Twitter user says that Native American's aren't human, or something dumb like that

1  2021-05-01 by betazoom78


To just give you a taste, there were a group of Wampanoag who literally didn't have a creation story. Isn't that fascinating? Most people have a creation story, so I think the fact they didn't speaks to the permanence the Wampanoag felt pre-contact.


Today the Bering Strait Theory is discredited, but is still taught in schools as the truth. I would encourage people to abandon it and teach Native creation stories instead, because they provide more insight into our connection with the land than Western science ever could.

Let's teach creationism in science class too.

Well you see, children, we have to teach segregated history so Native Americans magically came to existence one day. Everyone else evolved but not the Natives. They used magic.

They were crafted by Aulë, impatient and desperate for someone to pass his knowledge on to, before the awakening of the Sumer at Cuiviénen, or "Mesopotamia" as it came to be known.

He told Aulë that while both races were his children, the American-Indians' creation was outside the scope of the Music of the Ainur, and strife would arise between the American-Indians and the Eurasians in the future.

Ilúvatar accepted the American-Indians as his adopted children. But, as it was ordained that the Eurasians were to have the first-born civilization, Ilúvatar set the American-Indians in a far away land, doomed to a life without written language or alcohol until after the Coming of the Europeans.

And then the white man brought alcohol and Native Americans enjoyed a life of trailer parks and cigarettes.

we can say white again?!

gosh that would have made writing that so much simpler

you can even say black too. Yesterday, I had to do the painful process of making a client happy and changing "whitelist" and "blacklist" to wokie terms. I know it's inappropriate to utter these two colors, but here we are.

lol wagecel

Wagie does not mean what you think it means.

If you’re collecting a salary versus living off interest, royalties, rent or disbursements you’re a wagie, even if they let you out of the cagie for now

You're almost there. Close, so I'll give you a pass.

On that note you're a rentoid even if you "own" land as long as you pay property tax

Only allodial title counts

lol I see. Well, TIL.

I wonder how this person would feel about applying the Old Testament to a certain country today.

I think you know.

I wanna hear it from the horse's mouth.

fire up twitter and ask her then

This thread made me feel like I was getting a lobotomy. This dumbass is acting like the Bering Strait Theory is as debunked as the Solutrean hypothesis.

It’s not just debunked, it is racist to argue for it

It's out there with the theory that blacks evolved from monkeys, racist and completely debunked by multiple Creation stories.

TBF though human's didn't evolve from monkeys (at least the species that currently exist). Our ancestors have all gone extinct.


Who cares, monkey-like or monkeys, whypipo evolution theory says that Black people evolved from that. Which is obviously racist.

I think it every time I see you, but I don't think I ever say it.

I appreciate you bb 😘 You keep the old drama torch burning.

Agreed arguing with the truth of Solutrean genocide is very racist

I would encourage people to abandon it and teach Native creation stories instead

We've (almost) come full circle.

That's not surprising. The word debunked has been stripped of all meaning. In fact, I more often hear the word debunked used to describe scenarios where there are differing views than I hear it used correctly.

We're finally going to live in the post-factual society your neocon forerunners dreamed of, you should be more excited!

Isn't the running theory multiple waves coming from both sides of the ice shelf and fairly quickly intermingling and dispersement?

Running theory is multiple waves over the Bering Strait, some coming from a more inland rout and others hopping along the coast. Evidence for any settlers coming from europe is extremely shoddy at best, and evidence for Native Americans just evolving in the americas out of nowhere is nonexistent

and evidence for Native Americans just evolving in the americas out of nowhere is nonexistent

Well duh.

And it's been a while since I studied it academically at an intense level but tool construction of the eastern seaboard and proto-europoors at least hinted at if not direct migration far more contact than we initially thought.

Iirc it's currently believed that that's just coincidental. The are more differences than similarities or something.

Yeah I'll have to research more

If Natives were so great, why didn't they fight harder when the Spanish of all people rolled up on them? Because they suck, that's why.

Maybe they were checking their privilege. That's how American whitoids somehow lost everything.


This is quite some cope. Even the prideful Chinese can accept that their ancestor came from Africa, why can't this tribesman stop deluding himself that his people is unique?

One time I found a guy who thought all of asia was first civilized by white men. According to him, white asian civilization is older than the Harappans and fell because the dark skin asians invaded and made them into cuckolds. I asked if white asians enjoyed cuckoldry as much as white europeans and pointed out that they seem to be doing just fine, if this mixture occured, and he got mad and blocked me.

What in the world? You sure he didn't get the Neanderthals mixed up in his story?

I asked if white asians enjoyed cuckoldry as much as white europeans

Good on you. Asking the real question there.

He was explicit about the whole "civilization" thing. He made it sound like the white-asians were on the level of the sumerians or egyptians, but even earlier.

That is just weird. Now I want to hear more of that rambling.

white asian civilization is older than the Harappans and fell because the dark skin asians invaded and made them into cuckolds

Genghis is still top bull of history.

I fucking hate these types of interactions. You aren’t buying a fucking book to “check it out” you mentally deficient moron. Account is a 🚂 Furry too btw. All there in the head for sure.

Consider multiorgin theories, which are coherent with fossils that show that organisms developed skeletons simultaneously in various points on the planet. Same could've happened with central nervous systems.

Holy shit lol

490 iq take

I'm speechless

I sure hope none of those likes belong to Twitter ‘Science Believers’.

By modern standards, this is science.

Why exactly is it called the Bering STRAIT?

Deliver PhDs to PO box please, landlord still pissed about the sexdoll incident.

Why are indians constantly coping?

Looking at the bio this is probably a wh*te woman larping as a native.

Advertising "I'm a REGISTERED Indian!" means you're so white that people are gonna ask for receipts.

This has to be a joke/troll. No one can actually be like this right?


I had one of these nutters in my class in high school. Hope he grew a brain since.

Oral histories are about as trustworthy as urban legends.

Can't wait to read up on the native alternative to germ theory and the massive success that was.

I get annoyed by any talk about native people having some claim to land because they were their first. That’s not how this shit works. I’d be more sympathetic if it happened 50 or 100 years ago but it happened to their great great great great grandparents.

There’s a reason that the Irish aren’t claiming Breton and Wales and the Finns aren’t claiming Karelia. Because their claim to that land expired a long time ago.

I'm confused how the Bering Strait would be used to justify taking land, since you could use it to justify taking land everywhere except some patch of Africa.

I'm so glad native americans are still around to create this much drama. Think about how much worse off we would be on this sub if they had just been completely absorbed or wiped out like what happens to most cultures conquered by a technologically superior one.

For those wondering. Yep.

Every time.


I guarantee she's at most 1/16th Indigenious.

Her own pics remove all doubt.

Wait, what is "r-wording someone over a tweet"?

Why are you fucking mongs using money on this shit.