Amy Schumer on sex with her husband: "I go, 'Do you want to have sex?' And he makes this face ... like he kind of pictured it and winced."

1  2021-04-30 by Coonass_alt


Imagine being the Senate Majority Leader and hearing your cousin say this shit.

This is probably the 5th time I've forgotten this fun fact.

I always remember because it's good for making the point that most of the current entertainment industry was just born into it.

That's why the women are becoming less attractive. It used to be that the girls on screen were the prettiest girls from some dumb town who went to Hollywood and managed to blow the right producers and got to make it.

Now they're always just some rich person's daughter or they're a producer's niece.

American actresses haven't gotten actively ugly like the people on British tv yet and there are obviously still some genuine knock outs (ScarJo like 6 years ago was unbelievable) but once you notice it the pattern becomes really obvious.

In a just Hollywood, Alexandra Daddario would have become a huge star. Instead it's just a bunch of slightly above average (WITH state of the art make up technology) titlets running around.

More broads I’d go for at Target than on TV these days.

You have some valid points Ley. As the hollywood elite have risen they are trying to pass on their coveted positions to their children. However, they and their seed face a new threat and that is the internet. Which is a good thing. Hollywood has always been a place of exclusion, racism, sexism, vanity, and superficiality.

Other platforms too, like Twitch and onlyfans now offer women the ability to own their sexuality. Just look at Bella Delphine or the countless others. No longer are they at the whim of men who can exploit them.

As for the UK, I do think there actors are not based on just looks. A lot of their cinema involves having talent too, where as Hollywood is based on looks. A good example would be Scarlett Johanson.

Unrelated I think Scarlett Johanson is overrated, and she absolutely sucked balls in Ghost in the shell. Sorry I get triggered over this. Also who plays a glorified literal ass in cape shit? Come on.

Alexandra Daddario, very beautiful and talented. To bad she is gonna be pigeon holed.

I thought she was his illigitimate daughter

Oh my fucking god

It's 2021, it's not like being a senator suggests any sort of dignity. He could say the exact same words and it wouldn't shock anyone.

Is she becoming self aware?

Half of her comedy schtick is "I'm gross like a guy" so this is entirely on brand for her to say.

She has an entire set about how much her pussy stinks ffs

She has an entire set about how much her pussy stinks ffs

Hey everybody, is it hot in here or did somebody just take a SHIT on my VAGINA?

she has an entire set about how much her pussy stinks ffs

Every single white girl comic has that bit. White girl comics have exactly 3 types of bits.

  1. Bits about their bodies being gross

  2. Bits about fucking

  3. Bits a man wrote for them

Bits their boyfriends gave them

I dont find male comics funny so idk what you mean.

I didn't say the bits from the boyfriends were funny. I also didn't say the body and sex humor wasn't funny. It's just the only subject matter white girl comics pursue.

All of stand up has gone down hill though tbh. You're not allowed to be edgy anymore and even basic attacks on the cultural status quo are risky.

Black comedians are still often funny because they can say whatever they want, but I haven't seen a good whitoid standup special since Mulaney's last one.

My boy Bill Burr is holding it down for all mayos. Whenever I call for white genocide I always say (except Bill Burr)*.

I love ol Billy Red Face but I've felt like his specials have declined in quality. He's still pretty good though.

Has Anthony Jeselnik done anything recently? I always thought he was pretty funny.

He did a Netflix special in 2019 (Fire in the Maternity Ward) and it was alright but it wasn't as good as Thought and Prayers in my opinion.

Check out that Japanese comic, I think Yumi. From Japan and fucking hilarious.


This might come as a shock to you, but I do not care about your opinions, your ignorance or failure to comprehend the research, or what you believe. The only thing I care about, and I can not stress this enough, is what the empirical research says. And it says you are wrong.

Your personal opinion? worth as much as a pile of dog shit on the sidewalk to me. That is the absolute extent to which I care about what you think. This is where I stopped reading. I do not entertain the economic illiteracy of far leftists or far right-wing tards.

Both are equally misinformed on average, both are failures.


  1. Amy Schumer on sex with her husband... -,*

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For Schumer, her social life has also changed since becoming a mother.

"I don't go out anymore," she said, noting that the ongoing pandemic has also stopped her from leaving the house. "I'd be down at The Cellar every night doing stand-up, and now it's like, if a friend is like, 'Want to meet out at 8:00 p.m?' I'm like, '8:00pm?! Sorry!'"

I think maybe she should have thought about that before having the child.

doesn't sound like she's complaining from that quote

Saying one's social life hasnt changed after becoming a mother, to me would suggest child neglect.

hell yeah.

this is now the best thing i can say about amy schumer

doesn't sound like she's complaining

If a woman is speaking there is roughly a 68.79% chance that she is complaining. I think we can all agree that women shouldn't be speaking roughly 100% of the time, but since we've not just allowed but have encouraged this unfortunate state of affairs we should assume she's more likely to be complaining than not.

If a woman is speaking there is roughly a 68.79% chance that she is complaining.

sure, that's why it's so surprising

well that and the source herself

Sharia law had it right.

ongoing pandemic has also stopped her from leaving the house

Bless her heart. Making the world a better place😍

This is a blessing for us all

Her husband could do better 💅🏽


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He looks like Ross from friends had a kid with Chandler from friends.

She'll probably get some action, if she can shed a few pounds.

There are a lot of people who like some cushion.

She's on her way becoming a waterbed, not just cushion.

i know that game

I didn't know someone was dopey enough not just marry her, but cum in her too.

I hope the money from her netflix specials about how much her coochie smells like an animal farm was worth it.

White woman coochie is as good as her food

Not that she was funny before having a baby, but do all f*ids who have babies become terminally unable to talk about anything other than motherhood

It's the only thing they think us men can't claim we're betrer at than them.

An ipad is a better mom than most suburban moms tbh.

I mean your pregnant for 9 months, and the your caring for your kid, if your a good mother, so it is understandable.

Is it though? She was mildly funny before her baby, does that go away when you have a kid? It seems like when a f-slur makes motherhood jokes it’s in the same low hanging ballpark as airplane jokes

Has she tried not looking like Sam Kinison?