in a language they do understand

They want something like Esperanto I'd bet

First idea is rslurred

Second idea would be based if they used Latin

Third idea is actually decent

European bureaucrats have a distinct dialect/pidgin of English based on common mistakes by ESL speakers.

For example, "actual" (and its cognates) means "currently" in languages from French to Germany to Czech, so European documents will sometimes use "actual" that way, e.g. "This appropriation is intended to cover basic salaries of the staff, as listed in the attached table, based on the actual regulations and on the probable adjustments"

This has been exacerbated by the UK leaving the EU, leaving only Ireland as the only English-speaking country.

The fact that the EU responded to Brexit by further butchering the English language is hilarious to me somehow.

Second idea would be based if they used Latin

*Koine Greek

Proto-Indo-European or bust.

This is Basquephobic sweatie.

Yeah, kind of. Also a bit phobic against Uralic savages like Finns and Hungarians. What can you do, though?

Uralic savages like Finns and Hungarians

stop AAPI hate

Good idea, though Uralic savages are neither Asian nor American, they're a whole length of Asia (at least) away from the Pacific, and they (other than 2.5 Estonians) aren't islanders.

Other than that - I'm with you!

Uralic savages are neither Asian

lol nice try. this is the whitest hungarian

Is there even a writing scheme for that

I even have a textbook for learning it somewhere. Anything can be expressed in IPA I think.

Yeah, actually. It's a bit shit (and frankly unreadable) for actual PIE, but it is perfectly usable for later IE (without Anatolians, Tocharians, and Indo-Iranians - so basically Europeans)

Owis, jāi wl̥nā ne eest, dedorḱe eḱwons, tom woǵʰom gʷr̥um weǵʰontm̥, tom bʰorom meǵm̥, tom ǵʰm̥onm̥ ōku bʰerontm̥. Owis eḱwobʰjos eweket: “Ḱerd angʰetai moi widontei ǵʰm̥onm̥ eḱwons aǵontm̥”. Eḱwos wewekur: “Ḱludʰe, owei! Ḱerd angʰetai widontbʰjos: ǵʰm̥on, potis, wl̥nam owijōm kʷr̥neti soi gʷʰermom westrom; owibʰjos kʷe wl̥nā ne esti”. Tod ḱeḱlōts owis aǵrom ebʰuget.



Tolkien was a hack.


This has got to be a scam for them to submit their ACTUAL plans and claim it came from the citizens of "our beloved European Union"

So ungrateful, America invents English for them to communicate with each other and they ask for another common language

This is mindblowing! I always thought the british invented English...

Are you trying to claim that these ideas would have been any less r-slurred if they had done the same in...let's say...California?

no it's just new and different types of r-slurred ideas and therefore interesting

Knew you'd be in here saying "yeah us Europoors are r-slurred, but what about burgers??"

I'm not a Europoor though.

So...yet again...you're assuming my nationality.