Chad swamp german gets piled on by wimpy redditors for stating his (correct) opinion that helmets are for pussies

1  2021-04-28 by N0ahface



It's true though. Riding without a helmet is cool just like smoking cigarettes is cool. Combine these two to maximize your Chad gains. Only pussies care for their personal safety.

I knew a guy that did this in college when we were both freshmen.

He got mad attention from the ladies, but couldnt score with them worth shit.

His name wasn't Chad so I bet thats the reason

He got mad attention from the ladies, but couldnt score with them worth shit.

he was in the closet, should have pounded that bussy when you had the chance

Only if you have a good hairline

Okay, enjoy hitting a pothole, going flying off your bicycle, and smacking your head on the pavement

What kinda of r-slur hits a pothole with a fucking bike. You are allowed to slow down and avoid them.

Was it the King of the Hill or what where his daughter hit the lone light pole with an unerring precision? I can't bing it, help meee.

Bob's Burgers

Thanks, that's it!

These are the same people who wear a mask when they're jogging in the street, except they probably don't get any exercise.

One of the perks of living in Dutchland is indeed that you dont see many f-slurs with helmets on their bikes.

You're already an f-slur for riding a bike now you'll be a dead f-slur

The helmet people wear for bike really doesn't do much, if you are riding on paved road. I mean sure, it lessens the damage, but if I would wear the motorcycle one if I want the full protection. Those real helmets can probably protect me from anything that won't snap my neck outright.

If you find yourself comparing politics to sex you should neck yourself, because you're clearly doing both wrong.


  1. Chad swamp german gets piled on by ... -,*

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