Second richest w*men in the world announced

1  2021-05-03 by DaySee


Disappointed that it wasn't Grimes tbqh

that wouldn't even be news; Musk has had more wives than Tesla has had models

Yeah but she's arguably even more of an embarrassing try-hard than he is, imagine what she'd do newly divorced with $50,000,000,000 in assets


I don’t like Musk but at least he’s smart enough to not marry her and sign away half his money

Common law marriage my man.... you can’t even keep foyds around you for very long or else they become entitled to your stuff. Succubi have infiltrated our legal system

Imagine being so cucked you live in a common law marriage system. You might as well carry a placard saying "My wife's boyfriend approves of this" around you at all times.

After seeing a couple of articles with pictures, I am now strongly contemplating looking up transvestigation videos on Melinda. Like, come on

Whoever said Ted Cruz in a dress in the other thread wasn't wrong.

That's actually scary. I'm also amused that after so many years, I'd never ever focused on what she actually looks like. Kek. Like with Bezos, whoever is standing next them doesn't really get noticed.

Behind every great man, there's a literally who.

Jenner passes better than Melinda lol

Holy shit. Does this mean the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation is getting renamed? That's all Bill works on nowadays.

Nah, he's also been busy vaxing the entire world with his mind control chips, and also apparently fucking the poolboy.

I am a proponent of both those things ♥

He didn't call it the "giving pledge" for nothing!

My bet is on Bill announcing he's transitioning. So, yes. It will now be renamed the Jill and Melinda Gates Foundation.

Tax evasion

I am thoroughly trouncing you. I've seen your mo and I spanked you at your own game. I found your flaw and exploited it quite nicely, my slaughtered braised goose.


  1. Second richest w*men in the world a... -,*

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