I just saw that /r/drama doesn't allow text posts anymore. I guess that means the end of my stickies

1  2021-05-09 by MasterLawlz



Wow, this Lawlzpost sucks!

We need to give unapprovedcels a flair. Like maybe a star or asterisk or something? Maybe yellow?


This is why we need mayocide.


  1. I just saw that /r/drama doesn't al... - archive.org, archive.today*

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this but unironically, inshallah

bismillah al-rahman al-rahim we will finally cleanse this place of the jannitoid menace and the anarchotyrannical bipoc ethnostate will reign supreme

i am once more coming to you

asking if you have considered sacrificing lawlz to the old gods

lmao I just posted in another sub that you were btfo. Oh how wrong I was.

To be honest I genuinely didn't know if it would let me make this post when I submitted it

My heart skipped a beat in anticipation wondering if this was truly the end of my nonsensical rants

Wait, why were text posts disabled?

no idea I don't keep up with mod shit lol

Come on man, do your job or I'll start downvoting your stickies.

do I get a raise?

Yes. 15% of the standard jannie salary.

To stop the I, 👀 assume

To stop this very eventuality. Little did the jannies know Lawlz autism is untethered when he senses the sub isn't private.

Please stop posting.

Did I work with you? I must have, because that's the only other person I've met who is this autistic.

Possibly, but Wendy's is a pretty big company so we've probably never interacted directly


Wait are effort posts seriously banned?

Put it in the fucking garbage








First the return of us unapprovedcels and now they were finally able to make you stfu, I think this forecasts the return of jesus or something idk.
