Brexit has dissolved into the UK and France sending military gun boats in a dispute over waters their fishing boats can be in.

1  2021-05-06 by McFluff_TheCrimeCat


tfw you threaten war over scallops

These were once world empires btw

They used to start wars over even dumber shit, at least this is fundamentally about economic shit. The Franco-Prussian war was started over Bismarck making it look like Wilhelm I insulted France and the French deciding to go to war over it, and that wasn’t that long ago in the grand scheme of things. If anything starting wars over dumb shit is just the UK and France RETVRNING TO TRADITION.

What do you think Bismarck and the FP war have to do with the UK and France?

Its an example of how wars used to start over dumb shit.

tfw you threaten war over scallops


oh and BTW we are threatening to cut off the electricity of their shitty island, they are hooked to the French power nuclear grid paying basically nothing 😎✌️

Give the order my king JVPITER and I will slay Anglos like it's 1300 again 🙏

Don't make us come over there and break it up or neither of you will get your shitty oysters.

Believe me you don't want to be involve in this

Don’t the French have a coup or something to worry about instead of oysters

We will coup ourselves then invade half of yurop as is tradition.


To be fair, they don't have an abundance of natural resources that everyone wants from them. They have a shit ton of coal, but no one wants it from them and they have some oil and natural gas but.. .again.

Bongs and Frogs destroying each other again would be a net positive for the world.

That's a Jersey Shore I would watch.

All in on France winning. The bongs have fought three wars over fisheries with Iceland, and lost every single time.

The thing about Brexit is that the absolute clusterfuck for the UK that it has caused and will continue to cause has kneecapped anti-EU movements around the EU. They still exist and in places like Hungary and Poland they are basically in control of their respective states but they will likely never try to outright leave the EU.

They arent anti EU at all. In fact Poland and friends are the countries with the populations that are most in favor of continued centralization of the EU into a state in the future for various reasons (Russia, money, even more money, give us gibs) but want to be left alone at a local level. Basically the EU is great but please stop interfering with us in our national matters.

Nah. Most EU-states are into the decentralization as they don't want to surrender their sovereignty.

with "most" you mean Benelux Italy, Spain and Portugal. All of the East is in favor of more centralization and Germany and France are too since they hold the majority power in the system.

The pigs want fiscal transfer and common debt. Even now with Corona budget they refused to any economical polices besides "Germoney gib money"

They would lose their shit if Germany could do their economical polices in their countries.

So all the benefits without honouring your side of the agreement. Sorry sweety but you literally signed up for this, now how about you go wait for your punishment in the cuckshed, mommy Ursula has a date with a real country tonight.

Only a r slur would actually uphold his side of the deal when he could avoid it through other means.

Good point, it's the polish way. It's really the EU's fault for not expecting this.

France and trying to look tough

name a more iconic duo

You and your sex life

that was weirdly flattering, thanks


And yet you type in english.

Because I assume you are too retarded to speak another langage. Mais on peut parler français si tu veux. Anche, possiamo parlare in Italiano. O en espagnol, si quieres.

Un COPE così grande non me lo aspettavo neanche da un francese

Tanto triste. How do you feel about your country becoming a third world country. Hi pianto per te. E per Italia.

Keep coping my friend. I would deflect too if I was french.

At least we Italians never fooled ourselves into believing we were a superpower while getting buttfucked left and right.

If I recall correctly you did try to play big boys with uncle Adolph. But yeah I get that it must be frustrating to be irrelevant for 1500 years.

Plus no jobs, plus a population that is literally not doing it’s primary job, growing. I really im sad for you guys, no sarcasm.

It’s a bit more complicated than that, but I wouldn’t expect a lot of nuance from a frenchie that brings up WWII to try and dunk on someone.

Btw there is no need for the “no sarcasm”. You can joke and criticize Italy as much as you want.

France isn’t that much more relevant internationally or economically than us, you guys just believe you are, which makes your smugness hilarious.

I hope they n*ke each other

I hope you don't get n*ked for posting this

Or me for upvoting it

A tale as old as time
