[The Daily Gaul wire ] a poll just revealed that 58% of Frenchs support a military coup

1  2021-04-29 by GeminiRocket

So 60 generals including 20 in services made a letter how we should overthrow the Republik, the 20 in duty have been fired and face a military trial.

Link to one of the many articles, translated

Opinions about the Frenchs and France ?

Any wise advice of dramanauts who know history about coups or maybe even experienced one ?


To be fair, having the military generally stay out of politics but perform a coup as a sort of soft reset when politics get too rslurred is a pretty stable form of government. Ataturk set up Turkey to work like that and it worked well for almost a century until that watermelon seller carefully disarmed this backup reset mechanism before going full dictator.

Also, it's kinda hilarious example, but this subreddit would have been dead like half a dozen times over if not for our aloof Iowan top mod performing basically the same role.

Can't comment on the Fslur situation, they are all fslurs and their language is a waste of time.

and it worked well until Erdogan

It really didn’t. If the Kemalists were smart they would have let the Islamist parties have a little wiggle room and not constantly suppress them with coup after coup that allowed the Kemalists to grow lazy and complacent, complacency which has caused much of modern Turkey’s problems that people like Erdogan have been able to “fix” and grow popular off of.

It's funny I have also thought about modern Turkey when theses events unfolded, a French limp wrist Erd*gan would be the worst for dramacoin (and secondarily for France)

I don't know much about turkey history but when I saw this news I immediately had the impulse of becoming a pamphlet public writer designating who is to blame for putting us in this situation in the first place, but they are usually the ones that everyone agree who should go to the guillotine first because they spoke the truth, so idk maybe I will use a pseudonym and post here instead. 😌✌️

Just to clarify and repeat the point: turkeys got Erdogan not as a result of a military coo, but as a result of Erdogan defanging the military so that they couldn't coo him.

edit: so if your point is that Macaron is going to defang the military and declare himself the limp wristed dictator for life, then I agree, this is an unpleasant but possible turn of events.

We call here the military apparatus the great (female) mute there have been several silent effectives purges since De Gaulle

People deserve the government they have in a democracy.

I don't care much about Turkey tbh I'm talking about a +400yo conspiracy of the elites and the structure how France operate, I'm not gonna say more cause I would look like a TI 😌

Wait I actually can

If you're American you can relate à little bit to some states of the South after the Civil War until the mid 20th, deny education to the poors basic economy/history so they accept their condition of eternal servitude and limited economically prospect while the big boys (and girls) well born enjoy the King's court circus in the centralized Washington DC where the real action is happening without any structural change ( Paris where all the power is concentred is like this but 10x more maybe compared DC because of French laws and history).

They (TI alert) will allow that you will not starve and maybe own something one day if you're lucky and smart enough but not much more, so in the end everyone is equally miserable and accept it, you will likely blame the closest neighbor (rightly, because who like their dangerously feudal neighbors anyway) since they can't move geographically or vertically in the food chain.

Have you ever approach with a conspiracy and not a cute angle why the people of what is supposed to be 5th power in the world could barely mumble English, so basically deny them the right to learn or communicate with the world even if they wanted to

(to be continued.. it's going deeper 😎,

tl;Dr the Bogdanoff Brothers pasta was scary accurate )



Also good take on france, I am surprised to see a burger knowing how it work.

I'm pretty sure they are French too, I can tell from "We call here the military apparatus the great (female) mute" and from "relate à little", and the occasional space before punctuation.

So you two here are in some sort of gay French skit where you repeatedly ask each other "pegle vu franz" in different backwater dialects! Like that one https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NMS2VnDveP8

lmfao that vid

Also it explains it. Only frogs are woke on the paris Q


Pls educate yourself about the TIs 😌

What a site. I still have no idea what this means, but what a site.

Kemalism was already in significant decline by the time Erdogan took power. His government is a symptom, not a cause.

Countries like Turkey where a military coup leads to stability are in a tiny tiny minority. A better example is Thailand, which has had over 20 attempted coups in the past century, yet you're still not even allowed make fun of the Royal Family.

That's such a Reddit take.

Turkey is better now.


"Actually, it's good now"

― 🏴‍☠️/punchablefaces

Never change

Hahahaha man France is an abject tragic shithole from Charlemagne until the end of Time.

They've made some damn fine culinary contributions, which makes them better than most cultures.

They were a cultural powerhouse until they decided to get BTFO in 2 World Wars.


Stinky old milk they forgot in a cave for a few years


Eggs Benedict baby

eggs benedict invented in nyc

hollandaise sauce is Dutch


Hollandaise sauce is French from what I read. It's one of the 5 major sauces in French cooking.

If the Dutch secretly had something to do with it no one cares because no one has ever heard of Dutch cooking.

Hollandaise sauce is French

It's literally called dutch, burger

So is Arnold's character in Predator, it doesn't mean anything.


They learned how to overuse cream and butter to make snails taste not like snails.

snails snails snails

It's quickly becoming clear that everything you guys know about French cuisine comes from 90s era cartoons.

