The absolute state of the British on display again; British police quickly apprehend a vicious criminal as he commits a daring hate crime in public.

1  2021-05-04 by busslordlowkeybussin


I thought the fire and brimstone street preacher was more an American thing these days. Damn Bongs appropriating our culture 😀😀😀

This isn't even fire and brimstone. This is just a dude reading aloud from the bible like "Huh it says here you shouldn't fuck dudes."

Why in the fuck would you think I bothered to watch the video before forming an opinion and commenting

The virgin reading and checking sources VS the Chad skimmed it

vs the Thad ignored it altogether and formed unrelated opinions

"Mutt unabashedly reveals he never saw Life of Brian."

It's way too politically incorrecto, is it?

The UK is done

Christian UK is done. Islamic UK will rule supreme.

I'm OK with that.

Same. I'd also be fine with Islamic US. Can't be any worse.

Idk dude, I like bacon.

It's fine, kind of a meme at this point.

Think of it as sacrificing bacon for no more wokies and 4 wives.

4 wives

Yeah, good luck with that. Tell me how it turns out

Well it's Islam so they're not allowed to talk back or run off with your money.

Bacon is getting banned anyways within 2 decades.

Lol, most humans will be dead in 10

Nah, LGBTQ+ "ideology" will defeat any Islam those people are bringing, the children of those Muslims are rapidly turning gay due to discord and such, (it's pretty obvious just by looking at all the muslims you can meet on discord, they are even more gay then the white people you can find. ) That's why I'm not concerned, Islam simply will not be able to survive in Western countries.

I never thought about it but maybe LGBTQ+ stuff is like an immune system or chemo therapy, it's mildly irritating to most of the body but absolutely fucks up invasive pathogens.

bacha bazi is not gay, brozer

A woman for duty, a boy for pleasure, a melon for ecstasy.



Do you need a loicense to read the Quran in crooked teeth island?



She added: 'There is an idea that if people are offended you should arrest someone, but in this country we also have freedom of speech.'


Andrea Williams, of campaign group Christian Concern, said police needed greater understanding of the law surrounding freedom of speech and religion.

She added: 'There is an idea that if people are offended you should arrest someone, but in this country we also have freedom of speech.'

Lol no you don't bongs. I love it when euros act like they have freedom of speech. Lots of euros still have blasphemy laws lol. Lol in France it's illegal to positively portray drugs. Lmao what a bunch of losers. 🀣🀣🀣

I've just been reading about someone arrested for criticising courts, kids arrested for pointing finger guns!, a woman locked up for not cutting her grass, Americans being amazed that other countries allow you to drink beer in public, cross the road where you like and many others. and several stories of police actually executing people without trial.

You are in no place to brag about freedom. You live in the country with the most people locked up by the state in the entire world

I've just been reading about someone arrested for criticising courts,

Which was literally overturned because it broke the 1st amendment. Good ol enshrined freedoms breaking down government bullshit.

kids arrested for pointing finger guns!

Yeah that's stupid, but it didn't go anywhere.

a woman locked up for not cutting her grass

She was arrested for ignoring court summons. You'd get arrested in any country for that.

Americans being amazed that other countries allow you to drink beer in public

That's just a law they use to arrest drunks who are harassing people on the street. You just get all your information on the US from reddit and redditers are too r-slurred to understand law.

cross the road where you like and many others.

Literally unenforced. But yeah it's dumb.

and several stories of police actually executing people without trial.

πŸ™„πŸ™„πŸ™„ Lol OK

You are in no place to brag about freedom. You live in the country with the most people locked up by the state in the entire world.

Look here bong. You live in a country where people get arrested for posting a video of them singing rap songs. Yeah our drug laws suck, but you literally have no freedom of speech.

Really secured that freedom with Brexit. Might just want to join the US now so they can have some actual freedom.

I love Titania McGrath

Couple of replies don't understand it's a parody account

Which just shows how brilliant the McGrath account actually is. People can't differentiate between satire and the idiocy it's mocking.

I actually can't if there isn't a emoji.

