A spiritual Crusade commences as Demons and Angels clash

1  2021-05-09 by Feanorfanclub


1 upvote = 1 prayer for Ambrose in his war against white women.

I do enjoy the juxtaposition of witchery and the christcucks in the comments. It's funny they each see eachother as so unreasonable when if you stripped them of their clothes and one side of their ink I couldn't tell them apart.



Man just pick a real fucking religion already

Please no, we Christoids are already having to deal with the influx of /pol/ack zoomers who decided to become tradcath larpers and pollute Christian doctrine with their m@yo nationalism and MDЕgeneracy, it's better to let the @utism of these individuals to be secluded in their own made-up religions that don't exist outside of the internet.

Liberation theology is becoming fashionable again among leftists. Christcucks meet the horseshoe lol

or just don't and cut the shit

Cutting is a big part of the religion


Get a job

witch tok kinda sounds like a YA novel sometimes


This was my favorite post on it lol

"Did somebody cut funding for every after school drama club at the same time?"

I have yet to encounter a neopagan that wasn’t a fucking nutter. At least people born into fringe religious groups have an excuse for believe what they believe, neopagans ate almost exclusively converts.

Zoomer neopagans legit infuriate me and I have no idea why. Like, I want to behead them and it makes me understand why early Christianity did nothing wrong.

For me it's that they do it so halfassedly.

If someone legit want to spend time in the forest trying to revive the old ways and burning pyres to Odin or whatever, they're still crazy but at least they probably really believe whatever it is they're doing. On the other hand, the zoomer claiming to worship 30 different gods from 20 different mythological pantheons who adopts blended aesthetic trappings of multiple folk traditions and makes social media videos showing off their designer witch candles smacks of insincerity. At best it's a modern, ritualized version of the scene phase that a lot of younger millennials went through 10 or 15 years ago, at worst it's genuinely r-slurred, willfully ignorant cross-pantheon neopolytheism driven by teenage girls' love of pretty things, need to be a part of something, and sense of alienation in the face of an internet-first social life.

Honestly that words it pretty well for me. It's just like, the audacity to turn thousands of years of tradition into a fashion piece and then gatekeep it as if it's anything more then just a trend for you is insulting to me, and I'm not even religious.

I blame the New Age Movement, and Feminism to a degree.

I had a colleague that knew a few wiccans, and is quite supportive of that belief. She told me how books on wiccans are now classified as "religion" instead of "occult" in the library categories; also how it is catching up on women is because supposedly witches were powerful women, and pagans respected women because of their power.

Her explanations, and the behaviors I see from neopagans (mostly online) made me determined to blame it all on the orientalist hippies, and later hipsters, and the feminist with daddy issues.

the zoomer claiming to worship 30 different gods from 20 different mythological pantheons who adopts blended aesthetic trappings of multiple folk traditions and makes social media videos showing off their designer witch candles smacks of insincerity.

That's what gets me. They took something that was already an extremely watered-down and commercialized imitation of religion and somehow managed to make it even more shallow and meaningless.

That's not just a zoomer failing, I've met western "yogis" and "yoginis" who have been doing this for decades.

They can make some human sacrifices to Baal or shut the fuck up

It's turning what should be nutty spiritualism into a soulless lifestyle brand.

It's just... everything about this picture.

  • Nutter "religion"
  • Neogender
  • Crying on social media for sympathy
  • Flashy tank-top for attention
  • Flashing a peace sign
  • Mirror selfie

This may be the most z**mer thing ever posted.

It's jealousy


I had a roommate that was born into a pagan household, but his parents both would have been converts so he was still a crazy based on how he was raised.

I’m a Wiccan and believe me when I tell you, most of us are actually hate and tend to stay away from Witchtok trend chasers like the one in the tweet.

I’ve had several experiences with them just outright coming into covens/circles and trying to “educate” people who’ve been doing this since before they were even born.

most of us are actually hate

You shouldn't hate. You may strongly dislike something, but you shouldn't hate.

It'll eat you from the inside out.

edit: Not only that, but the aeo might get you

opening the gates to unapprovedcels has been a disaster for the arrdrama race

Completely cringepilled

Everything down from the first reply reads like a satire

Go live @AuntChaotic

I can’t my phone is charging and it’ll just die again

Ambrose is already winning

There is truly nothing beyond Ambrose's reach.

I mean, it is.


wait actually? really terrible energy has been moving through my house and causing a lot of confusing, noises and making things fly off my walls and I couldn't figure out what it is (it wasn't any of my usual spirits).....damn

Please take your meds.. please.

Matilda: I met a great guy named Ambrose. He's so filled with the light of Gaia. He even gave me an emerald bonding stone, it was such a spiritual experience. He had to leave for work but he'll be back in two weeks.

Hyacinthe: Wow, that's such a coincidence! I also met a great guy named Ambrose and he gave me an emerald bonding stone. He travels a lot for work too!

Matilda: That fucking son of a bitch.


I spend more time with women on any given Tuesday than any unloved, lonely shut-in Chapo poster has in his whole fucking life. I might make jokes about women on /r/drama, but IRL I'm one of the fucking girls and fine with it.

When any of them open up to me about their experiences with harassment or assault, it is never - NEVER. FUCKING. EVER. - about a MAGA bro or a frat boy. It is always at the hands of some sensitive feminist "woke" boy.

The "frat boy rapist" thing is a myth that dangerous dudes like this are happy to perpetuate, because it takes the heat off of them, i.e. the real threats to the goddamn wimminz.


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Go fight Ambrose with your woman-magick Snappy 😌🔯

mod ambrose this instant

She looks normal, not what I was expecting

Looks is the key word there

Always look at the bio first.

Hail Satan, Ambrose, do us a solid and handle the white women problem not just for us, but for Antonio Brown pbuh.

Genocide the teleri when?

Still more sane than my ex who ended up becoming a Qvltist.

Q is just rightoid witchery, they're equally retarded

Witchtok always remind me that although at a lower rate women can indeed be born with severe autism.

Not many people know that you can make your own Tartar sauce simply by mixing mayo, hotdog relish, and lemon juice.

Aw geez is mercury in retrograde again?

Is this what happens when an atheist by birth is spiritual in nature?

There's a bunch of christcucks seething in the comments saying to get a priest to get rid of the demon or whatever. It's always nice to remember that real religions are just as crazy as these dumb witch mental cases

wait actually? really terrible energy has been moving through my house and causing a lot of confusing, noises and making things fly off my walls and I couldn't figure out what it is (it wasn't any of my usual spirits).....damn.


Did somebody cut funding for every after school drama club at the same time?


I mean, there's things that kinda split the difference if you're serious. Fun Quests that Matter. Rabbit holes to go down.
Check out my essay on "The Gate Trick" in this: https://docero.com.br/doc/ns815nn


That kinda makes sense... everyone in my house has been seeing a figure move around in the kitchen and it doesn't live here. It's only a rare occurrence too but more than 1 person has seen it


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Seems like only yesterday the biggest drama in twittcher was someone putting a hex on the moon 🌚, how times fly


What the fuck

These people feel like parodies, I wonder how they can even function in a modern society.


Dean Ambrose?



Go Saint Ambrose

Ambrose? Isn't that the Dumbledore ripoff from Wizard101?


Imagine you read so many YA novels and so much Supernatural fanfiction you start larping sch*zophrenia.

I still use my suspended twitter account to read shit and its stuck on astrology for the front page some reason. Witches calling out some calamity happens every fucking day

Who won?