A man is at home when he hears a knock at the door. He opens the door and sees a snail on the porch. He picks up the snail and throws it as far as he can. A few years later there’s a knock on the door. He opens it and sees the same snail. The snail says: ‘What the hell was that all about?

Whatever you say, Frog.

Shut up nerd

France is on its fifth (5) Republic in about 200 years omegalul


Real France hasn’t been tried yet

This but unironicaly.

Tried for what?

The startling lack of deodorant and abundance of pay toilets that are filthier than public ones.

So you're saying France can get even more rapey than it is right now 🤔


Honestly I'm surprised that France has a standing army.

they still have the foreign legion with those funny white hats i assume

I'd be a lot less surprised if it was a squatting army ready to dick suck their way to victory.

But fr the French have one of the best military records in history.

the French have one of the best military records in history.

To be fair, virtually all of their Ws predate motorized transportation. While they're useless now, I guess it's not completely irrelevant from a national pride perspective, but it's about the same level of sad as an Iraqi bragging that Baghdad had best healthcare in the 13th century.

Fun fact, the french nuclear policy is the most aggressive in the world and it could easily be spun to include nuking occupied allied cities. Sure that probably just means they're hoping for chance to nuke London but we can hope for vichy to get nuked before the traitors can make it to Paris.

french nuclear policy is the most aggressive in the world

6,185 > 300

The US has 18 Ohio class subs and 14(I think) can carry up to 24 warheads.


Our fucking oceanic play things can outmuscle the cheese eating surrender monkeys.

Sadly only the army got the nukes, so if they go for a coup, there will be no nuke. Let's hope someone accidentaly nuke paris tho.

These guys were generals when france was doing a whole lot of nothing. Why should anyone take them seriously?

Truly a shame considering their non-meme-joke naval and military feats. A french civil war could certainly give nweurope the kick in the pants it needs.

Any wise advice of dramanauts who know history about coups or maybe even experienced one ?

As a Brazilian I would advice against it

Ran it through DeepL cause Gtranslate can be shit

A week after its publication, the tribune of generals continues to make waves. Unveiled by Valeurs Actuelles on April 21, the text signed by military personnel calls on President Emmanuel Macron to defend patriotism. The signatories denounce the "disintegration" which they believe is hitting the country and say they are "willing to support the policies that will take into consideration the safeguarding of the nation". While the executive is pounding its fist on the table - Prime Minister Jean Castex condemning the tribune "with the greatest firmness" - the French have a less clear-cut opinion.

According to the Harris Interactive poll conducted for LCI, 64% of respondents have heard of this tribune and 38% see precisely what it is about. Overall, this is what the text says: addressed to the President of the Republic, the government and the members of parliament, it denounces the "disintegration" of France due to "a certain anti-racism", "Islamism and the hordes of suburbs". In total, 58% of those questioned support the soldiers who signed the tribune, according to our poll, carried out on a sample of 1613 people.

In addition, the tribune also points the finger at the policy of maintaining order carried by the government, especially during the Yellow Vests demonstrations. The military warns the executive of an intervention of the army which would act on its own to restore order. On this point, the French seem divided: nearly one person in two (49%) considers that the army should intervene to guarantee order even without the government's request.

And on other subjects related to the forum? In total, 84% of the French people questioned think that violence is increasing day by day and 73% of them believe that the country is falling apart. The supporters of the right and the extreme right seem to agree more with the ideas of the signatories. For example, 93% of Republicans and 94% of National Rally supporters think that the laws of the Republic do not apply in certain cities.

After the publication of this tribune, the military who are not retired are liable to radiation or disciplinary sanctions, announced Wednesday evening the Chief of Staff of the Armed Forces. Among the signatories: about twenty retired generals of the French army, a hundred senior officers and more than a thousand other military personnel. The 18 active duty soldiers identified - including four officers - among the hundreds of signatories will receive "military disciplinary sanctions," said General François Lecointre, referring to "stronger sanctions for the most senior ranks.

Our Harris Interactive poll shows that the French are more lenient. Indeed, two thirds of the panel think that the signatories of the tribune should not be punished.

With one year to go before the presidential election, the political actors have seized on this controversy. At the head of the line: the president of the National Rally, Marine Le Pen. The candidate had, two days after this tribune, invited the military signatories to "join our action to take part in the battle that is opening". A support renewed Tuesday while she deplored "the firmness" of the government towards them.

On the side of the French, only one third of those questioned agree with the position of the presidential candidate on this subject. Among ecologist sympathizers, 86% think she was wrong. But by supporting these soldiers, Marine Le Pen is repositioning herself on the political scene. Among the RN sympathizers, 89% support her reaction and among the Republicans, they are 40% to follow her.

whose military?

And they didn't go with their threat. What a bunch of pussies.

France sucks

Has there ever been a time when support for a coup was below 50% in France?

Just keep making that stinky cheese and I'll keep not caring


I thought all was well and fine in the land of sparkling wine.

Is it just another boring Democratic republic?

Actually only 49%. Less than 50%, so everything is fine.