Guess he didn't have a loicense for his Bible.

Almost kind of sad watching these previous powerhouse empires fall apart and turn their back on their heritage because of the twitter lib sjw’s, it would be like if mike tyson became some broke and fat NEET. Oh well I bet China will take over soon so we don’t really need to worry.

Mr Sherwood said officers grilled him over his attitude to gay people. He was even asked what he would do if his children were gay. The married father-of-two said: 'The question was irrelevant to the allegation against me. I said I would seek to bring them to Christ

Post-birth abortions when?

the chad French,a hairs breath away froma coup because the cucked goverment let a citizen get beheaded

the virgin British,lets his millenia long heritage be trampled and sacrificed on the altar of diversity.


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I was just trying to type an epic funny censored version of "bongs" lmao

This is a good thing. You should practice your religion. But if your going to use religion to be intolerant then you should face the consequences. He's basically practicing hate speech in public.

akshually lack of free speech is a good thing

This but unironically.

Freedom of speech is a bus and it’s time to get off.

This but 100% unironically.

It's not freedom of speech, and the American definition of speech isn't the only definition. It's asinine to allow someone to spread misinformation and incite violence. Words lead to actions, they just do. We have a framework to determine if something is free speech and even America determines whether limitations apply (eg slander, defamation, ect).

The ability to say whatever you want to be allowed to harass who ever is asinine. Your speech should be valuable. Your speech should be civil. People that can't do that aren't really for for civil society.


Civil society

Also letting the Anglo decide the limitations of free speech is not a valid prospect.

Is it really freedom of speech if you can't discuss your beliefs. Euros don't have free speech (but that's a good thing because euros suffering is good.

Do they pertain to the government? Or is it guise to intimadate, harass, misinform, and incite violence. For example if a religion says its okay to rape children do you allow adherents of that religion to do that? It's their beliefs after all? At some point secular value has to come into play. At some point laws need to come into play because people are stupid and cannot regulate their emotions. Just look at America's Unite the Right Rally and Capital Riot. All of that was because of speech. Look at the lynching's of Black Americans or Chinese immigrants. All of that too was because of speech. Speech needs to be regulated to ensure bad faith individuals do not mis use it. that's my two cents, and as shown plenty of nations do just that and they are functioning democracies. The US looks like it's starting to recover, but still the damage has been done and will remain for a while.

Do they pertain to the government? Or is it guise to intimadate, harass, misinform, and incite violence. For example if a religion says its okay to rape children do you allow adherents of that religion to do that? It's their beliefs after all? At some point secular value has to come into play. At some point laws need to come into play because people are stupid and cannot regulate their emotions. Just look at America's Unite the Right Rally and Capital Riot. All of that was because of speech. Look at the lynching's of Black Americans or Chinese immigrants. All of that too was because of speech.

Yes this is the point of the imminent threats/incitement exceptions. Most of these things are already illegal too. No need to arrest a street preacher over it.

Speech needs to be regulated to ensure bad faith individuals do not mis use it. that's my two cents, and as shown plenty of nations do just that and they are functioning democracies. The US looks like it's starting to recover, but still the damage has been done and will remain for a while.

Let me get this straight. You want the government to tell you what you can't say? But no they're mostly slowly losing their speech. People get arrested in Britain for saying they don't believe in gay marriage. In France it's illegal to positively portray drugs. In Germany people have been arrested for calling Mohammad a pedo. These are your ideal democracies?

Yes. Because you get arrested or charged, and then guess what you have to demonstrate how your speech was meant to preach, debate, discuss. Ect. So let's look at the UK. Was Richard Dawkins ever arrested for his comments on Christianity, or Islam? Salman Rushdie? Douglas Murray? No. You know who was? Cunts like Tommy robinson, or ass holes like Ajem Choudry. There is a system a framework and it works as intended.

Holy shit this is so sad. Government approved opinions only. Enlightenment thinkers are rolling in their graves.

hook them up to generators for clean power then

lol nice bait so many rightoids biting

Come up with a reasonable stance and they come out in droves.