In what could amount to a whole new industry or grift, one Twitterino discovers a loophole to the abortion issue. Others remain unconvinced and demand sources for this information.

1  2021-05-06 by busslordlowkeybussin


Every year the Catholic church gets closer to it's final form:

Catholicism Wow from Dogma.

The Pope in Dogma would have never prayed with an openly Satan-worshipping Yazidi like the real pope just did. Reality is already way more ridiculous.

Once again the Yazidi are not devil worshippers. They only reason I don't report you for spouting such bigotry is REDACTED

The verse in question:

When people who are fighting injure a pregnant woman so that there is a miscarriage, and yet no further harm follows, the one responsible shall be fined what the woman’s husband demands, paying as much as the judges determine. (Exodus 21:22)

NSRV NRSV is the least Christcucked translation. KJV stans are all right. NIV enjoyers should keep themselves safe for being prots

as a KJV enjoyer, I didn’t know about the NRSV and will be checking it out

Of the mainstream translations, NRSV is the most academic, so it doesn't shy away from the more religiously controversial parts. For example, Genesis 1:1-2 is usually rendered

In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters.

But it is better translated (emphasis mine)

In the beginning when God created the heavens and the earth, the earth was a formless void and darkness covered the face of the deep, while a wind from God swept over the face of the waters.

The problem with the latter is that it implies something existed before God created the heavens and the earth.

Of all the things you could complain about being mistranslated......

the latter is the NRSV?


I guess we then get into the argument of how to quantify the time before creation, which is nearly impossible

Which applies to every metaphysical claim made by theists.

Have you actually tried to understand modern physics?

The claims made by theorists or the ones backed up with empirical science?


I'd put them somewhere below truth and above bronze age goatherders. Why?

It is not “miscarriage” in there... it means “come out”. Miscarriage is a great level of translation liberty in fact. if you keep reading you’ll notice that it explains that it the child dies, then it would be considered murder. What do you think harm was about in the context of “come out”? The verse you’re reading is talking about induced birth due to stress. The next one explain that if fatality happened it should be punished by death.

This is why it's no help just to read the bible. You can find and mangle a verse to justify anything. The Jews and the Jesuits had the right idea. You should read and study what great writers and religious leaders thought as well. Otherwise you'll end up like my bipolar 3rd cousin who's obsessed with Revelations.

You should both read the Bible, but also try to find reference works on the subject. In this specific case, it is one where reference works will help you, since this specific term occurs in other places in Scripture. I don't think that blind trust on the clergy is a wise thing, as time and again they are shown to lie for a variety of reasons.

lol you think some sand people in 1000 BC could support a premie punched out of its mom's womb? it's likely referring to miscarriage

No, you are being ignorant on your conclusions... The expression for miscarriage, and premature induced birth were the same. Miscarriage was expressed through an euphemism, and these euphemism are well documented. This is not the only place in Scripture as these expression occurs. They are adding "harm" as a qualifier to differentiate between the two cases.. Your attitude is all too common with people nowadays who love to talk about things they have no knowledge about, and then they justify their stupidity like you just did when exposed.

Dawkins and his consequences has been disastrous for mankind.




old testament


every. single. time. they use the one half of the bible specifically written to show it’s not like this anymore, we don’t follow these rules anymore because of Jesus

Oh, ok, so I take it that you "lie" with your mother, even though it dishonors your father huh? You need some Old Testament God in your life bud!

don’t be obtuse on purpose, the common sense rules carried over with the new covenant

Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them. Matthew 5:17-19

Sounds like you need to go back to Sunday school, heretic.

Laypeople think they can take random out of contexts snippets from the Bible to justify anything they want. People don't understand that theology is just a legitimate field of study as feminist studies, philosophy or art criticism. Most of the questions you're arguing over have already been discussed and debated by people much smarter than you. There's a reason the career of shaman split into the path of the priest, the doctor, the pharmacist, the theologian, and the psychiatrist. We've accumulated do much knowledge about these fields that one person is incapable of doing them all. That's why you no longer have a Da Vinci or an Edison. Our knowledge has increased to the point where one man can't be a gifted professional sculptor, draftsman, brilliant groundbreaking scientist, and painter

Got to submit this as a new pasta after work, good job 👍🏼
