Creator of dead web framework tells his wage slaves to stop wasting company time crying over orange man or trains bathrooms

1  2021-04-29 by johannesalthusius


I read this as “Stick to work” which is really no different than “shut up and dribble”

Yeah, and? Wagies need to be taken down a few pegs, they’ve gotten too bold.

What's wrong "shut up and dribble?" Most professional athletes are intellectually on-par with racehorses and purebred show dogs.

White wokies think millionaire athletes “using their platform” to talk about social issues is the bravest thing imaginable.

I hope Biden floods the country with H1B workers so techies get knocked down eight pegs

I want him to flood the country with Hispanics so wokies can get a taste of a new hyper Catholic culture.

I think we can all agree that the more non-Americans we ship in, the better. Anything to drown out the voices of Americans, which are horrible.

Let's keep them coming in from the south and not the north. I don't think a single mexican would vote for a soyboi like Justin.

I couldn't agree more, Canadians are almost as bad as Americans.

voted for weenieboy Justin


Pick one.

I like your take better, than importing more Indians.

As long as they aren't the borderline r-slurred Somalians Minnesota was gifted with, fine by me.

This, but unironically. Almost every single American is a spoilt (wo)manchild who is protected from the consequences of their guttural behaviour because of interest they are receiving from the hard work of previous generations.

That is why Repubs should support Puerto Rico's statehood.

That's a dumb move for Republicans because it would just give democrats some automatic seats.

And it doesn't accomplish my goal of creating additional internal strife because they're off on their island.

Total hypocrite. Some people can't avoid those conversations and you know that

Pretty sure you can do a job without listening to some annoying twat talking about identity politics. Just stfu I just want to do my job and go home.

If I were still a wagie, I'd definitely be fired for telling some feminine penis twat to man up and stfu I don't care.

wth is Basecamp?

even as a web programmer idk wtf it is - i guess its like a shitty project management shitware that "technical" project managers use to micromanage their code monkeys with AGILE/Sprint shit

It was very popular early 2010s/late 2000s as kinda a PM software. I didn't particularly like it but it's useful I guess for very small projects and it's free IIRC. Trello kinda took over in the free small projects arena.

Around 2009, Basecamp customer service representatives began keeping a list of names that they found funny. More than a decade later, current employees were so mortified by the practice that none of them would give me a single example of a name on the list.

They would hate my one job where we had a coding wall of shame if you dun coded something stupid.

“We’ve hired opinionated people, we’ve created opinionated software, and now basically the company has said, ‘well, your opinions don’t really matter — unless it’s directly related to business,’” one told me. “A lot of people are gonna have a tough time living with that.”

fuckin lmao my god I'm so glad I'm not a wagie

I genuinely can't imagine working at a company where I think my opinion mattered. Going to work and having to discuss St. Floyd day after day would have to be exhausting. Especially when you hold opinions of "Resisting police is a really stupid move" and "We should probably have some sort of police reform and more oversight from a neutral party". I've literally told people at work to shut up about politics because I don't care what they think. And that was at a company that was actively discouraging political discussions.

I haven't been a wagie since 2015 but this would annoy me. idgaf about random shit. I can't even imagine being forced to talk about St Floyd day in and day out when all I want to do is write some code and go home.

I remember when my brogrammer housemate was super proud he mastered RoR... We no longer talk.

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I’m always amazed how few people know about Gamergate. It’s not only the key to understanding so many violent harassment campaigns going on today, it’s lots of the same people angry about the same stuff using the same playbook.


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Wowsers. I honestly haven't heard the term basecamp since college. I forgot that was still a thing.


I'm still a RoRcel. We exist.